Category: Programs

OATS Group hikes

O.A.T.S.  Outdoor Active THRIVING Seniors (55+)     

A hearty group of cool people with a shared interest of being outdoors and local adventure who happen to be 55 and older. Want to join our email list for all the details of upcoming OATS outings? Please call 860-441-6623 or email Cindy at

Thursday, September 14 at 1:30 pm- a 4 mile hike at G.O.S.A. Sheep Farm on the blue trail then crossing over into the Merritt Property. MUST register by Sept 11.

Monday, October 16 at 10 am – a 3 + mile hike on a even  and mellow trail at our own Copp Family Park. Must register  by Oct 12.

*We want you! Looking for outdoorsy volunteers to help at our LUMINARIA WALK  Fundraiser Sat., Oct 7 evening at Copp Family Park!   Please contact  if you are interested.


Singer Victoria Rose

Singer Victoria Rose will perform on Wednesday, September 27th at 1 PM– Enjoy the singing sensation, Victoria Rose, who will be here to serenade us! Come join us while we listen to showtunes, and the popular music of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s! From the Drifters to Brenda Lee, Victoria will bring a repertoire that has something for everyone to enjoy.

“Protect Your Nest Egg”

On Tuesday, September 26th at 1 PM– Ed Prendergast will be back to discuss strategies and ideas around how folks can protect assets as they age. We will discuss how important an attorney and financial advisor can be in strategizing how to protect and retain assets. We will discuss death taxes as well as long term care costs and how inflation has and will impact the costs.
If you would like to join us for this talk, you must RSVP for this talk by Friday, September 22nd, as we are serving apple pie and ice cream and need to know how many people we are expecting.

Fun Friday Celebrating Summer here August 18th evening

Please join us Friday August 18 as we celebrate summer!! 


Celebration of Summer with Club 55 is this Friday, August 18th   5:00 PM – Dinner  6:00 PM – Concert           

Our delicious summer menu will be Pork Ribs, Baked Haddock, Baked Sweet     Potato, Creamed Green Bean and Potatoes, Corn    on the Cob, Apple Dumpling, Punch/Coffee. Live entertainment following with The Bodega Band, come enjoy an evening of jazz, blues, classic rock and country covers with a good dose of originals mixed in!

$18 Club 55 Member     $23 Non-member    Please register by end of day Tuesday, August 15 



Technology Help For YOU

ONE-ON-ONE tech help for anyone 55 plus. We listen to your needs and work at your pace. Bring it your tech item (charged) and we can look at it together. Please call 860-445-1057 so we can schedule  an appointment– you are important to us.

Meet our newest Tech Center Volunteer Tom Harrigan

Catch him in our Tech Center Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. He is recently retired from Electric Boat after 27 years as in engineer in the Applied Mechanics Group developing engineering software. Proficient in several software languages and operating systems. He’s an avid cyclist and reader. Other interest include electronics, computers and software development. I grew up in the Boston area and am a Boston sports fan.


Poetry & the Arts for Healing Humanity Group

Mondays 9:00 – 9:45 am

Everyone is welcome! Stop by and check our open minded group out.  We meet weekly to share poems, prayers and some form of the Arts expressing peace or peacefulness.

We’ll also talk about positive, non- political news events or actions or occurrences in our everyday lives that show kindness, compassion, oneness of  humanity, caring, etc are growing into our culture. Peace is Possible!




Tips For Decreasing Back Pain

On Wednesday, September 13th at 1 PM– In Line Physical Therapy owner, Sharon Hallahan, will be here to help with what a lot of us struggle with– back pain! Learning about spine health and the methods to improve it are critical to a healthy and comfortable life; Sharon will be
here to discuss the tricks and tricks on how to decrease back pain!