Category: Resources

Voting – Content by Judy  

Election Day will be here soon enough, and we all need to exercise our right to vote. Remind others and encourage them to vote as well. Keep in mind that we are fortunate enough to live in a country where we pick who represents us.

Voting is a basic right and our way to raise our voice and be a part of how our world runs.

Remember if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain after the fact about anything to do with taxes, the way things are or are not because you didn’t care enough to vote.

Sure, you can say “My vote doesn’t make any difference” but it does!! We all have seen those close election results. That great new candidate who ‘only’ lost by 3 votes. Someone else winning be a handful of votes. These are the perfect examples of your vote does make a difference.

We all need to find out who’s running this November and what those candidates stand for. If we agree with them or not. For those that are in office – do we think they are doing a good job? Do they listen? Do they represent what we want or are they always voting the party line? Should they get re-elected? Or is time for someone new?

And the candidates need to pay attention to us! Because the older population are the most likely to vote! We know what works and what doesn’t work. We have lived the social issues. We have seen the politics involved – both good and bad! And over 70% of us vote!!

Yes, out of every 10 people 65+, 7 of them will be voting in November.

Think about that… This age group can influence all policy. If taxes go up or down or stay the same? Does that referendum pass or does it fail? Does the new candidate win? Does the incumbent get re-elect?

Again, think about it! Your vote can be the very vote that drives change! Mark your calendar so you don’t forget. Call for a ride if you need one. But be sure to vote because elections are decided by those who show up!! Not those who stay home!!

As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world!!”

Bocce Ball at 9:30am -Mondays

While the weather is still nice, we will be playing Bocce Ball outside on Mondays at 9:30am. If you do not know how to play the game, we can teach you. Call (860)434-4127 to register.


Cove Barista-

We are seeking two volunteers for each day Tuesday-Friday to work in the Cove with the exception of
Wednesdays and Fridays we would need one volunteer for each of these days to help in the kitchen
(training will be provided). The hours would be 8:30-10:15 , duties would include selling baked goods,
coffee and using a microwave occasionally. If interested please stop by to see Tomi or call 860-441-6782


Elizabeth is our October volunteer. She is an outstanding volunteer and we are very lucky to have her! She has
been a volunteer at Groton Senior Center for the past 5 years. You will often find Elizabeth behind the scenes
quietly working away at any given task.
After 40 years of Elizabeth being the “goose” flying in the front of the formation, she decided that when she
retired, she would move back in the formation but still provide lift to the group. Thus, she became a background
volunteer. She really enjoys being a volunteer; she meets new people, learns new things, stays sharp and active.
Some of these activities have included: member of the Groton Parks & Recreation Commission, Participant for
the Vendor Selection team for the Senior Center Branding Study, Community First Dinner program, grab and go
lunch program, Garden Club, TRIAD Committee, Club 55 raffle ticket sales and bake sales, Holiday Luncheons
and pretty much anything that we need help with Elizabeth is always willing to lend a hand.
While Groton Senior Center is her main focus for volunteering (and social) activities, she has also served as a
member of the Council of Advisors to the Department of Nursing at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY. Recently
she was invited to join the Stonington Odd Fellows. When Elizabeth isn’t at the senior center she enjoys reading,
traveling, paper crafts, lighthouses and visiting Old Sturbridge Village & Mystic Seaport. Elizabeth also enjoys
spending time with Manny, her 12-year-old faithful feline companion, which tops her list (he insists!)

Voting – Content by Judy  

Election Day will be here soon enough, and we all need to exercise our right to vote. Remind others and encourage them to vote as well. Keep in mind that we are fortunate enough to live in a country where we pick who represents us.

Voting is a basic right and our way to raise our voice and be a part of how our world runs.

Remember if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain after the fact about anything to do with taxes, the way things are or are not because you didn’t care enough to vote.

Sure, you can say “My vote doesn’t make any difference” but it does!! We all have seen those close election results. That great new candidate who ‘only’ lost by 3 votes. Someone else winning be a handful of votes. These are the perfect examples of your vote does make a difference.

We all need to find out who’s running this November and what those candidates stand for. If we agree with them or not. For those that are in office – do we think they are doing a good job? Do they listen? Do they represent what we want or are they always voting the party line? Should they get re-elected? Or is time for someone new?

And the candidates need to pay attention to us! Because the older population are the most likely to vote! We know what works and what doesn’t work. We have lived the social issues. We have seen the politics involved – both good and bad! And over 70% of us vote!!

Yes, out of every 10 people 65+, 7 of them will be voting in November.

Think about that… This age group can influence all policy. If taxes go up or down or stay the same? Does that referendum pass or does it fail? Does the new candidate win? Does the incumbent get re-elect?

Again, think about it! Your vote can be the very vote that drives change! Mark your calendar so you don’t forget. Call for a ride if you need one. But be sure to vote because elections are decided by those who show up!! Not those who stay home!!

As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world!!”

Voting – Content by Judy

Election Day will be here soon enough, and we all need to exercise our right to vote. Remind others and encourage them to vote as well. Keep in mind that we are fortunate enough to live in a country where we pick who represents us.

Voting is a basic right and our way to raise our voice and be a part of how our world runs.

Remember if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain after the fact about anything to do with taxes, the way things are or are not because you didn’t care enough to vote.

Sure, you can say “My vote doesn’t make any difference” but it does!! We all have seen those close election results. That great new candidate who ‘only’ lost by 3 votes. Someone else winning be a handful of votes. These are the perfect examples of your vote does make a difference.

We all need to find out who’s running this November and what those candidates stand for. If we agree with them or not. For those that are in office – do we think they are doing a good job? Do they listen? Do they represent what we want or are they always voting the party line? Should they get re-elected? Or is time for someone new?

And the candidates need to pay attention to us! Because the older population are the most likely to vote! We know what works and what doesn’t work. We have lived the social issues. We have seen the politics involved – both good and bad! And over 70% of us vote!!

Yes, out of every 10 people 65+, 7 of them will be voting in November.

Think about that… This age group can influence all policy. If taxes go up or down or stay the same? Does that referendum pass or does it fail? Does the new candidate win? Does the incumbent get re-elect?

Again, think about it! Your vote can be the very vote that drives change! Mark your calendar so you don’t forget. Call for a ride if you need one. But be sure to vote because elections are decided by those who show up!! Not those who stay home!!

As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world!!”

Voting – Content by Judy

Election Day will be here soon enough, and we all need to exercise our right to vote. Remind others and encourage them to vote as well. Keep in mind that we are fortunate enough to live in a country where we pick who represents us.

Voting is a basic right and our way to raise our voice and be a part of how our world runs.

Remember if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain after the fact about anything to do with taxes, the way things are or are not because you didn’t care enough to vote.

Sure, you can say “My vote doesn’t make any difference” but it does!! We all have seen those close election results. That great new candidate who ‘only’ lost by 3 votes. Someone else winning be a handful of votes. These are the perfect examples of your vote does make a difference.

We all need to find out who’s running this November and what those candidates stand for. If we agree with them or not. For those that are in office – do we think they are doing a good job? Do they listen? Do they represent what we want or are they always voting the party line? Should they get re-elected? Or is time for someone new?

And the candidates need to pay attention to us! Because the older population are the most likely to vote! We know what works and what doesn’t work. We have lived the social issues. We have seen the politics involved – both good and bad! And over 70% of us vote!!

Yes, out of every 10 people 65+, 7 of them will be voting in November.

Think about that… This age group can influence all policy. If taxes go up or down or stay the same? Does that referendum pass or does it fail? Does the new candidate win? Does the incumbent get re-elect?

Again, think about it! Your vote can be the very vote that drives change! Mark your calendar so you don’t forget. Call for a ride if you need one. But be sure to vote because elections are decided by those who show up!! Not those who stay home!!

As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world!!”

Voting – Content by Judy

Election Day will be here soon enough, and we all need to exercise our right to vote. Remind others and encourage them to vote as well. Keep in mind that we are fortunate enough to live in a country where we pick who represents us.

Voting is a basic right and our way to raise our voice and be a part of how our world runs.

Remember if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain after the fact about anything to do with taxes, the way things are or are not because you didn’t care enough to vote.

Sure, you can say “My vote doesn’t make any difference” but it does!! We all have seen those close election results. That great new candidate who ‘only’ lost by 3 votes. Someone else winning be a handful of votes. These are the perfect examples of your vote does make a difference.

We all need to find out who’s running this November and what those candidates stand for. If we agree with them or not. For those that are in office – do we think they are doing a good job? Do they listen? Do they represent what we want or are they always voting the party line? Should they get re-elected? Or is time for someone new?

And the candidates need to pay attention to us! Because the older population are the most likely to vote! We know what works and what doesn’t work. We have lived the social issues. We have seen the politics involved – both good and bad! And over 70% of us vote!!

Yes, out of every 10 people 65+, 7 of them will be voting in November.

Think about that… This age group can influence all policy. If taxes go up or down or stay the same? Does that referendum pass or does it fail? Does the new candidate win? Does the incumbent get re-elect?

Again, think about it! Your vote can be the very vote that drives change! Mark your calendar so you don’t forget. Call for a ride if you need one. But be sure to vote because elections are decided by those who show up!! Not those who stay home!!

As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world!!”

Tuesdays and Fridays via Zoom- Tai Ji Quan: Movement for Better Balance Class

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance is a research-based falls prevention exercise program that uses Tai Ji Quan based movements to improve strength, mobility, balance and daily function and to prevent falls. It is designed for older adults 60+ years old and people with balance difficulties. The next class of Tai Ji Quan will be held on October 5, 2021, from 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Class meets: Tues. & Fri. Location: Zoom. The class is Free. Must be 60+ years old to participate. Contact Connie Capacchione, Uncas Health District at 860-639-5138.