Category: Resources

Presentation: Balance & Fall Prevention

This Presentation is being Rescheduled. Please check the July Newsletter for new date

Presentation by Amy Sieczkowski, DPT, PT, OCS of Select Physical Therapy

Learn ways to help reduce your risk of falling and how to maintain or increase your balance.



Birthday Celebration Meal!

During your birthday month, sign up for the Senior Center Birthday Celebration TVCCA Meal for your chance to win a $10 gift card.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection & Paper Shredding- Saturday, June 18th from 9:00-1:00pm

Location: Norwich Public Works – 50 Clinton Ave.

The Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resource Recovery Authority (SCRRRA) will be at Norwich Public Works in June to collect household hazardous waste and offer confidential paper shredding.

Items that will be collected include: latex & oil paint, stains & varnish, paint thinner, oven cleaner, kerosene, old gasoline, light bulbs, home batteries, insecticides, fungicides, pool chemicals and more!

For a complete list of acceptable items that will be collected visit:


Hairdresser- Tuesdays and Fridays

Hair Dresser ClipartTime: 9:00am -2:00pm

HAIRDRESSER—Tuesdays & Fridays. Appointments
may be made by calling Michelle at 860-889-5960 on
Tues/Fri or at 860-889-4995 any other time.

Massage Therapy- Tuesdays Appointments starting at 9:30am

Massage Therapy appointments with Marie Arsenault are available at $30 for a ½ hour or $60 for 1 hour

Appointments are required. 

Please leave your name and phone number at Reception at 860-889-5960 and Marie will call you to schedule your appointment.

Grab and Go Lunches- Fridays at 10:45-11:15am

Available through the Estuary Council. Five delicious and nutritious frozen meals per person are available for contact-less pick up every Friday morning at the Lymes’ Senior Center, 26 Town Woods Rd, Old Lyme, CT, from 10:45 to 11:15 am. The meals will be placed in your truck or back seat. You can place a check there as well for payment. All appropriate Covid19 precautions are taken while handling the meals. Suggested donation is $15.00 for 5 meals, however if you cannot afford it, you are not required to pay. To get more information or to order the meals, call 860-388-1611. Meals MUST be ordered by the Thursday before 11am.


Mothers Day: A Week Long Celebration of Women (Week of May 9th– May 13th)

Pamper Yourself Week – Brought to you by the collaborative effort of Lymes’ Senior Center, Lyme Library, and the Old Lyme Phebe-Griffith Noyes Library

Monday, May 9th at 1:00pm- Cupcake Drive Thru for Mothers and Grandmothers held at the Lymes’ Senior Center call (860)434-4127 ext. 1 to register (Members Only for this Event)- register by May 2nd

Tuesday, May 10th at 1:00pm- Flower Arranging Workshop held at the Old Lyme Library call (860)434-1684 to register

Wednesday, May 11th at 1:00pm- Make your own organic lotion bars craft at the Lyme Library call (860)434-2272 to register

Friday, May 13th at 1:00pm- Make your own lavender bath bomb craft at the Lymes’ Senior Center call Lymes’ Senior Center to register at 860-434-4127

Ledge Light Health District Offers COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic- Monday, May 23rd from 2:00-4:00pm

Ledge Light Health District will host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the East Lyme Senior Center. Only the Moderna vaccine will be available at this clinic for individuals 18 years or older who need a 1st or 2nd dose (primary series) or are eligible for a 1st or 2nd booster dose.

The following groups are eligible for a 1st booster shot at this clinic:
• individuals 18 years of age & older who have completed a primary series of a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) and it has been at least 5 months since completion of primary series.
• individuals 18 years of age & older who have had a primary dose of Janssen COVID-19 vaccine and it has been at least 2 months and would like a mRNA booster.

The following groups are eligible for a 2nd booster shot at this clinic:
• individuals 50 years of age & older who have received a first booster dose of any authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine and it has been at least 4 months since first booster dose.

All clinics are free and open to the public. No appointment, insurance, or ID is necessary. Please bring your CDC vaccination card if you have one.

SHRED DAY – Saturday, May 14th from 9:00-12:00PM

Sponsored by the ELPBA,
Niantic/East Lyme Residents Only
Please have your ID ready and limit the amount of documents
to be shredded to 2 banker boxes.

Food donations will be accepted for Care & Share. Consider donating any unexpired, unopened, nonperishable food items.