Category: Resources

“Senior Spotlight” – Karen Paul

Karen Paul has been an tremendous asset to the New London Senior Center! Over the years, Karen’s advocacy has helped many New London seniors, in countless ways. Thank you, Karen, for what YOU do, does MAKE A DIFFERENCE!



Are you homebound and need help?

Are you home bound and would like to have one  of our friendly RSVP senior volunteers help to buy groceries for you or visit with you for socialization? Please call 860-889-1365!

Wednesday, November 14th- Know the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Join us for this informative presentation on the 10 early warning signs of Alzheimer’s.  Alzheimer’s is a disease that causes slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. This presentation will help differentiate between normal age related forgetfulness and Alzheimer’s disease indicators. This talk is recommended for anyone who is interested

in learning more about the early detection of Alzheimer’s and related dementias; and will give you a better understanding of those suffering from this disease.

Sign up at reception if you will be attending.

Presentation by Kristine Johnson, Eastern Regional Director – Alzheimer’s Association



Applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program are being taken at the New London office of TVCCA. Appointments are required. Please call 860-444-0006. The Senior Center office will assist the
Senior and Disabled population of East Lyme with their applications. You must call the Senior Center office to obtain your appointment.
Appointments will be made at Twin Haven and the AHEPA housing complexes for those residents. Watch for notices.


There is still time to get a coupon booklet for CT Farmers’ Markets. These coupon books have a value of $18 to purchase fruits, vegetables, fresh cut herbs and honey from certified CT Grown Farmers’ Markets from July through October 2018.

All recipients must be 60+ and have a maximum income of not more than $1860/month for a single or $2504 for a couple. An exemption for individuals under the age of 60 and living in subsidized senior housing is permitted as long as they meet the income guidelines.

Contact the Senior Center office as soon as possible with your interest.


The Renter Rebate Program through the State of CT provides a rebate for renters who are elderly or disabled. Applications for the Renters Rebate Program are available until Oct 1st. Please call the Senior Center for an appointment. In order to receive a renter rebate:
1. An applicant or the spouse must be 65 or older; or be 100% disabled (per Social Security);
or be 50 and a surviving spouse.
2. Must have lived in Connecticut for 1 year.
3. Total 2018 income which includes Social Security must not exceed:
Married $43,900
Single $36,000
If you collect Social Security, you must provide your SSA1099 for 2018.
4. 35% of the applicant’s annual rent and utility payments must exceed 5% of the applicant’s income.
Proof of income received and rent and utility payments made in calendar year 2017 must be provided.

Appointments will be made at Twin Haven and the AHEPA housing complexes.  Watch for notices.