Category: Resources

Grannys and Grandkids – Content by Judy

Of the many stages of life there are wins and losses. There are gifts and disasters. There are blessings and tragedies. We can all compare notes of what each of these has been for us, but I will declare loudly my biggest blessing has been being a Granny.

Nothing holds a candle to the moment you hold your first grandchild and realize that new baby is a part of you. In that moment, your life changes forever as you hope to help grow that baby into adulthood. And with each new grandchild that realization continues to grow.

You hold them. You watch that baby grow. You watch them and their parents grow into a family…….. Remembering to be supportive of the parents. Remembering you wanted to raise your kids your way. They do too. So, help the parents by following their schedules and rules.

Build a closeness with those babies because ties between Grandparents and Grandchildren can be so valuable for both groups.

And today’s ways of staying in touch help so much. We have Smart phones, Alexa, text, messenger, Zoom, Facetime, WebEx and so much more. Options seem limitless and sure help Grandparents watch those babies grow even when families live far apart. Plus we can still write a letter. Send a card.

Studies show these relationships have benefits for both. There is less depression in both groups and fewer behavior and emotional problems for the Grandchildren. Even fewer difficulties with peers. Grandparents can help by telling how they handled similar situations when they were growing up. Offer solutions and different ways of looking at things.

And grandkids keep the Grandparents in touch and up to date with what’s happening in today’s world. Expose Grandparents to different ideas and the new meanings of age-old problems.

Grandparents often have the time to spend with the kids. They can often do the things with the grandkids they did not have the time or money to do as they raised their own children.

Grandparents can help teach values. Right from wrong. Reinforce manners and other lessons parents encourage the Grandparents to share. Sometimes Grandparents become the confidant for the kids. The one who they can turn to. The adult who it is safe to share worries or problems with.

And remember it is not all easy!! Like the rest of life there are bumps in the road. Mistakes are made. Things are misunderstood.

Plus keep in mind sometimes a child’s grandparent might really be Great Aunt or Uncle. Or they might not even be related at all. It could a neighbor, a family friend, the babysitter, or someone else who is close to the family. So whoever you are, remember you are important and can truly make a difference in that child’s life. And your life will be much richer for it too.

So, help the parents. Offer date nights.  Babysit. Have a sleepover.

Get out there and take a kid to a museum, a park, for a walk, play a game and you will both have a great, meaningful time.

Grannys and Grandkids – Content by Judy

Of the many stages of life there are wins and losses. There are gifts and disasters. There are blessings and tragedies. We can all compare notes of what each of these has been for us, but I will declare loudly my biggest blessing has been being a Granny.

Nothing holds a candle to the moment you hold your first grandchild and realize that new baby is a part of you. In that moment, your life changes forever as you hope to help grow that baby into adulthood. And with each new grandchild that realization continues to grow.

You hold them. You watch that baby grow. You watch them and their parents grow into a family…….. Remembering to be supportive of the parents. Remembering you wanted to raise your kids your way. They do too. So, help the parents by following their schedules and rules.

Build a closeness with those babies because ties between Grandparents and Grandchildren can be so valuable for both groups.

And today’s ways of staying in touch help so much. We have Smart phones, Alexa, text, messenger, Zoom, Facetime, WebEx and so much more. Options seem limitless and sure help Grandparents watch those babies grow even when families live far apart. Plus we can still write a letter. Send a card.

Studies show these relationships have benefits for both. There is less depression in both groups and fewer behavior and emotional problems for the Grandchildren. Even fewer difficulties with peers. Grandparents can help by telling how they handled similar situations when they were growing up. Offer solutions and different ways of looking at things.

And grandkids keep the Grandparents in touch and up to date with what’s happening in today’s world. Expose Grandparents to different ideas and the new meanings of age-old problems.

Grandparents often have the time to spend with the kids. They can often do the things with the grandkids they did not have the time or money to do as they raised their own children.

Grandparents can help teach values. Right from wrong. Reinforce manners and other lessons parents encourage the Grandparents to share. Sometimes Grandparents become the confidant for the kids. The one who they can turn to. The adult who it is safe to share worries or problems with.

And remember it is not all easy!! Like the rest of life there are bumps in the road. Mistakes are made. Things are misunderstood.

Plus keep in mind sometimes a child’s grandparent might really be Great Aunt or Uncle. Or they might not even be related at all. It could a neighbor, a family friend, the babysitter, or someone else who is close to the family. So whoever you are, remember you are important and can truly make a difference in that child’s life. And your life will be much richer for it too.

So, help the parents. Offer date nights.  Babysit. Have a sleepover.

Get out there and take a kid to a museum, a park, for a walk, play a game and you will both have a great, meaningful time.

Grannys and Grandkids – Content by Judy

Of the many stages of life there are wins and losses. There are gifts and disasters. There are blessings and tragedies. We can all compare notes of what each of these has been for us, but I will declare loudly my biggest blessing has been being a Granny.

Nothing holds a candle to the moment you hold your first grandchild and realize that new baby is a part of you. In that moment, your life changes forever as you hope to help grow that baby into adulthood. And with each new grandchild that realization continues to grow.

You hold them. You watch that baby grow. You watch them and their parents grow into a family…….. Remembering to be supportive of the parents. Remembering you wanted to raise your kids your way. They do too. So, help the parents by following their schedules and rules.

Build a closeness with those babies because ties between Grandparents and Grandchildren can be so valuable for both groups.

And today’s ways of staying in touch help so much. We have Smart phones, Alexa, text, messenger, Zoom, Facetime, WebEx and so much more. Options seem limitless and sure help Grandparents watch those babies grow even when families live far apart. Plus we can still write a letter. Send a card.

Studies show these relationships have benefits for both. There is less depression in both groups and fewer behavior and emotional problems for the Grandchildren. Even fewer difficulties with peers. Grandparents can help by telling how they handled similar situations when they were growing up. Offer solutions and different ways of looking at things.

And grandkids keep the Grandparents in touch and up to date with what’s happening in today’s world. Expose Grandparents to different ideas and the new meanings of age-old problems.

Grandparents often have the time to spend with the kids. They can often do the things with the grandkids they did not have the time or money to do as they raised their own children.

Grandparents can help teach values. Right from wrong. Reinforce manners and other lessons parents encourage the Grandparents to share. Sometimes Grandparents become the confidant for the kids. The one who they can turn to. The adult who it is safe to share worries or problems with.

And remember it is not all easy!! Like the rest of life there are bumps in the road. Mistakes are made. Things are misunderstood.

Plus keep in mind sometimes a child’s grandparent might really be Great Aunt or Uncle. Or they might not even be related at all. It could a neighbor, a family friend, the babysitter, or someone else who is close to the family. So whoever you are, remember you are important and can truly make a difference in that child’s life. And your life will be much richer for it too.

So, help the parents. Offer date nights.  Babysit. Have a sleepover.

Get out there and take a kid to a museum, a park, for a walk, play a game and you will both have a great, meaningful time.

The Preston Senior Affairs Office has taken on a slightly different way of conducting business.

Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, face-to-face interaction is temporarily on hold until such time as the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has been eliminated. I will continue to accept telephone messages and adjust regular support in completing re-determination forms, SNAP applications, etc. to requesting that you use the US Postal service or the Blue Drop Box located in the front of the Preston Town Hall to deliver your documents to me. Safety is a priority!

The Blood Pressure Screening conducted monthly at Lincoln Park Housing has been cancelled until further notice.


The month of June comes from the Roman, or Julian, calendar. June was initially named Iunius. The name either comes from the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, or from the word “iuniores”, the Latin word for “younger ones”. In the early Roman calendar June only had 29 days. It was Julius Caesar who added the additional day giving June 30 days.
June 14th is Flag Day.
June 16th is Father’s Day. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!
The Full Strawberry Moon rises on June 17th.
Summer Solstice or the day with the longest sunlight is June 21st.

CONGRATULATIONS to Mary Lemire on your retirement from the City of Norwich

Mary has been with the City for over 28 years with the last almost 20 years being at the Senior Center.  Mary started in 2000 as one of our van drivers and after holding that position for almost 12 years, became the Receptionist in June of 2012 and has held that position ever since.  Mary has been a very dedicated employee, rarely missing a day and contributed in many ways to our center.

As Catherine Pulsifer stated

Retirement may be an ending, a closing, but it is also a new beginning.”

So to the lady with the “neat hair” as many people referred to her, we wish you all the best in your retirement and hope to see you around the Rose City Senior Center.


Be Ready for the Recovery – Content by Judy

Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine. We currently are living, working, and shopping in ways we never dreamed of. And these new ways too will change quickly as we readjust to a whole new “normal” as we come out of this lockdown. We will mourn the loss of many things, as we start consuming services and goods in different ways. We will be discovering what companies and businesses have survived. What new businesses have emerged.

Stopping for a coffee can be a good example. How many of us stopped daily for that great cup of Joe? Couldn’t live without it…. Until….. Our lives changed. The habit got broken because we were no longer leaving the house every day. The question becomes how many cups of coffee will that business sell as we all come out of this pandemic? Will the local shops even reopen?

Companies must adjust quickly if they plan to survive and be profitable over the next 5 years. Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine.

Trends show we will continue to hold virtual meetings which will become a more efficient use of time. We will socialize in every different ways. We have found we do not like social distancing so much. Clubs will pop up and memberships will increase. Facebook groups will evolve and start gathering in person. Established groups such as VFWs, The Elks, The Moose will attract new members. Senior Centers, the Y, Park n Rec and similar organizations will experience a surge in activity as people discover their new routines.

The public will spend months perhaps years looking for and discovering their new day to day habits. And when creating this new life, they will select the parts they liked and discard what they will not do again, and businesses need to be where the consumer can find them such as This collective site is trusted and contains trusted information. This cutting-edge resource is that place where users find what they are looking for, mark their calendars with activities and though clickable ads find services and products they are looking for. Plus, then can relay all this information to their family and friends.

Businesses need to:

  • Be that trusted advisor/service/site/provider
  • Strengthen existing customer relationships
  • Identify real opportunities and shift accordingly
  • pinpoint key priorities
  • determine their brand and do extensive brand building so their company is easy to recognize
  • Be ready for the recovery

And all businesses need to be very aware of the senior population. As a group they will be for the most part the least affected by all of this. For the most part their income will continue to be very stable. And they still will be purchasing and consuming at the rate they were.

Resources like will grow in popularity as the senior population, their friends and families are looking to establish and get back their “new” ordinary lives.

Be Ready for the Recovery – Content by Judy

Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine. We currently are living, working, and shopping in ways we never dreamed of. And these new ways too will change quickly as we readjust to a whole new “normal” as we come out of this lockdown. We will mourn the loss of many things, as we start consuming services and goods in different ways. We will be discovering what companies and businesses have survived. What new businesses have emerged.

Stopping for a coffee can be a good example. How many of us stopped daily for that great cup of Joe? Couldn’t live without it…. Until….. Our lives changed. The habit got broken because we were no longer leaving the house every day. The question becomes how many cups of coffee will that business sell as we all come out of this pandemic? Will the local shops even reopen?

Companies must adjust quickly if they plan to survive and be profitable over the next 5 years. Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine.

Trends show we will continue to hold virtual meetings which will become a more efficient use of time. We will socialize in every different ways. We have found we do not like social distancing so much. Clubs will pop up and memberships will increase. Facebook groups will evolve and start gathering in person. Established groups such as VFWs, The Elks, The Moose will attract new members. Senior Centers, the Y, Park n Rec and similar organizations will experience a surge in activity as people discover their new routines.

The public will spend months perhaps years looking for and discovering their new day to day habits. And when creating this new life, they will select the parts they liked and discard what they will not do again, and businesses need to be where the consumer can find them such as This collective site is trusted and contains trusted information. This cutting-edge resource is that place where users find what they are looking for, mark their calendars with activities and though clickable ads find services and products they are looking for. Plus, then can relay all this information to their family and friends.

Businesses need to:

  • Be that trusted advisor/service/site/provider
  • Strengthen existing customer relationships
  • Identify real opportunities and shift accordingly
  • pinpoint key priorities
  • determine their brand and do extensive brand building so their company is easy to recognize
  • Be ready for the recovery

And all businesses need to be very aware of the senior population. As a group they will be for the most part the least affected by all of this. For the most part their income will continue to be very stable. And they still will be purchasing and consuming at the rate they were.

Resources like will grow in popularity as the senior population, their friends and families are looking to establish and get back their “new” ordinary lives.

Be Ready for the Recovery – Content by Judy

Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine. We currently are living, working, and shopping in ways we never dreamed of. And these new ways too will change quickly as we readjust to a whole new “normal” as we come out of this lockdown. We will mourn the loss of many things, as we start consuming services and goods in different ways. We will be discovering what companies and businesses have survived. What new businesses have emerged.

Stopping for a coffee can be a good example. How many of us stopped daily for that great cup of Joe? Couldn’t live without it…. Until….. Our lives changed. The habit got broken because we were no longer leaving the house every day. The question becomes how many cups of coffee will that business sell as we all come out of this pandemic? Will the local shops even reopen?

Companies must adjust quickly if they plan to survive and be profitable over the next 5 years. Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine.

Trends show we will continue to hold virtual meetings which will become a more efficient use of time. We will socialize in every different ways. We have found we do not like social distancing so much. Clubs will pop up and memberships will increase. Facebook groups will evolve and start gathering in person. Established groups such as VFWs, The Elks, The Moose will attract new members. Senior Centers, the Y, Park n Rec and similar organizations will experience a surge in activity as people discover their new routines.

The public will spend months perhaps years looking for and discovering their new day to day habits. And when creating this new life, they will select the parts they liked and discard what they will not do again, and businesses need to be where the consumer can find them such as This collective site is trusted and contains trusted information. This cutting-edge resource is that place where users find what they are looking for, mark their calendars with activities and though clickable ads find services and products they are looking for. Plus, then can relay all this information to their family and friends.

Businesses need to:

  • Be that trusted advisor/service/site/provider
  • Strengthen existing customer relationships
  • Identify real opportunities and shift accordingly
  • pinpoint key priorities
  • determine their brand and do extensive brand building so their company is easy to recognize
  • Be ready for the recovery

And all businesses need to be very aware of the senior population. As a group they will be for the most part the least affected by all of this. For the most part their income will continue to be very stable. And they still will be purchasing and consuming at the rate they were.

Resources like will grow in popularity as the senior population, their friends and families are looking to establish and get back their “new” ordinary lives.

Be Ready for the Recovery – Content by Judy

Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine. We currently are living, working, and shopping in ways we never dreamed of. And these new ways too will change quickly as we readjust to a whole new “normal” as we come out of this lockdown. We will mourn the loss of many things, as we start consuming services and goods in different ways. We will be discovering what companies and businesses have survived. What new businesses have emerged.

Stopping for a coffee can be a good example. How many of us stopped daily for that great cup of Joe? Couldn’t live without it…. Until….. Our lives changed. The habit got broken because we were no longer leaving the house every day. The question becomes how many cups of coffee will that business sell as we all come out of this pandemic? Will the local shops even reopen?

Companies must adjust quickly if they plan to survive and be profitable over the next 5 years. Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine.

Trends show we will continue to hold virtual meetings which will become a more efficient use of time. We will socialize in every different ways. We have found we do not like social distancing so much. Clubs will pop up and memberships will increase. Facebook groups will evolve and start gathering in person. Established groups such as VFWs, The Elks, The Moose will attract new members. Senior Centers, the Y, Park n Rec and similar organizations will experience a surge in activity as people discover their new routines.

The public will spend months perhaps years looking for and discovering their new day to day habits. And when creating this new life, they will select the parts they liked and discard what they will not do again, and businesses need to be where the consumer can find them such as This collective site is trusted and contains trusted information. This cutting-edge resource is that place where users find what they are looking for, mark their calendars with activities and though clickable ads find services and products they are looking for. Plus, then can relay all this information to their family and friends.

Businesses need to:

  • Be that trusted advisor/service/site/provider
  • Strengthen existing customer relationships
  • Identify real opportunities and shift accordingly
  • pinpoint key priorities
  • determine their brand and do extensive brand building so their company is easy to recognize
  • Be ready for the recovery

And all businesses need to be very aware of the senior population. As a group they will be for the most part the least affected by all of this. For the most part their income will continue to be very stable. And they still will be purchasing and consuming at the rate they were.

Resources like will grow in popularity as the senior population, their friends and families are looking to establish and get back their “new” ordinary lives.