Category: Resources

Tuesday: February 13th- Stroke Awareness Presentation: Prevention, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment- Presented By: Backus Hospital

Time: 10:30am

Join us for this hour long presentation by Melissa Lawson, RN, Stroke Program Coordinator at Backus Hospital.  At this presentation, learn about stroke prevention, the signs and symptoms of a person having a stroke and stroke patient treatment and recovery.  Time for questions and answers will follow the presentation.  Hope you join us for this important and informative presentation.
Please sign up with Receptionist if you will be attending.

AARP Tax Assistance Program

Appointments are currently being accepted for the Free AARP Income Tax assistance program at the Preston Senior Center. The income tax preparation assistance is designed for low and middle-income taxpayers of all ages, with special attention to those individuals who are 60 years of age or older.
If married, we ask that both husband and wife are present during an income tax counseling session. Taxpayers must bring all documents which they have received that apply to their 2017 income tax filing.
Tax-Aide sessions will be conducted at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road, Preston on the following dates: Wednesday, February 7 and 21st, March 7th and 21st and concluding on Wednesday, April 4th. All appointments are scheduled between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
IF you are interested in scheduling an appointment with a Certified AARP Tax Counselor, please call 860-887-5581 ext. 6 leaving your name, telephone number and a brief message. You will be contacted regarding the scheduling availability.


Dates: March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10

Time: 4:30- 7:00pm

Location: New London Community Health Center, 1 Shaw’s Cove, New London, CT 06320

Register: Contact Cindy at Ledge Light Health District, 860-448-4882 Ext: 302

Thank you New London Seniors! …For all that you have done for our community so far:

Fundraising & Donations: Baton Rouge Community Relief Donation, Holiday Boot Drive, Adopt-A-Senior, School Supplies, Care Packages for Armed Service Members, Holiday Cards to Veterans, Fundraiser for Soup Kitchen, Tommy Maynard Fund Raiser, N. L. High School Scholarship, N. L. Police Department Brochure, etc.
Volunteerism: Food Pantry, Nursing Home Visits, TVCCA Kitchen, Local Beach Clean-Up, TVCA RSVP Program, Sliver Threads Boutique Thrift Shop, Jason’s Tag Sale, Books Sales and Sawing Shop Sales at the Senior Center, Trips, Bingo, Volunteer Luncheon, Pen Pals Program, Scrapbooking Project for Nursing Home Residents, etc.
Collaboration with Community Organizations: Big Event and Kids Camp (w/ N. L. Recreation Department), “Carousal “ and Senior Prom (w/ Conn. College), Light bulb Exchange (w/ Eversource), Summer Fiesta (w/ Centro de la Comunidad).