Category: Resources


This is old news but it bears repeating. We miss you all and hope that you have had some
enjoyment through the summer of 2020. The staff of the Senior Center are still out
delivering Meals on Wheels but we are anticipating our volunteer MOWs drivers to
return beginning in August. We will likely assist with this service as some of our drivers
are not comfortable returning at this time. If you need to contact us, you can always call
or email us. If we don’t answer immediately, we will be back to you by the next day.
We want to remind you all that our buses are running and offering limited transportation service. Our Diala-Ride service is also operational. If you have any questions, please call the Senior Center office.
We are looking at offering some classes outside while the weather is nice. We will contact participants who
were already enrolled in the programs that can go outside and see if we get enough people to make this a
worthwhile venture. But in the meantime, we really want to show you how to use Zoom. We’ve reached out to
a bunch of you and know many are not interested but it is not that hard and it may be a way to continue your
involvement with the Senior Center until things get back to normal. Let us help you with this. Give us a call.
In the meantime, we are looking at early September to resume some programming. We will be in touch with
you all once we determine which classes we will be offering. To that end, we have included a survey for you to
complete and return to us. Please take a minute to do so.

Foot Clinic with Dr. Thomas Walter- On one Friday a Month

Come and get the Foot Care you need. Our On-A-Good-Foot Program can help. Foot care not covered by Medicare will be paid by a grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. A suggested donation of $6.00 is appreciated and helpful, not required. Dr. Thomas Walter, Podiatrist comes to our Center once a month to perform routine foot care. Call for an appt 860-848-0422.

(Please call Doctor if having issue- Home visits possible)

Museums to go – Content by Judy

As we continue down this untraveled road, we keep looking for new things to do. We often wonder what is open. What is closed? Have the hours changed? Have they gone virtual? Are they using Zoom or something like that?

So, let’s see if we can figure some of that out… Let’s take a look at what’s going on with Museums….

And once you start looking, I think you will find amazing opportunities!! You will be able to visit places you have only read about or learned about in school. And the visit is very real and much better than just looking at pictures!!

One site I found – – has 75 best museum tours around the world that include art, history, science, and technology. From this site I visited…

The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In the main museum complex, you are able to visit all 3 stories and see 1,000’s of pieces of art plus the entire building which of course is a work of art in itself. And do not forget to look at the ceilings!! To a degree you can move around almost as if you were there. The added bonus of these virtual tours is no one is in your way!!

Katie Bourque posted an article in March with a massive list of 30 amazing virtual tours of museums, zoos, and theme parks. I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This tour is so clear that you can read the plaques for each display. You touch on blue arrows to move and then can zoom in for unbelievable details.

How about going to a children’s museum?? The Minnesota Children’s Museum even has activity ideas and hands on activities you can do at home. You will have some new things to do with the kids.

So, when you are sitting home you can travel the world and see amazing works! You can even revisit a museum you have been to years ago. See what is different and what is the same!

And do not overlook visiting a zoo or a theme park. At many zoos you can watch livestream cameras of pandas, penguins, elephants, koalas or go on a home safari daily at the Cincinnati Zoo.


All of this is a great escape!! Invite others to go with you. You can all visit the same day and conference call as you tour or even afterwards over a glass of wine. Perhaps on another day invite your grandchildren to come along as you go to the zoo.


Hey, visit several art museums. Browse around. Find what you like and be inspired… Order some watercolors or acrylics and paint your own picture. You might discover you have talent or even if you do not have talent it might still be a whole lot of fun and when things are better you can take some lessons. Almost all Senior Centers have art classes. From drawing to painting to collage and more.

So, do something different today!!

Museums to go – Content by Judy

As we continue down this untraveled road, we keep looking for new things to do. We often wonder what is open. What is closed? Have the hours changed? Have they gone virtual? Are they using Zoom or something like that?

So, let’s see if we can figure some of that out… Let’s take a look at what’s going on with Museums….

And once you start looking, I think you will find amazing opportunities!! You will be able to visit places you have only read about or learned about in school. And the visit is very real and much better than just looking at pictures!!

One site I found – – has 75 best museum tours around the world that include art, history, science, and technology. From this site I visited…

The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In the main museum complex, you are able to visit all 3 stories and see 1,000’s of pieces of art plus the entire building which of course is a work of art in itself. And do not forget to look at the ceilings!! To a degree you can move around almost as if you were there. The added bonus of these virtual tours is no one is in your way!!

Katie Bourque posted an article in March with a massive list of 30 amazing virtual tours of museums, zoos, and theme parks. I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This tour is so clear that you can read the plaques for each display. You touch on blue arrows to move and then can zoom in for unbelievable details.

How about going to a children’s museum?? The Minnesota Children’s Museum even has activity ideas and hands on activities you can do at home. You will have some new things to do with the kids.

So, when you are sitting home you can travel the world and see amazing works! You can even revisit a museum you have been to years ago. See what is different and what is the same!

And do not overlook visiting a zoo or a theme park. At many zoos you can watch livestream cameras of pandas, penguins, elephants, koalas or go on a home safari daily at the Cincinnati Zoo.


All of this is a great escape!! Invite others to go with you. You can all visit the same day and conference call as you tour or even afterwards over a glass of wine. Perhaps on another day invite your grandchildren to come along as you go to the zoo.


Hey, visit several art museums. Browse around. Find what you like and be inspired… Order some watercolors or acrylics and paint your own picture. You might discover you have talent or even if you do not have talent it might still be a whole lot of fun and when things are better you can take some lessons. Almost all Senior Centers have art classes. From drawing to painting to collage and more.

So, do something different today!!

Museums to go – Content by Judy

As we continue down this untraveled road, we keep looking for new things to do. We often wonder what is open. What is closed? Have the hours changed? Have they gone virtual? Are they using Zoom or something like that?

So, let’s see if we can figure some of that out… Let’s take a look at what’s going on with Museums….

And once you start looking, I think you will find amazing opportunities!! You will be able to visit places you have only read about or learned about in school. And the visit is very real and much better than just looking at pictures!!

One site I found – – has 75 best museum tours around the world that include art, history, science, and technology. From this site I visited…

The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In the main museum complex, you are able to visit all 3 stories and see 1,000’s of pieces of art plus the entire building which of course is a work of art in itself. And do not forget to look at the ceilings!! To a degree you can move around almost as if you were there. The added bonus of these virtual tours is no one is in your way!!

Katie Bourque posted an article in March with a massive list of 30 amazing virtual tours of museums, zoos, and theme parks. I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This tour is so clear that you can read the plaques for each display. You touch on blue arrows to move and then can zoom in for unbelievable details.

How about going to a children’s museum?? The Minnesota Children’s Museum even has activity ideas and hands on activities you can do at home. You will have some new things to do with the kids.

So, when you are sitting home you can travel the world and see amazing works! You can even revisit a museum you have been to years ago. See what is different and what is the same!

And do not overlook visiting a zoo or a theme park. At many zoos you can watch livestream cameras of pandas, penguins, elephants, koalas or go on a home safari daily at the Cincinnati Zoo.


All of this is a great escape!! Invite others to go with you. You can all visit the same day and conference call as you tour or even afterwards over a glass of wine. Perhaps on another day invite your grandchildren to come along as you go to the zoo.


Hey, visit several art museums. Browse around. Find what you like and be inspired… Order some watercolors or acrylics and paint your own picture. You might discover you have talent or even if you do not have talent it might still be a whole lot of fun and when things are better you can take some lessons. Almost all Senior Centers have art classes. From drawing to painting to collage and more.

So, do something different today!!

Museums to go – Content by Judy

As we continue down this untraveled road, we keep looking for new things to do. We often wonder what is open. What is closed? Have the hours changed? Have they gone virtual? Are they using Zoom or something like that?

So, let’s see if we can figure some of that out… Let’s take a look at what’s going on with Museums….

And once you start looking, I think you will find amazing opportunities!! You will be able to visit places you have only read about or learned about in school. And the visit is very real and much better than just looking at pictures!!

One site I found – – has 75 best museum tours around the world that include art, history, science, and technology. From this site I visited…

The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In the main museum complex, you are able to visit all 3 stories and see 1,000’s of pieces of art plus the entire building which of course is a work of art in itself. And do not forget to look at the ceilings!! To a degree you can move around almost as if you were there. The added bonus of these virtual tours is no one is in your way!!

Katie Bourque posted an article in March with a massive list of 30 amazing virtual tours of museums, zoos, and theme parks. I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This tour is so clear that you can read the plaques for each display. You touch on blue arrows to move and then can zoom in for unbelievable details.

How about going to a children’s museum?? The Minnesota Children’s Museum even has activity ideas and hands on activities you can do at home. You will have some new things to do with the kids.

So, when you are sitting home you can travel the world and see amazing works! You can even revisit a museum you have been to years ago. See what is different and what is the same!

And do not overlook visiting a zoo or a theme park. At many zoos you can watch livestream cameras of pandas, penguins, elephants, koalas or go on a home safari daily at the Cincinnati Zoo.


All of this is a great escape!! Invite others to go with you. You can all visit the same day and conference call as you tour or even afterwards over a glass of wine. Perhaps on another day invite your grandchildren to come along as you go to the zoo.


Hey, visit several art museums. Browse around. Find what you like and be inspired… Order some watercolors or acrylics and paint your own picture. You might discover you have talent or even if you do not have talent it might still be a whole lot of fun and when things are better you can take some lessons. Almost all Senior Centers have art classes. From drawing to painting to collage and more.

So, do something different today!!

Museums to go – Content by Judy

As we continue down this untraveled road, we keep looking for new things to do. We often wonder what is open. What is closed? Have the hours changed? Have they gone virtual? Are they using Zoom or something like that?

So, let’s see if we can figure some of that out… Let’s take a look at what’s going on with Museums….

And once you start looking, I think you will find amazing opportunities!! You will be able to visit places you have only read about or learned about in school. And the visit is very real and much better than just looking at pictures!!

One site I found – – has 75 best museum tours around the world that include art, history, science, and technology. From this site I visited…

The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In the main museum complex, you are able to visit all 3 stories and see 1,000’s of pieces of art plus the entire building which of course is a work of art in itself. And do not forget to look at the ceilings!! To a degree you can move around almost as if you were there. The added bonus of these virtual tours is no one is in your way!!

Katie Bourque posted an article in March with a massive list of 30 amazing virtual tours of museums, zoos, and theme parks. I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This tour is so clear that you can read the plaques for each display. You touch on blue arrows to move and then can zoom in for unbelievable details.

How about going to a children’s museum?? The Minnesota Children’s Museum even has activity ideas and hands on activities you can do at home. You will have some new things to do with the kids.

So, when you are sitting home you can travel the world and see amazing works! You can even revisit a museum you have been to years ago. See what is different and what is the same!

And do not overlook visiting a zoo or a theme park. At many zoos you can watch livestream cameras of pandas, penguins, elephants, koalas or go on a home safari daily at the Cincinnati Zoo.


All of this is a great escape!! Invite others to go with you. You can all visit the same day and conference call as you tour or even afterwards over a glass of wine. Perhaps on another day invite your grandchildren to come along as you go to the zoo.


Hey, visit several art museums. Browse around. Find what you like and be inspired… Order some watercolors or acrylics and paint your own picture. You might discover you have talent or even if you do not have talent it might still be a whole lot of fun and when things are better you can take some lessons. Almost all Senior Centers have art classes. From drawing to painting to collage and more.

So, do something different today!!

Museums to go – Content by Judy

As we continue down this untraveled road, we keep looking for new things to do. We often wonder what is open. What is closed? Have the hours changed? Have they gone virtual? Are they using Zoom or something like that?

So, let’s see if we can figure some of that out… Let’s take a look at what’s going on with Museums….

And once you start looking, I think you will find amazing opportunities!! You will be able to visit places you have only read about or learned about in school. And the visit is very real and much better than just looking at pictures!!

One site I found – – has 75 best museum tours around the world that include art, history, science, and technology. From this site I visited…

The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In the main museum complex, you are able to visit all 3 stories and see 1,000’s of pieces of art plus the entire building which of course is a work of art in itself. And do not forget to look at the ceilings!! To a degree you can move around almost as if you were there. The added bonus of these virtual tours is no one is in your way!!

Katie Bourque posted an article in March with a massive list of 30 amazing virtual tours of museums, zoos, and theme parks. I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This tour is so clear that you can read the plaques for each display. You touch on blue arrows to move and then can zoom in for unbelievable details.

How about going to a children’s museum?? The Minnesota Children’s Museum even has activity ideas and hands on activities you can do at home. You will have some new things to do with the kids.

So, when you are sitting home you can travel the world and see amazing works! You can even revisit a museum you have been to years ago. See what is different and what is the same!

And do not overlook visiting a zoo or a theme park. At many zoos you can watch livestream cameras of pandas, penguins, elephants, koalas or go on a home safari daily at the Cincinnati Zoo.


All of this is a great escape!! Invite others to go with you. You can all visit the same day and conference call as you tour or even afterwards over a glass of wine. Perhaps on another day invite your grandchildren to come along as you go to the zoo.


Hey, visit several art museums. Browse around. Find what you like and be inspired… Order some watercolors or acrylics and paint your own picture. You might discover you have talent or even if you do not have talent it might still be a whole lot of fun and when things are better you can take some lessons. Almost all Senior Centers have art classes. From drawing to painting to collage and more.

So, do something different today!!

Museums to go – Content by Judy

As we continue down this untraveled road, we keep looking for new things to do. We often wonder what is open. What is closed? Have the hours changed? Have they gone virtual? Are they using Zoom or something like that?

So, let’s see if we can figure some of that out… Let’s take a look at what’s going on with Museums….

And once you start looking, I think you will find amazing opportunities!! You will be able to visit places you have only read about or learned about in school. And the visit is very real and much better than just looking at pictures!!

One site I found – – has 75 best museum tours around the world that include art, history, science, and technology. From this site I visited…

The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In the main museum complex, you are able to visit all 3 stories and see 1,000’s of pieces of art plus the entire building which of course is a work of art in itself. And do not forget to look at the ceilings!! To a degree you can move around almost as if you were there. The added bonus of these virtual tours is no one is in your way!!

Katie Bourque posted an article in March with a massive list of 30 amazing virtual tours of museums, zoos, and theme parks. I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This tour is so clear that you can read the plaques for each display. You touch on blue arrows to move and then can zoom in for unbelievable details.

How about going to a children’s museum?? The Minnesota Children’s Museum even has activity ideas and hands on activities you can do at home. You will have some new things to do with the kids.

So, when you are sitting home you can travel the world and see amazing works! You can even revisit a museum you have been to years ago. See what is different and what is the same!

And do not overlook visiting a zoo or a theme park. At many zoos you can watch livestream cameras of pandas, penguins, elephants, koalas or go on a home safari daily at the Cincinnati Zoo.


All of this is a great escape!! Invite others to go with you. You can all visit the same day and conference call as you tour or even afterwards over a glass of wine. Perhaps on another day invite your grandchildren to come along as you go to the zoo.


Hey, visit several art museums. Browse around. Find what you like and be inspired… Order some watercolors or acrylics and paint your own picture. You might discover you have talent or even if you do not have talent it might still be a whole lot of fun and when things are better you can take some lessons. Almost all Senior Centers have art classes. From drawing to painting to collage and more.

So, do something different today!!

Museums to go – Content by Judy

As we continue down this untraveled road, we keep looking for new things to do. We often wonder what is open. What is closed? Have the hours changed? Have they gone virtual? Are they using Zoom or something like that?

So, let’s see if we can figure some of that out… Let’s take a look at what’s going on with Museums….

And once you start looking, I think you will find amazing opportunities!! You will be able to visit places you have only read about or learned about in school. And the visit is very real and much better than just looking at pictures!!

One site I found – – has 75 best museum tours around the world that include art, history, science, and technology. From this site I visited…

The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In the main museum complex, you are able to visit all 3 stories and see 1,000’s of pieces of art plus the entire building which of course is a work of art in itself. And do not forget to look at the ceilings!! To a degree you can move around almost as if you were there. The added bonus of these virtual tours is no one is in your way!!

Katie Bourque posted an article in March with a massive list of 30 amazing virtual tours of museums, zoos, and theme parks. I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This tour is so clear that you can read the plaques for each display. You touch on blue arrows to move and then can zoom in for unbelievable details.

How about going to a children’s museum?? The Minnesota Children’s Museum even has activity ideas and hands on activities you can do at home. You will have some new things to do with the kids.

So, when you are sitting home you can travel the world and see amazing works! You can even revisit a museum you have been to years ago. See what is different and what is the same!

And do not overlook visiting a zoo or a theme park. At many zoos you can watch livestream cameras of pandas, penguins, elephants, koalas or go on a home safari daily at the Cincinnati Zoo.


All of this is a great escape!! Invite others to go with you. You can all visit the same day and conference call as you tour or even afterwards over a glass of wine. Perhaps on another day invite your grandchildren to come along as you go to the zoo.


Hey, visit several art museums. Browse around. Find what you like and be inspired… Order some watercolors or acrylics and paint your own picture. You might discover you have talent or even if you do not have talent it might still be a whole lot of fun and when things are better you can take some lessons. Almost all Senior Centers have art classes. From drawing to painting to collage and more.

So, do something different today!!