Category: Resources

We believe in what we do – Content by Judy

We believe in what we do. We all have thought something like this in the past. We have all been very convinced on one issue or another. We then surround ourselves with likeminded people.

Together our voice grows stronger. Ideas flourish. Paths and networks expand. We can do all of this in a very serious way, over very serious issues but we can also do this with laughter and create a better world in a good way.

Laughing is a very healthy thing to do. Laughter is actually a physical reaction consisting usually of rhythmical, often contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli according to Wikipedia.

Did you know there is even a National Let’s Laugh Day? It’s March 19th and we can laugh about the fact that I missed it by a few months!

Life can be hard. Things happen to us and around us that we don’t understand. We can hit low spots. But we need to move forward. We need to look for what makes us smile. It could be a puppy, a baby, a joke, or a movie. But once we can smile it’s easier to laugh. So go watch a funny movie!

When you laugh it lowers your stress hormone. You can burn up to 40 calories with a good 15-minute belly laugh. Your abs get a workout.  Laughing can be better for you than a cup of coffee. One minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. 15 minutes of laughing equals the benefits of 2 hours of sleep. So, here’s a question – if I’m awake during the night for a few hours I only need to laugh about it and I’m good???

The average man smiles an average of 8 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day. Babies smile an average of 200 times a day. So, now lets all be babies!!! At least for part of the day.

I once attend a laughter yoga class and they tell you “Fake it till you make it!” If you force yourself to laugh and to keep laughing before you know it the laugh becomes real, and it feels good. Try it and you’ll have a better day!!

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because they have smelly feet.

What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?

A watchdog

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner

Why is a bad joke like a pencil?

Because it has no point

Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much

Did I make you giggle, chuckle, belly laugh????

I hope so. Have a better day!

We believe in what we do – Content by Judy

We believe in what we do. We all have thought something like this in the past. We have all been very convinced on one issue or another. We then surround ourselves with likeminded people.

Together our voice grows stronger. Ideas flourish. Paths and networks expand. We can do all of this in a very serious way, over very serious issues but we can also do this with laughter and create a better world in a good way.

Laughing is a very healthy thing to do. Laughter is actually a physical reaction consisting usually of rhythmical, often contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli according to Wikipedia.

Did you know there is even a National Let’s Laugh Day? It’s March 19th and we can laugh about the fact that I missed it by a few months!

Life can be hard. Things happen to us and around us that we don’t understand. We can hit low spots. But we need to move forward. We need to look for what makes us smile. It could be a puppy, a baby, a joke, or a movie. But once we can smile it’s easier to laugh. So go watch a funny movie!

When you laugh it lowers your stress hormone. You can burn up to 40 calories with a good 15-minute belly laugh. Your abs get a workout.  Laughing can be better for you than a cup of coffee. One minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. 15 minutes of laughing equals the benefits of 2 hours of sleep. So, here’s a question – if I’m awake during the night for a few hours I only need to laugh about it and I’m good???

The average man smiles an average of 8 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day. Babies smile an average of 200 times a day. So, now lets all be babies!!! At least for part of the day.

I once attend a laughter yoga class and they tell you “Fake it till you make it!” If you force yourself to laugh and to keep laughing before you know it the laugh becomes real, and it feels good. Try it and you’ll have a better day!!

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because they have smelly feet.

What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?

A watchdog

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner

Why is a bad joke like a pencil?

Because it has no point

Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much

Did I make you giggle, chuckle, belly laugh????

I hope so. Have a better day!

We believe in what we do – Content by Judy

We believe in what we do. We all have thought something like this in the past. We have all been very convinced on one issue or another. We then surround ourselves with likeminded people.

Together our voice grows stronger. Ideas flourish. Paths and networks expand. We can do all of this in a very serious way, over very serious issues but we can also do this with laughter and create a better world in a good way.

Laughing is a very healthy thing to do. Laughter is actually a physical reaction consisting usually of rhythmical, often contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli according to Wikipedia.

Did you know there is even a National Let’s Laugh Day? It’s March 19th and we can laugh about the fact that I missed it by a few months!

Life can be hard. Things happen to us and around us that we don’t understand. We can hit low spots. But we need to move forward. We need to look for what makes us smile. It could be a puppy, a baby, a joke, or a movie. But once we can smile it’s easier to laugh. So go watch a funny movie!

When you laugh it lowers your stress hormone. You can burn up to 40 calories with a good 15-minute belly laugh. Your abs get a workout.  Laughing can be better for you than a cup of coffee. One minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. 15 minutes of laughing equals the benefits of 2 hours of sleep. So, here’s a question – if I’m awake during the night for a few hours I only need to laugh about it and I’m good???

The average man smiles an average of 8 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day. Babies smile an average of 200 times a day. So, now lets all be babies!!! At least for part of the day.

I once attend a laughter yoga class and they tell you “Fake it till you make it!” If you force yourself to laugh and to keep laughing before you know it the laugh becomes real, and it feels good. Try it and you’ll have a better day!!

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because they have smelly feet.

What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?

A watchdog

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner

Why is a bad joke like a pencil?

Because it has no point

Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much

Did I make you giggle, chuckle, belly laugh????

I hope so. Have a better day!

We believe in what we do – Content by Judy

We believe in what we do. We all have thought something like this in the past. We have all been very convinced on one issue or another. We then surround ourselves with likeminded people.

Together our voice grows stronger. Ideas flourish. Paths and networks expand. We can do all of this in a very serious way, over very serious issues but we can also do this with laughter and create a better world in a good way.

Laughing is a very healthy thing to do. Laughter is actually a physical reaction consisting usually of rhythmical, often contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli according to Wikipedia.

Did you know there is even a National Let’s Laugh Day? It’s March 19th and we can laugh about the fact that I missed it by a few months!

Life can be hard. Things happen to us and around us that we don’t understand. We can hit low spots. But we need to move forward. We need to look for what makes us smile. It could be a puppy, a baby, a joke, or a movie. But once we can smile it’s easier to laugh. So go watch a funny movie!

When you laugh it lowers your stress hormone. You can burn up to 40 calories with a good 15-minute belly laugh. Your abs get a workout.  Laughing can be better for you than a cup of coffee. One minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. 15 minutes of laughing equals the benefits of 2 hours of sleep. So, here’s a question – if I’m awake during the night for a few hours I only need to laugh about it and I’m good???

The average man smiles an average of 8 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day. Babies smile an average of 200 times a day. So, now lets all be babies!!! At least for part of the day.

I once attend a laughter yoga class and they tell you “Fake it till you make it!” If you force yourself to laugh and to keep laughing before you know it the laugh becomes real, and it feels good. Try it and you’ll have a better day!!

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because they have smelly feet.

What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?

A watchdog

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner

Why is a bad joke like a pencil?

Because it has no point

Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much

Did I make you giggle, chuckle, belly laugh????

I hope so. Have a better day!

We believe in what we do – Content by Judy

We believe in what we do. We all have thought something like this in the past. We have all been very convinced on one issue or another. We then surround ourselves with likeminded people.

Together our voice grows stronger. Ideas flourish. Paths and networks expand. We can do all of this in a very serious way, over very serious issues but we can also do this with laughter and create a better world in a good way.

Laughing is a very healthy thing to do. Laughter is actually a physical reaction consisting usually of rhythmical, often contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli according to Wikipedia.

Did you know there is even a National Let’s Laugh Day? It’s March 19th and we can laugh about the fact that I missed it by a few months!

Life can be hard. Things happen to us and around us that we don’t understand. We can hit low spots. But we need to move forward. We need to look for what makes us smile. It could be a puppy, a baby, a joke, or a movie. But once we can smile it’s easier to laugh. So go watch a funny movie!

When you laugh it lowers your stress hormone. You can burn up to 40 calories with a good 15-minute belly laugh. Your abs get a workout.  Laughing can be better for you than a cup of coffee. One minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. 15 minutes of laughing equals the benefits of 2 hours of sleep. So, here’s a question – if I’m awake during the night for a few hours I only need to laugh about it and I’m good???

The average man smiles an average of 8 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day. Babies smile an average of 200 times a day. So, now lets all be babies!!! At least for part of the day.

I once attend a laughter yoga class and they tell you “Fake it till you make it!” If you force yourself to laugh and to keep laughing before you know it the laugh becomes real, and it feels good. Try it and you’ll have a better day!!

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because they have smelly feet.

What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?

A watchdog

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner

Why is a bad joke like a pencil?

Because it has no point

Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much

Did I make you giggle, chuckle, belly laugh????

I hope so. Have a better day!


If you are 60 years or older and would like Farmer’s Market vouchers please give us a call. Vouchers available while supplies last.


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Get Out There!! – Content by Judy

New Age???

New Time???

New Start???

Do any of us know what to call this time we are now living? I can’t figure it out myself. I just know I’ll never live a ‘normal’ life again. That was before COVID. Now I just know things a different and I need to create the life I want to live.

Things will be different because we are different. But how do we want this new ‘different’ to look? Should we be making a new plan? Finding new avenues? Reassessing those things we wanted but didn’t do before?

My husband and I started a list several months ago of things we were going to do after COVID. On it I added go to bars. My husband said, “But we don’t go to bars!” “No, but we’re going to start because it’s something new and different. Who knows we might even like them!” So, we’ll see…

That’s sort of a silly example of trying something new. Going somewhere we might be uncomfortable. Experiencing a new environment. But it will get us engaged in a new way and who knows we might even make new friends or find people we used to know.

I want all of you to experience that new day. A new start. For you to act and move forward. Even if you don’t know what ‘IT’ is. Work on ‘IT’. Figure ‘IT’ out. Make a plan. Pick a day of each week to try something new.

It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee in a new place. You’re not alone. There will be others looking for the same things you are looking for. Say hello as you walk by. You just need to get out there.

The next day maybe go for a walk. Then reach out and ask someone to go out to eat or visit a museum. Even if they can’t go then, see if they want to meet up another time. I can almost guarantee they do! They are lonely too. Invite a few friends and family over for a game night or a cookout. Reach out to an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Put yourself out there. Volunteer. Go to the library. Join the gym. Sign up for a class at the Senior Center.

And if a few things don’t go as you thought they would, remember it’s ok. You’re trying. Finding a new path can be hard and it will take time. But you just might end up in a totally different place than what you thought you wanted. And it can be even better than you ever imagined!!

So be sure to remember aging is a privilege. A time to explore. A time for growth. A time make new connections with new people and places.

As we travel into this new world don’t forget to reinvent yourself and your life!!

Get Out There!! – Content by Judy

New Age???

New Time???

New Start???

Do any of us know what to call this time we are now living? I can’t figure it out myself. I just know I’ll never live a ‘normal’ life again. That was before COVID. Now I just know things a different and I need to create the life I want to live.

Things will be different because we are different. But how do we want this new ‘different’ to look? Should we be making a new plan? Finding new avenues? Reassessing those things we wanted but didn’t do before?

My husband and I started a list several months ago of things we were going to do after COVID. On it I added go to bars. My husband said, “But we don’t go to bars!” “No, but we’re going to start because it’s something new and different. Who knows we might even like them!” So, we’ll see…

That’s sort of a silly example of trying something new. Going somewhere we might be uncomfortable. Experiencing a new environment. But it will get us engaged in a new way and who knows we might even make new friends or find people we used to know.

I want all of you to experience that new day. A new start. For you to act and move forward. Even if you don’t know what ‘IT’ is. Work on ‘IT’. Figure ‘IT’ out. Make a plan. Pick a day of each week to try something new.

It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee in a new place. You’re not alone. There will be others looking for the same things you are looking for. Say hello as you walk by. You just need to get out there.

The next day maybe go for a walk. Then reach out and ask someone to go out to eat or visit a museum. Even if they can’t go then, see if they want to meet up another time. I can almost guarantee they do! They are lonely too. Invite a few friends and family over for a game night or a cookout. Reach out to an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Put yourself out there. Volunteer. Go to the library. Join the gym. Sign up for a class at the Senior Center.

And if a few things don’t go as you thought they would, remember it’s ok. You’re trying. Finding a new path can be hard and it will take time. But you just might end up in a totally different place than what you thought you wanted. And it can be even better than you ever imagined!!

So be sure to remember aging is a privilege. A time to explore. A time for growth. A time make new connections with new people and places.

As we travel into this new world don’t forget to reinvent yourself and your life!!