Category: Resources

COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020 due to a COVID-19 related death of a family member.  Up to $9000 per funeral, max $35,000 per application if multiple deaths in a family occurred. Up to $9000 per funeral, max $35,000 per application if multiple deaths in a family occurred.

To apply, call the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Line at 1-844-684-6333 

A FEMA representative will help you complete a COVID-19 Funeral Assistance application over the phone and let you know what information you will need to provided.  Multilingual services is available.  The phone line is open Monday – Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET.

For more information visit:


Wednesday, July 6th at 10:00 a.m.- New to Medicare Virtual Presentation

Offered by Senior Resources Agency on Aging

Know your Medicare options.  Choose a date that works for you!

July 6th 10:00a.m.      August 3rd 2:00p.m.      September 7th 5:00p.m.

Session includes:

  • Enrollment – Know when to enroll to avoid penalties
  • Medicare options
  • Make Medicare affordable—Medicare financial assistance programs

To register for one of the ZOOM presentations, visit




Join AARP and Groton Senior Center as they launch a FREE evidence-based pilot program in
Connecticut and Rhode Island with the goal of providing those who participate with an opportunity to
increase their social integration for themselves and those in their community.
We hope that you can participate to help contribute to building a socially integrated community that can
help you, your networks, and others across the country.
Why: Contribute to building a socially integrated community that helps you, your community, and others
nationwide. Your participation offers you an opportunity to help others while also positively impacting
your own health, connection with others and learn about relationships and social engagement all virtually.
You will meet new people while taking part as a virtual participant.
What to Expect:
• Participate in this free virtual six-week program, meeting once a week for 90 min
• Groups range between 6-8 people
• Learning objectives weekly accomplished through an educational, interactive & reflective structure
• Provides you with knowledge about the social aspects of health, social networks and social isolation
while participating in active learning through case studies, reminiscence, and group discussions.
• Capturing your experience in this group, is important for the program pilot done before and after the 6-
week program by questionnaire.
• Access to the internet needed along with a device equipped with video/audio like a computer, tablet, or
smartphone. A program navigator will walk you through the ZOOM steps to connect if needed.
• Geared towards individuals aged 50+
• Participants do not need to be an AARP member
*Our immediate need is for program participants for the virtual 6-week session. A telephonic version of
this project will be available in the coming months.

If you are interested and available for the virtual 6-week session please contact either Tomi or Cindy 860-441-6785



The Commission meets at the Senior Center on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:30 pm. Meetings are currently hybrid.  The public is welcome to join by clicking on the link on the Ledyard Senior Center agenda, which can be found on the Town’s website.

Pop Up Drive-Thru Food Pantry

UCFS is offering drive-thru food pantry to those in need on the following dates and locations.  These are offered rain or shine.  Please stay in your vehicle, open your trunk and wear a mask.

UCFS Drive-Thru Food Pantries are open to anyone in need, regardless of the town you live in.

Preston Senior Center  42 Long Society Road, Preston

Friday, June 4th  10:00a.m. – 11:00a.m.

UCFS Norwich Health Center  47 Town Street, Norwich

Wednesday, June 9th & June 30th  2:00p.m. – 3:00p.m.

UCFS Plainfield  Health Center  120-122 Plainfield Road, Moosup

Wednesday, June 23rd  9:00a.m. – 10:00a.m.

For more information, please call Pam Kinder (860) 822-4146

Emergency food assistance provided by: UCFS Healthcare, Gemma E Moran-United Way/Labor Food Bank and Connecticut Food Bank




COVID-19 vaccination has opened to all individuals 16 years of age and older who live, work, or attend school in Connecticut.
Please remain patient when trying to schedule an appointment

COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Assistant Line 1-877-918-2224
Uncas Health District 860-823-1189

Call the Senior Center with questions or for a ride  860-376-2329

MedRIDE and MedRIDE II Program for Transportation


The Town of Montville Department of Senior & Social Services has continued to offer MedRIDE, a FREE transportation for any/all medical appointments for our senior residents.  Safety measures are in place, masks must be worn.  Doctor appointments, hospital tests & screenings, therapy, pharmacies, dentists, etc.  Any medical related appointment.  Call Kathie or Ruthie @ 860-848-0422 for details and to schedule appointments.  This program is free for our Montville Seniors; a donation box is located on the van for contributions.  This program is supported by the Town of Montville and grant funds from the Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.


MedRIDE II is the same type of medical transportation program though it is a joint effort between the Town of Montville and the City of Norwich. Grant Funds are provided by the State of Connecticut.  Driver is located out of the Montville Senior Center.  Do you need to go to Yale, New Haven, Hartford Hospital or Farmington to a specialist? Let us take you! Appointments need to be made by calling the Norwich Senior Center at 889-5960

TVCCA’S Connecticut Energy Assistance Program – Updates:

In response to the economic impact of COVID-19 on our community, the
Connecticut Energy Assistance Program, provided by TVCCA, Inc., has
implemented important changes to increase access to Connecticut households.
Please call 860-425-6681 to apply.
Program Date Changes:
*Deliverable fuel deliveries extended to Thursday, May 20, 2021.
*Last day that a household can apply has been extended to Tuesday, June 15,
New Program Updates (For the remainder of this season):
*The program no longer requiring households to provide bank statements as part
of their application.
*Liquid Asset tests are no longer required (liquid assets include savings/checking
accounts, bonds, CD’’s, IRA’s, etc.)
*Additional deliverable fuel benefits for households are now available.
Categorical Eligibility:
*Any household with an individual who is responsible for the heating costs and
receives a SNAP benefit will be eligible for a Level 4 CEAP benefit.
*Any household with an individual who is responsible for the heating costs and
receives Cash Assistance (TFA, State Supplement or Refugee Cash) will be eligible
for a Level 1 CEAP Benefit.

Thurs, June 3rd at 6pm- Hartford Healthcare presents a Webinar: Virtual Healthy Brain Series

In this free, LIVE webinar series, join Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging Dementia
Specialist, to learn how to challenge your mind daily, importance of diet, sleep and the blue
zones. Q&A with the expert will follow the presentation.

To register for any HHC virtual class, please call 1-855-442-4373 or visit
virtual classes. Once registered you will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the
virtual class.