Category: Programs

Fly Casting Class

Just a Reminder:   Fly Casting Class– Thursdays, September 7th, 14th, and 21st, 3 – 4 PM– Mark Lewchik is back to teach us all about fly casting! In this 3Ͳweek session, Mark will teach us about the basics on fly fish casting, with all the tips and tricks! Cost for this 3 week class is FREE for members, $20 for non-members. Call (860)434Ͳ 4127 to register.

Senior Dance Party

Join us for the upcoming Senior Dance Party, Friday, September 15th from 12:30 – 3:00 PM.
Cost: $10 per person– Water and dessert provided; feel free to bring your own snacks and drinks
Dress in your western apparel and join us for this special afternoon of Country Line Dancing!
This is a senior center community event with multiple senior centers in attendance. We will gather the songs/dances being taught at the various centers and play as many of your favorites as possible! When needed, we will do a quick review of the dance steps before starting the music, so everyone can dance along to all the songs! Perfection and partners not needed, just come on over and have a great time while meeting new people!
Location: Dance Country CT in Riverside Mall @ 1666 CTͲ12 in Gales Ferry, CT
Day of Instructions:
Meet at the Lymes’ Senior Center at 11:30 AM to carpool
Meet at 1666 CTͲ12 in Gales Ferry, CT, for 12:30 PM

The Griswold Folk Music Society

This music/singing group will meet on the third Saturday of the month.

Open to the Public! Saturday, 

September 16th 10:00 to 12:00pm

Bring your instruments and singing voice with you! For more information contact

Jamie Boss email: or call the senior center.


Mind Aerobics


WEDS, SEPT 27th  at 1:00pm


Veteran’s Coffee House September Important Dates



Meeting at 9:00 to 11:00 am

All veterans from all services!




9/5  Ed Banas-MIA Recovery Missions-Vietnam

9/12  TSGT Dan Wool-US Space Force

9/19   American Red Cross—Sue Bolen–

Hands on CPR Skills

9/26  Nicky Checker-Local History

“The Pequot War”


Jacqui’s Studio of Fine Art Class

Thursday, September 28th from 12:00-3:00


Create a picture on canvas!


$20.00 per person         Limit of 12

Reserve your seat – spots are limited


Adopt-A-Grandparent Program Sat. September 9th

The first month visit begins on Sat. September 9th from  12:00 to 2:00 pm

Come have a good time with your newly adopted grandkids!


The GHS Cheerleading team would like to “adopt-a-grandparent” and have monthly visits at the senior center. This inter-generational program will be a great opportunity for both the young and old.  There will be various activities to take part in such as puzzles, board games, story telling, crafts, snacks and so much more!




Monthly Membership Meeting

September 6th at 12:30pm


First Selectwoman, Dana Bennett will be here to update you on town affairs.

Light refreshments to follow meeting.


Over The Hill Hiking Group: September Hikes

9:00am Start Time


Sep 1 – Banning Woods, Old Lyme


Sep 8 – Hammonasset Beach, Madison


Sep 15 – Johnston Preserve, Lyme
Moderate + Hills
Karen & Heidi

Sep 22 – Avery Farm, Ledyard
Easy + Rocks

Sep 29 – Adkinson Preserve, Gales Ferry



 Hikers from other towns are welcome to participate.
 Medium hikes may have a few hills, rocks or beach sand.
 The difficult hike is more strenuous; participants must
have completed two medium hikes with the group before

enrolling into a difficult hike.

 All hikes are approximately three to four miles long, and

will begin at 9:00 A.M.

 Hikers who wish to carpool should meet at East Lyme

Senior Center at 8:30 A.M.

 Distances, locations and leaders are subject to change,

if necessary.

 All hikers must register for each hike by calling the East
Lyme Senior Center – 860-739-5859.
 Hikers are to bring water and sturdy shoes; and lunch,
insect repellent and sunscreen if desired.