Time: 12:30pm
Senior Resources will be here to help educate us in currant scams. Please sign up.
Time: 12:30pm
Senior Resources will be here to help educate us in currant scams. Please sign up.
This topic is important to more than just those 55 and older! Please feel free to join us for the CT Home Care Program. This free presentation is may answer questions that have been weighing on your mind about a loved one.
Join us tomorrow, Wednesday, February 21st at 10 am when William Mendoza from Juniper Care will be here to help us understand more about Adult Family Living Program in CT.
with the Director are available by appointment. Call if you have questions or concerns regarding Medicare, Social Security, Insurance, Medications, Food Stamps or any other services.
$3.00 donation requested.
You must be 60 yrs old.
Please register one week before.
Winter is still here. Need help with fuel or your electric bill? We are taking applications for Energy Assistance at the senior center. Call to make your appointment and let your friends and family know too!!
Day Kimball healthcare will be doing a Falls Risk Screening Clinic here at the senior center. This is a free workshop that is open to the public.
Registration is required. Raffle prize & refreshments!
Clinic includes:
To register or for more information, please call the center at 860-376-2604.
The Senior Club holds their monthly meeting on the first Friday of the month at 10:00am. (Unless Holiday or special event, in which it will be held the following Friday) Speakers, Coffee & goodies will be available before and after meeting.
Speaker: Uncas Health District on Flu Facts
Informational Workshops Day & Evening Program sponsored by Doherty Financial Services
(No sales pitch)
March 6th from 5:00—6:00 PM
March 14th from 1:00—2:00 PM
Our first Financial Workshop will include a “Generic Economic Overview”
and a discussion on “Where to put your money”, also Q&A time
Please call #860-848-0422 or sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.
Informational Workshops Day & Evening Program sponsored by Doherty Financial Services
(No sales pitch)
March 6th from 5:00—6:00 PM
March 14th from 1:00—2:00 PM
Our first Financial Workshop will include a “Generic Economic Overview”
and a discussion on “Where to put your money”, also Q&A time
Please call #860-848-0422 or sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.