Category: Programs

September TVCCA Menu


September 11th: Beef Hot Dog w/Bun, Baked Beans, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Tropical Fruit Cup, and beverage.

September 18th: Pub Burger w/Bun, Baked Beans, Zucchini, Peas & Carrots,
Mandarin Oranges, Bread, Margarine and beverage.

September 25th: Crispy Cod, Macaroni & Cheese, Zucchini, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Fruit Cup, Bread, Margarine and beverage.

As a reminder, the meal count is called into the Commissary each Tuesday
for the upcoming Monday meal. You can register for your meal in person at the
senior center or contact the Senior Affairs Office by calling 860-887-5581 ext. 6.

There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per person for the meal. You do not need
to be a Preston resident to participate, all persons 60 years of age and older are
welcome. Persons younger than 60 years are charged a fee to participate.

On Monday, September 18th at 11:15, we will have a health talk presented
by Andrea Deedy. The topic will be Eating Healthy on a Budget.

Monthly Dinner & A Movie

Friday, September 15th at 3:00pm


$5.00 donation

Dinner: Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

Movie: Mafia Mama

Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.

55 Alive AARP Driving Course

Tuesday, September 12th

Please sign up in the front office. You must pay to hold your space, as class size is limited. Cot is $20 for AARP Member and $25 for non-member. This is a refresher course, no testing involved. You do receive a certificate after completing the course which you can send to your auto insurer for a discount on your auto insurance. Call for details and/or come in to sign up.


Monday, September 18th at 10:30am


If you have hearing loss that makes it difficult to use the phone, you may qualify to receive a ClearCaptions Phone at no cost to you.  ClearCaptions delivers near real-time phone captioning – you’ll see the words your callers say. ClearCaptions iPhone mobile app is also available.

ClearCaptions is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certified call captioning provider.  This service is made possible and paid for by Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Join local ClearCaptions Title IV ADA Specialist, John Noonan for an informative conversation on ClearCaptions telephones and captioning service.  Refreshments will be provided.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


Beginner Pickleball Lessons

Interested in learning how to play Pickleball?  Now is your chance!

Beginner Pickleball lessons will be available to Senior Center members who sign up starting in September.  You can quickly learn the basics in one to two classes.  Classes will be available on Mondays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. starting September 7th.  You must sign up if you are interested.  Classes will be held on the outdoor Pickleball courts.  Paddles available to borrow or bring your own.

Instruction will be given by Senior Center member (and current Pickleball player) Bob.

Sign up at Reception if interested.  Class size is limited.


Senior Center September Picnic

Tuesday, September 19th at 11:30am


Limited Tickets Available ~ Last day to purchase is Tuesday, Sept. 5th

$10 per person (due at sign up)   

Join us for some good food, great fun and fabulous entertainment for an end-of-summer picnic!  Your meal will be freshly prepared and served to you at your table.  While you are enjoying your delicious meal, be entertained by the musical piano entertainment of K&K Duets!  Sure to be a fun time!

Menu: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Salads, Chips, Drinks and Dessert.

(Chicken Burger can be substituted, but must be requested at sign up.)


Golden Nuggets Rehearsals Starting

The group will be starting back on Tuesday, September 26th

Tuesdays from 1:00-3:00pm


Golden Nuggets is Rose City Senior Center’s glee club and they are looking for new members. Singers of any level of experience are welcome to join them. Fall is a great time to join this talented group as they will be starting back after Summer break and preparing for their Winter Holiday Concert!

If you are interested in joining Golden Nuggets, you must join by October 3rd.

Anyone wishing to join after that date will be accepted on a case by case basis.



• September 6th at 1 PM– 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair with the Bowtie Historian

• September 25th at 1 PM– Life of Amelia Earhart

• October 18th at 1 PM– Mark Twain and the Super Natural with the Bowtie Historian

• October 23rd at 1 PM– The History of Halloween

• November 1st at 1 PM– The Sinking of the Andrea Doria with the Bowtie Historian

• November 27th at 1 PM– The Life of Ulysses S. Grant

• January 22nd at 1 PM– The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

These lectures are FREE for members, $10 for non-member.

” Once Upon in Old Lyme”

Screening of: “Once Upon a Time in Old Lyme” The History of the Florence Griswold House and the Old Lyme Artist Colony – Tuesday, September 12th @ 1 PM– Join us for a short video and discussion, led by Florence Griswold Docent, Fred Verillo. The cost is free for members, $10 for non-members.

Movie Monday– “A Man Called Otto”

Held on on Monday, September 11th at 1 PM,  Based on the comical and moving New York Times bestseller, A Man Called Otto tells the story of Otto Anderson (Tom Hanks), a grumpy widower whose only joy comes from criticizing and judging his exasperated neighbors. When a lively young family moves in next door, he meets his match in quickͲwitted and very pregnant Marisol, leading to an unexpected friendship that will turn his world upsideͲdown. This showing is free for members.