Category: Resources

Dial a Ride Applicant


Call Senior Center for information at 860-376-2604.



During the height of the pandemic, we learned that wearing masks, frequent hand
washing and use of hand sanitizer kept us safer from getting the Covid19 infection.
What we also learned is that there was very little flu during flu season and hardly anyone
out there with a cold or bronchitis. Since reopening the center in July, staff has started
to see an increase in people with summer colds. Maybe it is time to apply some of our
Covid safety precautions to every day infections.
Currently, MASKS are required to be worn by ANYONE in our center. This includes
those who have been vaccinated. We deeply appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Keep diligently
washing your hands and using the hand sanitizer that is around the building. Let’s see if this year we can keep
infections down in the building.
On another note, we only have the front doors open for people to enter and we ask that you do not prop doors
open in the back to let people in. We are doing this because we are still following protocol for contact tracing.
Though Covid-19 has significantly decreased, this continues to be important. One thing we have noticed is that
we have more people signing in when someone is sitting there asking you to sign in than if we left it to do on
your own. This is a good thing as we now have better statistics as to how many are using our building. We hope
that by mid fall, we will have the back doors open again but will be looking to see if the number signing in drops
when we do this.
We are so happy you are all back and we are also seeing many new faces! We have lots planned for you in the
upcoming year. Don’t forget to sign up for Club 55 membership too.


You can often find Sharon, our September volunteer of the month, at our special events greeting folks at the front door or working hard to ensure final details for events have been accomplished such as stuffing  swag bags or tying 200 bows! Her help the past the past three years has been invaluable. Sharon was a tremendous help with the Community First Dinner Program distributions. From the very beginning she handed meals out and directed traffic. She also helped at our food box distribution events, handed out grab and go lunches throughout the entire pandemic, no matter the weather. She is also a GSC Garden
Club Member Volunteer. When Sharon isn’t volunteering she often enjoys reading, gardening, traveling and spending time with her husband and dog.
Sharon chooses to volunteer at our center because she enjoys meeting new people and talking with folks learning about them and what their lives were like before retirement and joining the center. Sharon also wanted to volunteer somewhere that would allow her to be a part of the community that she lives in. She is very happy that she found GSC. We are also extremely happy that Sharon found us too!

Fall Registration Information

Fall 1 session – August 30 to October 23

Registration Deadline – Please register before the first week of class. Classes not meeting the minimum will be cancelled for the session.

Register ONLINE at

Fall 2 session – Oct 25 to Dec 18

Nutrition Counseling Thursday Mornings

We are excited to announce that our NUTRITION OFFICE HOURS will start again in September! Meet with Registered Dietitian Deb Downes for One-on-One Nutrition Counseling on Thursday mornings.  Nutrition Counseling can help with :

  • Weight Loss
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Healthy Eating
  • Cancer-Prevention, Treatment, Recovery
  • Intestinal Issues

First visit:  $20 for one hour   Subsequent visits:  $10/half hour- To schedule an appointment with Deb :  860-441-6785

Wednesday, September 22nd- Pet Wellness Clinic for Senior Citizens

Provided by The Connecticut Humane Society

12:30pm – 4:00pm

More Information & Frequently Asked Questions
Who can attend this clinic? New London County Senior Citizens (55+) who may not have access to veterinary care for their pets due to financial reasons.

Do I need an appointment to have my pet(s) seen?  Yes.  Appointments are needed.  Call the Connecticut Humane Society at (860) 594-4500 x6308 to make an appointment.  Visits with the veterinarian will typically take about 10-15 minutes for each pet.  Expect there to be a short wait time.  Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

What is the cost of bringing my pet(s) to this clinic?  No cost.  All services are free.

What are the services provided to pets at this clinic?  Each pet seen by our veterinarian will get a general wellness exam, rabies and distemper/parvo vaccinations (as needed), heartworm test, dewormer (as needed), flea & tick preventative and their nails trimmed.

Is there a limit to the number of pets or type of pet I bring?  We can see up to 2 pets per family in a single visit.  Only dogs or cats will be seen.  All dogs must be leashed and all cats must be in carriers.  We reserve the right to refuse sick, pregnant, or aggressive pets.

What COVID-19 safety measures need to be followed?  The Connecticut Humane Society requires all clients, vaccinated or not, to wear face masks at the clinic.  Only those individuals who’s pets are being seen will be allowed in the building.  All others and their pets will need to wait outside until their scheduled appointment time.  Social distancing will be in place.

Where will this clinic be held?  Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich.


Guess Who’s Back! Natalie Lindberg

Medicare Benefits Counselor Natalie Lindberg has decided that full retirement is not for her and returned in August to work at the Senior Center.  Natalie is available to assist seniors with questions on Medicare and Medicare plans.  Natalie meets with seniors by appointment and can assist New London County residents aged 60 years and older.  She will be at Rose City Senior Center on Wednesdays.  Please call (860) 889-5960 for an appointment.


We believe in what we do – Content by Judy

We believe in what we do. We all have thought something like this in the past. We have all been very convinced on one issue or another. We then surround ourselves with likeminded people.

Together our voice grows stronger. Ideas flourish. Paths and networks expand. We can do all of this in a very serious way, over very serious issues but we can also do this with laughter and create a better world in a good way.

Laughing is a very healthy thing to do. Laughter is actually a physical reaction consisting usually of rhythmical, often contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli according to Wikipedia.

Did you know there is even a National Let’s Laugh Day? It’s March 19th and we can laugh about the fact that I missed it by a few months!

Life can be hard. Things happen to us and around us that we don’t understand. We can hit low spots. But we need to move forward. We need to look for what makes us smile. It could be a puppy, a baby, a joke, or a movie. But once we can smile it’s easier to laugh. So go watch a funny movie!

When you laugh it lowers your stress hormone. You can burn up to 40 calories with a good 15-minute belly laugh. Your abs get a workout.  Laughing can be better for you than a cup of coffee. One minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. 15 minutes of laughing equals the benefits of 2 hours of sleep. So, here’s a question – if I’m awake during the night for a few hours I only need to laugh about it and I’m good???

The average man smiles an average of 8 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day. Babies smile an average of 200 times a day. So, now lets all be babies!!! At least for part of the day.

I once attend a laughter yoga class and they tell you “Fake it till you make it!” If you force yourself to laugh and to keep laughing before you know it the laugh becomes real, and it feels good. Try it and you’ll have a better day!!

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because they have smelly feet.

What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?

A watchdog

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner

Why is a bad joke like a pencil?

Because it has no point

Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much

Did I make you giggle, chuckle, belly laugh????

I hope so. Have a better day!

We believe in what we do – Content by Judy

We believe in what we do. We all have thought something like this in the past. We have all been very convinced on one issue or another. We then surround ourselves with likeminded people.

Together our voice grows stronger. Ideas flourish. Paths and networks expand. We can do all of this in a very serious way, over very serious issues but we can also do this with laughter and create a better world in a good way.

Laughing is a very healthy thing to do. Laughter is actually a physical reaction consisting usually of rhythmical, often contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli according to Wikipedia.

Did you know there is even a National Let’s Laugh Day? It’s March 19th and we can laugh about the fact that I missed it by a few months!

Life can be hard. Things happen to us and around us that we don’t understand. We can hit low spots. But we need to move forward. We need to look for what makes us smile. It could be a puppy, a baby, a joke, or a movie. But once we can smile it’s easier to laugh. So go watch a funny movie!

When you laugh it lowers your stress hormone. You can burn up to 40 calories with a good 15-minute belly laugh. Your abs get a workout.  Laughing can be better for you than a cup of coffee. One minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. 15 minutes of laughing equals the benefits of 2 hours of sleep. So, here’s a question – if I’m awake during the night for a few hours I only need to laugh about it and I’m good???

The average man smiles an average of 8 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day. Babies smile an average of 200 times a day. So, now lets all be babies!!! At least for part of the day.

I once attend a laughter yoga class and they tell you “Fake it till you make it!” If you force yourself to laugh and to keep laughing before you know it the laugh becomes real, and it feels good. Try it and you’ll have a better day!!

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because they have smelly feet.

What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?

A watchdog

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner

Why is a bad joke like a pencil?

Because it has no point

Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much

Did I make you giggle, chuckle, belly laugh????

I hope so. Have a better day!