Sunday, December 10th from 1:00-3:00pm
Please join us for an afternoon of tea, crumpets and conversation.
$20 per person
Register by Dec 4
Sunday, December 10th from 1:00-3:00pm
Please join us for an afternoon of tea, crumpets and conversation.
$20 per person
Register by Dec 4
Saturday, December 2nd from 5:00-7:00pm
This event is for all ages of our community incorporating many holiday
celebrations. At Thrive 55+ & Groton Public Library lot.
There will be displays of all the holiday celebrations, children’s activities,
entertainment – bell choir, carolers, dancers, hayrides, special guests and
food trucks. Plus special guests!
Tree Decorating Contest
*Best of Show *Most Original
*Best Theme *Charlie Brown Tree
Voting takes place at Dec 2nd
Deadline to sign up is 11/24/23.
Wednesday, December 13th at 11:30am
Please join us for our popular, fun and festive Holiday Luncheon!
Our menu is Flank Steak, Gravy, Scallop & Crab Stuffed Sole, Sherry Lobster sauce, Twice Baked Potatoes, Wine Poached Beets, French Cut Green Beans & Almonds, Honey Glazed Carrots, Biscuit, Pie, Punch, Coffee.
Ledyard High School Carolers perform promptly at 11:30 am
Cost is $20 member/ $25 non member
Register by Friday December 8th / Late fee of $5
Wednesday, December 6th at 1:00pm
When we can order anything from an Aardvark to a Zymometer on the internet why do we need a catalog? We’ll look at the ten best catalogs, all focused on the New England gardener. They should answer your questions about when to plant, how long before you can harvest, cut, or have color in the garden? And, besides answering your questions about catalogs, we’ll also cover legal seed saving, GMOs, and… Well, anything in the garden.
Free – Register by Friday Dec 1.
LOL High School Select Singers Performance will be held on Thursday, December 21st at 12:30PM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Come and join us as we listen to this fantastic and talented group of young performers. This performance is free for members, 55 years of age or better!
Our Ugly Sweater Contest will be held on Wednesday, December 20th at 12:30PM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Come join in the festivities! Wear your ugliest holiday sweater and you may win a prize! This festive event is FREE for members, 55 years of age or better!
Veterans Holiday Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, December 20th at 9:45 AM @ Saint Ann’s Church. This program is sponsored by the Old Lyme VFW and the Lymes’ Senior Center. All Veterans are welcome to join us for fellowship and camaraderie. This December meeting, we will have a catered continental breakfast, including scrambled eggs, tater tots, cinnamon toast, sausage or ham, and of course, coffee and juice.
YOU MUST REGISTER BY DECEMBER 13TH for this event, as we need to order food. Although we greatly appreciate the sacrifice that the spouses make as well, this is a FREE VETERANS ONLY event, pre- registration required. Call the Lymes’ Senior Center staff at (860)434Ͳ1605 ext. 241 to register or for more information.
Come to our Yankee Swap Tuesday, December 19th at 12:30PM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Come have fun with us as we hold our annual Yankee swap. Bring a wrapped present (around $10) with you to the event, as we play a classic game of Yankee swap.
Our Holiday Luncheon and Entertainment with Joe Mac playing your favorite Holiday tunes and classic rock and roll music will be on Friday, December 15th at 12 PM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Join us for the festivities as we celebrate the upcoming holiday with good food and friends. To sign up for lunch this day, you MUST have an updated Form 5 on file with the Estuary AND call the Estuary at (860)388Ͳ1611 ext. 216 to reserve your lunch. Reservations MUST be made by Friday, December 8.
Come to our Present Wrapping Party on Wednesday, December 13th at 12:30PM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Join us with your holiday spirit as we wrap holiday gifts! Bring 5 or 6 presents to wrap with our provided wrapping paper or have us wrap it for you; just in time for the holidays! This event is free for members, 55 years of age or better!