Category: Programs

Happy Fall Door Sign Craft

Tuesday, September 19th at 10:00am


For this class you will create a Happy Fall welcome canning jar door sign. Learn how to transform the plain canning jar door hanging by adding an autumn paper background, paper rosettes, vintage buttons, and an accent tag. Nancy Souza, Card Maker, Mixed Media Artist and Altenew Certified Educator will be your instructor.


You will receive a supply kit that includes the materials you will need to complete the project. Please bring scissors and liquid glue for your personal use.


Cost is $15pp. Registration begins Sep 1st. Register by Sep 14th.


Dementia & Caregiving Support Program

Focusing on the person while understanding the disease progression
4 – Part Series beginning Fri, Sept 15, 10:30-11:30am

Are you caring for someone with dementia? Do you want to learn more about the progression of the disease and helpful communication tips? Would you like to be able to recognize common behaviors and know how to respond?

Sep 15th • Session 1: Overview of dementia.
Sep 22nd • Session 2: Basics of communication and understanding behaviors.
Oct 6th • Session 3: Safety and how to structure daily activities.
Oct 13th • Session 4: Caring for the Care-Partner & Community resources

**Participants are encouraged to attend all four sessions**

PRESENTED BY: Kristine Johnson, Dementia Specialist Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging

Registration begins Sep 1st. Please register by Sep 12th.

Parkinson’s Disease: Living with Intent Class

Wednesday, September 6th and September 20th at 3:00pm


**New** group class combining exercises for speech, memory, movement and music for people living with Parkinson’s disease. Participants will learn how using INTENT can improve overall health, wellness, and joy!

Class fee $100 per person. 8 Classes. Register now.

Tai Chi News

Tai Chi is temporarily on hold

Sign Up For the Fall Session

Fall Sessions runs from Oct 2nd – Dec 15th, 2023

Registrations begins at 9AM:
• Sept 11th for Residents
• Sept 18th for Non-Residents.

If you register online, we must receive payment by the end of the next business day. Registrations by phone will not be accepted on registration day. Registrations are not guaranteed until we receive payment.

Make Up week will be the week of the Dec 18th.

End of Summer Celebration at McCook Point Park

Friday, September 8th at 1:00pm 


What better way to celebrate the End of Summer than an Ice Cream
Sundae Party! Join us while we enjoy the sounds of the Coconuts Band. And enjoy the beautiful view at McCook Point Park while enjoying ice cream from the Emergency Ice Cream Truck.

$5pp. Registration begins Sep 1st. Register by Sep 6th.

Flu Shot Clinic

Wednesday, September 20th 

Flu Shot Clinic with Groton Big Y Pharmacy