Category: Resources

Tuesday, May 16th- Three Rivers Rehab Services

Time: 10:30 a.m.
Jodi Rodriguez, Director of Rehab for Three Rivers Rehabilitation Center in Norwich, will be here to discuss Rehab services offered at their facility to a person who goes to rehab after a hospitalization because they are unable to return home right away.  Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy will be discussed.
Please Sign up at Reception.

Wednesday, May 31st at 9:00 am- FINANCIAL FITNESS

Complimentary Breakfast and Talk at Norwichtown Rehab & Care Center.

Learn about the Top 10 Scams and how to protect yourself.
Limited seating. Please sign up.


Time: 12:15pm

Jo Anne Harrison-Becker will be here for a one hour seminar. Topic discussion: causes, consequences, past & future forgetfulness, tips & guidelines. Please welcome Jo Anne back for another interesting seminar.

Please sign up!


Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic

Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic

Do you a health issue that is chronic or something that needs to be followed?

The VNA nurse will help you manage this issue and assist you with
monitoring how you are. She can also help you with questions for your doctor.

Every 3rd Wednesday 12 to 1:30pm FREE

April 27th- MEDICARE BOOTCAMP – Understand Your Medicare Benefits

MEDICARE BOOTCAMP – Understand Your Medicare Benefits

April 27th 10:00 a.m.

New to Medicare? Turning 65? Collecting Social Security Disability Benefits?

Be sure to attend this informative Medicare informational session to learn more about:

• Medicare Part A, B, C, D • When to Enroll to Avoid Penalties

• Alternative Medicare Options • Medicare Premium Assistance Programs

Please sign up at Reception

Presentation by a Certified CHOICES Counselor from Senior Resources Agency on Aging.

Presentation supported by the CT State Department on Aging with funding provided through a grant from the Administration for Community Living.

Presentation on MAYANS of MEXICO

 Come join us Wednesday, February 22nd for a special SENIOR LEARNING NETWORK presentation on MAYANS of MEXICO
Mayans of Mexico. The video conference is 2/22 at 12:30. Brandon Hall of Learn Around the World will provide insight a, pictures and video from his trip to view remnants of the Mayan’s in Mexico Please join us for this presentation

Grab your passports and hiking boots because we are exploring three Mayan cities on this program. While in the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala, you’ll tour the cities of Palenque, Tulum, and Tikal while learning about the Ancient Mayans. So strap on your boots, grab your hiking stick, and don’t forget your water bottle….it’s going to be an adventure.