Fee: $20.00 Mem/ $25.00 Non– Member
Category: Resources
Officer Sean O’Brien of Groton Town Police
Department will be the presenter and there will
be time for him to answer your questions.
Why are you at Risk for Financial Scams
Types of Financial Scams
Protecting Yourself
Steps to Take Against Financial Fraud
Aging Mastery Program – Wednesdays from 10-11:30 am
Participants must register for this FREE program. AMP offers eight core sessions, each 90 minutes in length.
Participants must be 55+ to register and the classes are free. Our AMP classes are part of a continuous program that is best if you can participate in most of the sessions. The program is about empowering people to make and maintain small but impactful changes as we continue to age. It incorporates evidenceinformed materials, expert speakers, group discussion, peer support, and small rewards to build skills and tools to manage health, maintain economic security, and contribute to society. Developed by the National Council on Aging.
Topics to be covered
• Navigating Longer Lives: The Basics of Aging Mastery
• Gratitude and Mindfulness
• Exercise and Sleep
• Healthy Eating and Hydration
• Financial Fitness
• Advance Planning
• Falls Prevention
• Creativity & Learning/Legacy & Purpose
VNA Blood Pressure clinics- Tuesdays and Fridays
Tuesdays 11:00 am -12:00 pm
Fridays 8:45 – 9:45 am
You may not have set New Year’s Resolutions this year but maybe you had some goals in mind of what you’d like to do in 2022. At Thrive55+ we are here to help you achieve your goals. If you want to travel, check out our trips! Group travel can be fun and take the pressure off how you get around, where to eat and what to see in a short time. Often extended trips include time on your own to explore and down time. Maybe you thought you would sign up for a fitness class. We are getting back to a full line up of programs in fitness so please come and try a class.
Volunteering may be your thing. At Thrive55+, you can volunteer for a regular job or just for one event. If you like gardening, we have volunteers that manage the center’s garden. If you are computer savvy, check out volunteering in our Technology Center. There are education programs, cards/games programs and more at Thrive 55+. Don’t see something specific you want to try, tell us. Thrive55+ staff is always on the lookout for something new. So, please take the time to read through our entire newsletter to see what we offer.
Let us help you reach your goals for 2022!
Ongoing enrollment for LiveWell Programs
What if you need to gain weight?
Wally began volunteering at our center in 2004. What began as Wally taking a class in our Tech Center turned into a permanent volunteer position. He said once he accepted the position in the Technology Center he started to come daily and familiarize himself with the center and then it just became a daily thing for him. We are so thankful for that! The most rewarding thing for Wally is when he teaches a class and the students learn something new. Their faces light up as they realize they learned something they felt was challenging and beyond learning. This is why Wally is often studying up on the latest apps and software. Before retiring, Wally worked for the City of Hartford Public Works Department. Wally’s favorite things are his family, bowling and Thrive55+. In true Wally form, he stated that he signs up for everything here even if he’s not going to attend. He considers it a donation and often will ask if there’s someone who could utilize his ticket or spot. Wally stated the best thing abut the center is being able to come in and socialize with other people. He stated that it beats sitting at home doing nothing.
We are very fortunate to have Wally as a vital volunteer. A kind, generous, humorous, knowledgeable and helpful man. We could not do all that we do without FANTASTIC volunteers like Wally!!
Tuesday, March 22nd at 1:00pm~ Presentation In Person or Virtual – Hiring Home Care Do’s and Dont’s
Kellie Krauchick from FCP Live-In Care will present an informal discussion on Tuesday, March 22nd at 1:00PM. Call to register and let us know whether you wish to participate in- person or virtually.
Tuesday, March 15th – Presentation with TVCCA NUTRITIONIST, Andrea Deedy on ”NUTRITIAN FOR THE EYES”
Time: 11:00am
Please call Senior Center for more information at 860-376-2604.