Get your paperwork ready! The senior center will begin Renter’s Rebate applications in June. Call to make your appointment or for more information.
Get your paperwork ready! The senior center will begin Renter’s Rebate applications in June. Call to make your appointment or for more information.
Medical transportation 24/7 when the Center cannot provide it for you. Eastern CT Travel vouchers may also be available. We can also offer mileage reimbursement for travel to medical appointments. Call for information and registration.
Call for information and registration at 860-376-2604.
To qualify you have to be: Living in New London, disabled or 65 years or older.
Documents to bring to your appointment: Valid drivers license or ID, proof of disability from Social Security , rent receipts for each month of 2017 (or a statement from your landlord listing how much you paid in rent for each month of 2017), all statements of income from 2017 (e.g. Social Security, pension, tax return, etc.), and statement of all utility bills you paid in 2017. Apply April 1 – October 1, 2018 by calling: 860-447-5232
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Congregate Room
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Congregate Room
Time: 12:00pm-4:00pm
$15.00 AARP members
$20.00 non-members
Come and take this refresher course, receive a certificate and get a discount on your auto insurance! Sponsored by AARP, this refresher course is designed to keep drivers safe! Must sign up!
Time: 9:30am- 11:00am
The Aging Mastery (10 week) Program® (AMP) encourages mastery– developing behaviors across many dimensions that will lead to improved health, stronger financial security, and overall well-being.
By participating in this program, you will: Make and maintain small but impactful changes in your health behaviors, financial well-being, and enrichment in later life.
Get REAL incentives and rewards for taking small steps that can improve your well-being. Learn to be your own advocate.
Meet new friends, provide support and encouragement to your peers, and become more involved in your community.
Limited spots available: for more details contact or 860-441-6623.
Time: 12:00 – 1:30pm
Time: 6:30pm- 8:00pm
Cost: $20
Discussion on past and present day uses of flowers and herbs and which of these plants can grown in our climate. Learn how to incorporate the flowers into your own garden.
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Cost: $20
Come to a fun class on container gardening and herbs presented by Karen Parker and Liza Dalrymple. Learn the do’s and don’t of container gardening and pick up ideas for your own garden. Discuss the Materia medica for parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme and peppermint. Creative and fun ways of incorporating into tasty treats and healing uses.