Category: Resources

Free – Medicare Supplement Presentation Wednesdays, Nov. 28

Free – Medicare Supplement Presentation
Wednesdays, Nov. 28 6:00-7:30 pm
For Reservations call: Steven Clark; 860-908-7094 (cell)

Presented by Steven Clark; local Medicare Insurance broker & educator. Representing ALL the top Insurance Carriers and Medicare Plan types! CT license # 146675

Learn what Insurance Companies don’t want you to know!!

Medicare Supplement vs Medicare Advantage: Which is better?

No Networks! Use any Hospital or Doctor that accepts Medicare!

Medicare Supplements = No Managed Care, No Referrals, No pre-authorizations!

Medicare Supplement Benefits/Coverage NEVER change! Ever!

Get 100% coverage for many costly services such as:

Hospital stays; Hospital Observation days; Skilled Nursing
Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy, and more.

Learn how to choose your Drug Plan!
Get the best Drug Plan with the lowest costs! EASY!


Wednesday, November 14th- Medication Management

Time: 1:00pm

Come hear a discussion  and have your questions answered about how to manage your medications,  look for drug interactions, avoid drug overdose and what  questions to ask your physician.

​Speaker: Diane Bressler, RN from The Medicine Shoppe


Wednesday, November 14th- Bladder Control

Time: 11:30am

Don’t let your bladder control your life. There’s hope! Come learn more about lifestyle changes, pelvic exercises, and bladder training.
Speaker: Masonicare


Wednesday, November 7th- Change the Script

Time: 10:00am

This presentation is for older adults who may be prescribed or have been prescribed an opioid. Participants will learn what they need to know and ask when being prescribed medication.
Speaker: Wheeler; Connecticut Clearinghouse


Wednesday, November 7th- National Memory Screening Program

Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm

Memory screenings are a significant first step toward finding out if a person may have a memory problem. The earlier the diagnosis, the easier it is to treat or slow down the condition causing memory problems. Sign up at the front desk for your 10 minute screening appointment.

FREE but please register!


Chronic Pain Workshop- Tuesdays, November 13, 20, 27 & December 4, 11, 18

Sponsored by Ledge Light Health District, Senior Resources, Dept. of Rehabilitation Services and the Groton Senior Center.

The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program is a FREE six-week program that teaches techniques & strategies proven to help those living with constant pain.

Tuesdays, November 13, 20, 27, & Dec. 4, 11, & 18

Time: 1:00pm – 3:30pm

“Living a Healthy Life w Chronic Pain” book is available on loan or can be bought for $25.

To register call Groton Senior Center (860) 441-6785

Flu Season Tips

  • Wash your hands frequently, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, being with ill people and especially before you eat
  • Avoid sharing objects
  • Get enough sleep and avoid getting “run down”
  • Reduce stress
  • Use tissues for coughs and sneezes and dispose of them immediately and appropriately
  • Eat right and get regular exercise
  • Avoid crowds and keep your distance from people whom you know are ill
  • If you are sick, avoid contact with the frail, very young and elderly. If you are sick, please stay home.


Wednesday, November 14th- ADULT FAMILY LIVING PROGRAM

Time: 12:15pn

This program allows in–home caregivers financial assistance and support for family or friends caring for an elderly individual. William Mendez will be here to give us a presentation on this program. Do you know someone that could benefit from this program? Ice Cream Social following the presentation. Please sign up!