Category: Programs

Iraq: Creation of Colonialism

We are pleased to welcome back Mark Albertson, History Teacher at Norwalk Community College on November 17th at 1 pm. for this lecture. This presentation will cover the history and the creation of the country of Iraq (which is 83 years old)  and how the bondage of colonialism has laid the seeds for the current strife that has engulfed this tumultuous area of the globe, threatening not only the peace of the region, but of the world. Please register for this program by calling 860-434-1605, ext.240.

The King of Rock and Roll

On November 20th at 1:00pm “Elvis will be in the building”. Come enjoy as an Elvis Impersonator, Dave Divatcha  will perform a spectacular show highlighting Elvis with all the glitz and lights!!

Thanksgiving Luncheon

Thanksgiving Luncheon will be held on November 20th at 12:00pm at the Lyme’s Senior Center. It is a  $3.00 donation for seniors. To sign up, please call (860) 434-4322 by November 4th. Entertainment will follow lunch.

Active Aging Week 2015 “Live Your Adventure”

Active Aging Week 2015  “Live Your Adventure”

We began the month of October by finishing off our Active Aging Week with no hurricane yet we did have quite the flooding of people through our doors for various programs. A huge thank you to all those who volunteered and donated to our successful Active Aging Week 2015. We learned so much and made a lot of new active friends!

The theme this year was “Live Your Adventure” and boy did we have people doing that! We had over two dozen people away on our extended trip to Rocking Horse Ranch. Our day trip to New York City was a delight for those who took in museums, shows and  NYC sight seeing. Meanwhile, those of us who stayed here in Groton took in all that Ledge Light Fall Prevention Event had to offer.  It was great to see so many agencies represented and reaching out to our community.

Our OATS Group excursion to Fields of Fire Adventure Park  had to be postponed due to weather but we  made it up the next week and WOW what fun we had!  “I feel like a kid again” and “this is awesome!” were just a few the comments made by our adventurous participants. The group has us already planning a return trip in the Spring among several other active excursions.

Many of you also took advantage of the free class trial for many of our fitness classes increasing our class sizes quite a bit. We do hope you all feel that it was a worthwhile week for our awesomely active community of seniors. Next year, we hope to have even more to offer you here at Groton Senior Center.  Thanks for being a part of our active family!


FoF Adventure Park outing

Whittles Apples bike maintenance.png 20151009_124224 Adventure Park Fun zipline Picture3 Picture2










Groton Christmas Chorus

Groton Christmas Chorus will perform on Friday, December 11th at 1:00 pm. Come get into the holiday spirit with us. This is open for all so bring your spouse, kids, and grandkids with you as we all get festive!

Old Lyme Town Band Holiday Concert

Old Lyme Town Band will be at the Lymes’ Senior Center to perform their holiday concert on Sunday, Dec 13th at 2:00pm. Performance is free , all our welcome to attend!!

Thursday, October 8th- Line Dancing

w/Carla Chacho                                    Thu October 8th

11:30am                                                  8 week session

$30 for residents                                 $33 for non-residents


Registration starts October 1st


Wednesdays- Intermediate Bridge Lessons

With Carol Sturdevant

Starting Wed, October 7th

Must know how to play Bridge! Learn how to bid above the game level – what does a “double” mean? – do you know any conventions?


10am to 12pm                    5 weeks

$30 for residents

$33 for non-residents

Registration begins October 1st




Marion won Best In Show in the HANDCRAFT category and First Place for NEEDLE ARTS and HANDCRAFTS category with her stunning cross stitch seen here.

It is now on exhibit in our front lobby along with a few of Marion’s equally gorgeous pieces. Her detail is amazing! This photo does not do this justice! Congratulations Marion!


Get the Most Out of Your Hearing Aid & New Technolog

“Whadcha Say?????”

Get the Most out of your Hearing Aid and New Technology

Guest Speaker:  Sara Andreozzi

Only $6 per person ~ Shepard’s Pie dinner

Open to the Public


Register by October 9th at 860-441-6785