Category: Resources

Babesiosis Information from UNCAS Health District

Tick-borne illness cases in the United States are up 25% since 2011,
according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
including a rare disease now spreading in the U.S. Northeast. The CDC says cases of babesiosis, which can cause illness ranging from asymptomatic to severe, have increased significantly in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. The disease is already considered endemic in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Wisconsin.

The tick-borne disease, which is growing cases but still rare, is transmitted
from the bites of black-legged ticks.

Babesiosis infections can be asymptomatic or cause mild to severe illnesses
that can be fatal. Symptoms, which can last for several weeks, typically show up
between one and four weeks after a bite. The most common symptoms include
fever, chills, sweating, fatigue, and myalgias. They also include hepatosplenomegaly, or an enlarged liver and hemolytic anemia, a disorder that
causes red blood cells to be destroyed faster than they can be created.

Yale scientists Goudarz Molaei told WTNH one of the factors that could be
causing the increase in tick-borne diseases could be shorter winters.
“Understandably because of climate change and other environmental conditions we are seeing increases in tick abundance and tick activity.” Molaei said.

The CDC states on its website: “Because warmer average temperatures can
mean longer warm seasons, earlier spring seasons, shorter and milder winters, and hotter summers, conditions might become more hospitable for many carriers of vector-borne diseases.”

Molaei said that, in Connecticut, for example, one in two ticks on average is
infected with at least one disease agent. “We have to be aware of the areas that
might be infested with ticks, so wooded areas, tall grass areas, try to avoid those
areas at any cost,” he said. Molaei says if you have no other choice, you’ll have to consistently perform a tick check on yourself and your pets, as they can often
bring home ticks with them.

The CDC is urging anyone spending extended time outdoors to use tick
repellents and wear long sleeve shirts and pants if they can.

If you are bitten by a tick, the CDC recommends the following:
*Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as you can.
*Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick.
*After removing the tick, clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol
or soap and water.
*Dispose of the tick by flushing it down the toilet. If you would like to bring the
tick to your healthcare provider for identification, put it in rubbing alcohol or place
it in a sealed bag/container.

TVCCA Assistance Programs

Programs designed to help offset the costs for lower income households. 

Eligibility is based on income, family size, assets, and expenses.

CT Energy Assistance ~ Provides assistance towards a homes primary source of heat.

CT Water Assistance ~ Provides assistance towards disconnection of household water/sewer.

Income Limits:  Household Size/Income  1 person ($39,761) ,  2 people ($51,996),   3 people ($64,230)

Last Day to Apply: May 31, 2023   Payments are made directly to your provider.

For an appointment or for additional information, please call TVCCA (860) 425-6681

Renter’s Rebate Program

A program for low income elderly (65+) or disabled individuals who have rented in CT in 2022 and have not applied for the homeowners Circuit Breaker Program.  Program open through October 1, 2023.

You must have rented in Connecticut in 2022.  Apply in the town you are currently living in.

Income Limits:

Single: $40,300 yearly or less  /  Couple: $49,100 yearly or less


Appointment Needed, Please Call:

Norwich residents, 55 and older call the Rose City Senior Center at (860) 889-5960.

If you are under 55 and a Norwich resident, call Norwich Human Services at (860) 823-3778.

If you reside in Senior Housing, please call your

 Resident Services Coordinator at your housing complex to apply.


Elderly/Disabled Property Tax Credit Program

Property Tax Credit (Circuit Breaker) Program is available to all CT real property owners who are age 65 or older or totally disabled.  Annual income cannot exceed $40,300 for an individual or $49,100 for a couple in 2022.  Discounts are based on a graduated income scale and are calculated by your town’s Tax Assessors Office.  Discount is applied directly to the applicant’s real property tax bill.

Applications are accepted until May 15, 2023.  Apply at your towns Assessor’s Office.

Norwich Tax Assessor (860) 823-3723


Lottie Scott Books For Sale

We are selling Lottie Scott’s two books, Deep South – Deep North: A Family’s Journey and Waiting for KittyBooks are priced at $15 each and can be purchased at Reception.

Deep South – Deep North: A Family’s Journey is Lottie and her family’s story of growing up in racially-charged and impoverished South Carolina.  Under the cloud of racial discrimination, difficult farm working conditions, and family tensions, Lottie describes the unbreakable bonds of love that eventually emerged to forever bind her family members together.

Waiting for Kitty is a children’s book.  The book recalls stories from Lottie’s childhood growing up in Longtown, South Carolina.  Waiting for Kitty can be use by parents to help talk to their children about racism and develop understanding about growing up in a different culture.


April is Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month: Ten Coping Strategies

 1. Take a time out                                          2. Avoid alcohol

3. Get enough sleep                                       4. Exercise daily

5. Count to 10 slowly                                     6. Take deep breaths

7. Keep a journal                                            8. Do your best

9. Eat well-balanced meals                        10. Avoid recreational drugs

Schedules Plus

How to Sign Up for programs online through Schedules Plus

Starting in April, you will be able to sign up for programs and special events online!

Using Schedules Plus, you will be able to see the classes, games and events happening at our senior center, and be able to reserve your spot without having to pick up a phone! Here’s how to do it:
1) Go to the Lymes’ page on Schedules Plus– Type into your web browser
2) Sign into Schedules Plus– Click the green login button to sign in. Use the phone number provided when you became a member
3) Browse through the offered classes and programs– Clicking on a program category will show a drop down list will the available dates and times for you to choose from
4) Choose your classes and events– click “add to cart” for any and every program and date you would like to attend
5) Complete your registration– Click the yellow check-out button in your cart. Review the classes and events you have selected. Click “Save and proceed to final review” button.

Click the yellow “complete my order” button to finalize your registration!
It’s as easy as that! This is a streamlined way to sign up for any program, class or event you are interested in. This allows you to browse through the offered programs and sign up for multiple events at once. For more detailed instructions, check out the senior center page of the Town of Old Lyme website
You are more than welcome to continue calling (860)434-4127 to sign-up for classes and events!

Community Clean-up Day

All residents of the TOWN OF GRISWOLD/Borough of Jewett City are invited to help clean-up yards and streets in our community. On April 22nd, the transfer station will be open 7:00 am to 1:00 pm. There will be no fee. Get your friends, family or group together to help a neighbor/senior clean their yard. Adopt-A-Road with your friends or neighbors. To adopt a road contact Tina  at 860-884-5876 .