Category: Programs

Thanksgiving Food Baskets

If you or someone you know is in need of a Holiday Food Basket with Turkey and all the fixings, plus many other food staples, please call the Montville Senior Center @ #860-848-0422.

Please call to sign up for our FOOD Baskets for this Thanksgiving Holiday. Don’t miss out, let us help you enjoy the holidays. Last day to sign up is Wednesday, November 15h. Our Baskets will be distributed on Saturday, November 18th from 9:00 – 12:00 a.m. Must sign up to receive a basket.

Hot Home-Cooked Thanksgiving Dinner

Dinners will be delivered on Wednesday, November 22nd


If you are a senior or disabled resident in the Town of Montville and will be spending the Holiday alone, please call and sign up for our Thanksgiving Hot Home-Cooked Dinner. Enjoy a wonderful Baked Turkey Dinner with all the fixings! Please let us help you enjoy the Holiday and sign up for a Hot Home-Cooked Meal!

Last day to sign up for Dinner is Monday, Nov. 20th.


Musical Masterworks at Saint Anne’s

Musical Masterworks at Saint Anne’s– Sunday, November 19th @ 2 PM @ Saint Ann’s Church- The Lymes’ Senior Center is co-presenting Musical masterworks with Saint Anne’s Church! Join us as we enjoy a performance by an ensemble called Decoda, an affiliate ensemble of Carnegie Hall. Their engaging creative programs and workshops were so well received and made such an impact on the community that the Musical Masterworks’ Board of Directors voted unanimously to make this in depth Community Engagement Program a part of MM’s mission. Decoda’s virtuosic musicians will perform creative chamber music– including a world premiere written expressively for this program– drawing from a dynamic continuum of styles, eras and instrumentations. There will be a reception immediately following the performance. This is a performance you won’t want to miss!


DIY Paperback Book Holiday Trees 

Please reserve your spot for classes by calling (860)434-1605 Ext. 241!

On Wednesday, December 6th at 10 AM @ the Old Lyme Town Hall, please come celebrate your holiday spirit with us as we create x-mas trees!   Instructor Mary will be here to teach us how to make beautiful table top Christmas trees, perfect for decorating your house or giving as a gift for the holidays! Cost to members is two non-perishable food items/nonmembers three! Free for members, $10 for non-members. Limited seat capacity, register ASAP!–


Cribbage is back!

If you’re a Cribbage player and looking for some enthusiastic players to join
with, the Preston Senior Center is the place to go. Cribbage games are held on
Monday’s from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (except holidays). No need to contact us in advance, just show up at the door and we guarantee that you will have a
enjoyable afternoon.

Crochet Anyone?

We’re looking for folks interested in learning how to crochet! Sign-ups remain open through the month of November.  To register, please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.

Tellebration Songs From History with Storyteller Ann Shapiro

Preston Library will host a free Tellabration at the Library for families on
Sunday, November 5th at 1:00 p.m. featuring storyteller Ann Shapiro. Ann will bring history alive through stories and songs. What did kids do before there was television, computers and smart phones? Come and find out as Ann leads the
group in singing folk songs, stories from long ago, and play-party games. Some
songs and stories will trace the restless American spirit of emigration, immigration and migration. Also included are songs and stories that people brought with them from the other countries and their variants as they become Americanized.

Food Distribution

We will hold our monthly food distributions on Friday, November 3rd and
Friday, December 1st from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road. All persons are welcome to participate in this important program. Thanks to the efforts of United Community & Family Services, we are able to continue with this valuable service.

November TVCCA Menu

We are pleased to provide our November menu for the Café Program.
Lunch is served on Monday’s at 11:30 (except for holidays). Reservations are
necessary if you choose to join us for lunch. Call the Senior Center at 860-889-
0770 to make a reservation.

Monday, November 6th: Chicken Marsala, Rice Pilaf, Corn w/Peppers & Onions, Birthday Treat, Grape Juice, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

Monday, November 13th: Braised Beef Tips, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Soybean
Succotash, Tropical Fruit Cup, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

Monday, November 20th: Salisbury Steak w/gravy, Egg Noodles, Zucchini, Peas, & Carrots, Fresh Orange, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

Monday, November 27th: Crispy Cod, Macaroni & Cheese, Squash Mix w/ Carrots & String Beans, Fresh Orange, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.


Persons 60 years of age and older are eligible to participate in this program.
The suggested donation is $3.00 per persons. Persons younger than 60 are
welcome to attend but a fee will be charge for their meal.

HungerLESS Holiday Program

The Turkeys are coming, the turkeys are coming to the Preston Senior
Center on Wednesday, November 15th

Resident State Troopers Sean Bresnan and Kris Fisher are in the process of
acquiring turkeys for distribution to our senior population, in need. Last year, it
was a last-minute notice and we tried to get the word out as quickly and
efficiently as possible. As of the printing of this newsletter, we have a date but no
time designated for the distribution. Our plans are to allocate a two-hour time
span for our elders to participate in the program. (Please contact the Senior
Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6 to receive information on the time, prior to November 15th). We will also provide information on the Town of Preston
website as soon as we know more details.