Alzheimer Caregiver Support Group presented by: Alzheimer’s Association Connecticut
happens the second Monday of Every Month 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. here at THRIVE 55+
We are located at 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT 06340
Alzheimer Caregiver Support Group presented by: Alzheimer’s Association Connecticut
happens the second Monday of Every Month 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. here at THRIVE 55+
We are located at 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT 06340
LLHD Covid Booster Clinic May 3 from 10am to 12pm.
This is the Mederna vaccine.
For those 50+ and those 18 and over who are immunocompromised.
We have a lot going on here and now we also have another beautiful painting hanging on our wall. Thank you to Lynn Frink for donating this piece of art to the center. It adds so much character to the building and we just love you. You can view more of Lynn’s work at
4 week session
Come have fun with us. Get your hands dirty & make some clay sculpting pieces.
Registration begins Apr 1st. $20R/$25NR
All supplies provided.
Please Join Attorney General William Tong & State Rep. Holly Cheeseman for a forum to discuss the new Elder Justice Hotline and issues facing older adults.
Registration is now open!
CT Elder Justice Hotline Call 1-860-808-5555
The filing period for the property tax relief program for elderly and totally disabled homeowners’ begins Feb
1st and runs through May 15th. The homeowner must be at least 65 years of age at the close of 2021 or be
receiving 100% disability benefits from Social Security. The homeowner must occupy the property as their
principal residence and not be receiving tax relief benefits from any other town or state.
Income limits for the 2021 calendar year cannot exceed $38,100 for a single individual or $46,400 for married
couples. These amounts INCLUDE Social Security payments. A complete copy of the 2021 IRS return must
be submitted at time of application with a copy of the Social Security 1099. If no IRS return is filed then all
1099 forms and all income for the year must be presented. Veteran pensions and veteran disability
payments are included as income for this program. Anyone filing under totally disabled must submit proof
of disability, ie: an original award letter from Social Security and or a current status report from Social
Security and any other income.
In addition to the State homeowners tax credit, the Town of East Lyme passed an ordinance on November 2,
2005 providing additional tax relief for elderly and totally disabled homeowners. Applicants must be a
resident of East Lyme, 65 years of age or over, or under age 65 and totally disabled.
Applicant must have been taxpayer of the Town of East Lyme for 10 years immediately preceding their
receipt of Town tax credit. Payment of property taxes must be current as of date of application.
Property for which tax credit is claimed must be occupied by applicant as his or her principal residence
(more than 183 days each year). Income requirements are the same as those approved by the Office of Policy
and Management. Proof of income and disability are required.
Income limits are adjusted annually.
Tax credit will range from $300.00 – $1,000.00 off the tax bill depending on applicants income.
Maximum 2021 income is $46,400.00 regardless of martial status.
To apply for any of the above programs, you must contact the Assessor’s Office located in the East Lyme
Town Hall. For more information, call the Town Hall at 860-739-6931 and press #6.
Minds are like parachutes…..they function only when open.
Our duty is not to see through one another, but to see one another through.
Laziness is the habit of resting before you get tired.
Nostalgia: recalling things we never noticed when they happened.
Childhood passes like a turtle; old age, like a hare with a hotfoot.
If at first you don’t succeed, recheck the wastebasket for the directions.
Budgeting is like golf…you drive hard to get to the green and end up in the
A Norwich Public Utilities Drop Box is located between the front entrance double doors of the Senior Center. Drop off your NPU bill and payment in the drop box by noon to be picked up the same day. Please make sure your bill and payment are in a sealed envelope before you drop it in the box!
Please be aware that the drop box is only accessible during the hours the Senior Center is open.
If you have any questions on your Norwich Public Utilities Bill,
please contact NPU Customer Service (860) 887-2555.
Items Available for sharping:
Knives $2.50
Scissors/Pinking Shears $5
Non-Electric Pruners/Hedge Trimmers/Garden Tools $5
Electric Hedge Trimmers $10
Chain Saw Chains/Lawn Mower Blades $5
Drop off your items that need to be sharpened to the reception desk by Friday, April 8th.
Be sure to have your items wrapped in newspaper and safely stored in a plastic bag, with your name, phone number and correct payment included.
**Please make checks payable to Dan Correia**
Your items will be ready to be picked up starting on Thursday, April 14th.