Our MARCH featured entrée menu is now out!
Our MARCH featured entrée menu is now out!
The Montville Senior Center Med RIDE I program is available to take seniors to any/all medical appointments. Doctor, pharmacy, hospital screenings & tests, dentists, etc. To make an appointment, call Kathie or Ruthie at the Senior Center 860-848-0422. It is best to schedule your appointment as soon as it is made to avoid any scheduling conflicts. This program is supported by the Town of Montville and Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. Donations accepted. Donation requests of $5.00 per ride can be deposited in the lockbox on the van.
December 6th-
Senior Center Christmas Party
December 13th–
West Cornwall Bridge—Shopping /Lunch
December 20th-
Mohegan Sun
December 27th–
Lisbon Shopping
Cost is $15 per person (Tips appreciated)
Call the Senior Center for an appointment.
Haircuts are $15.00. To book an appointment, please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240.
Call for an appointment
by Razor’s Edge Sharpening Service
Oct 11th