Category: Programs

TVCCA Nutrition Talk

Monday, November 13th at 11:00am


We will have Nutritionist Andrea Deedy present a program on “Beyond the Banana”. The topic is geared to giving the audience other options for getting potassium in your diet. All are welcome to participate in the presentation which will be conducted at the Preston Senior Center.

AARP Safe Driving Class

Wednesday, November 29th


Registrations are a must and the cost for AARP members is $20.00 and non-members fee are $25.00. If you are a member of AARP, we ask that you
bring your membership card to receive the discounted rate of $20.00. There is a
potential discount on auto insurance for successfully completing the course.
Discounts vary per insurance carriers.

To Register, call the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.

Foot Care Clinic

Wednesday, November 29th


You must call to schedule an appointment


Jacqui’s Studio of Fine Art Class

Thursday, November 16th from 12:00-3:00pm


Create a picture on canvas!


$20.00 per person- Limit 12—

Call to reserve a seat!


TVCCA Nutritionist

Wednesday, November 15th at 11:00am


Andrea Deedy will be here to discuss

“Beyond the Banana; Potassium Guidelines”


Adopt-A-Grandparent November Activity

Saturday, November 4th from 12:00-2:00pm


  • Turkey Games
  • Draw a Turkey—Lots of Laughter
  • Wall of Thanks


Come have a good time with your adopted grandkids!


Red Cross Blood Drive

Thursday, November 30th from 1:00-6:00pm


Register at or call us to make an appointment.


AARP Safe Driving Class

Thursday, November 2nd from 12:30-4:30pm


This four hour class can help you save $$ on your car insurance.

AARP Member  $20.00

Non-Member $25.00


Monthly Membership Meeting

Wednesday, November 1st at 12:30pm


First Selectwoman, Dana Bennett will be here to update you on town affairs.

Light refreshments to follow meeting.


Painting Class with Jacqui

Friday, November 3rd at 11:30am


$20 pay at time of class

Limit 12 people