Category: Services

October Lunch Menu

The Congregate Meal Program welcomes all individuals who are 60 years of
age and older to participate in the meal program for the suggested donation of
$3.00 per meal. Persons who are younger are invited to participate but a fee will be assessed for their meal. Registrations are necessary and can be made by
contacting the senior center during normal hours of operation (Mon. 9 – 3, Tues. & Thurs. 1 – 4) by telephoning 860-889-0770 or leaving a message at the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6. Please keep in mind that the meal count is called in to the commissary on Tuesday for the following Monday’s meal.

October 2nd: Chicken Primavera, Lemon Parmesan Pasta, Green & Yellow Squash, Sweet Treat, Apple Juice, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

October 9th: Program closed

October 16th: Swedish Meatballs, Egg Noodles, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Tropical Fruit Cup, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

October 23rd: Chicken Cordon Bleu, roasted Garlic Rice, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Applesauce Cup, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

October 30th: Cuban Pulled Pork, Spanish Rice, Green & Yellow Squash, Diced Peaches, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

Come, enjoy good food and visit with your friends and neighbors.

Annual Flu & Pneumonia Clinic

The Clinic hours are 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Noon). There is still time to register for the October 11th clinic.


Lots of questions floating around regarding what the acceptable practice is
for receiving any vaccinations if you have recently been ill. As you know, the Flu
Clinic registration form clearly indicates that if you have a fever or are feeling ill,
you are advised not to receive any injection regardless of whether it’s for Flu,
Pneumonia, RSV, COVID, Shingles, etc. Because COVID has been rearing its ugly
head in the region, I went to my source and posed that very question to the
pharmacist at Walgreens. “The only time that we cannot vaccinate is if they are
actively sick with COVID and for 14 days after they test positive due to risk of
transmitting the infection. Or, for 3 months after if they required hospitalization
and were treated at the hospital with antibody therapy which is rare.” “To clarify,
they will be able to get any of the vaccines at the clinic as long as they didn’t test
positive on or after 09/27/2023.” Hopefully this dispels any misinformation
floating around.

Please remember that if you had a change to your insurance coverage since


There is a strong possibility that we will have the New COVID Booster too.
Just waiting for confirmation on the delivery date. Stay tuned!

October Services


Thu, Oct 5th from 11am to 1pm at the Senior Center. 20 minute appointments
start at 11am. Free hearing test, a hearing aid check, wax inspection, and listening demos.
Register with the Senior Center.


Thu, Oct 12th from 12:15pm to 3:45pm.
Routine foot care provided for a fee – $10pp.
No appointment required. No diabetics please.
Payment due at time of service.

The massage will be about 20 minutes which includes a foot soak by a
Massage Therapist. $22pp upon registration. Thu, Oct 5th. Appointments start at 9am.

MANICURE – Sponsored by Pretty Nails and Spa

Tue, Oct 10th only. Starts at 8:15am. 15 minute appointments $5pp – Cut, file, shape, and polish. Register with the Senior Center.

Haircuts by appointment offered on Thu, Oct 26th. 9:30AM – 1PM, Every 20 minutes. Cost is $15 per person (Tips are appreciated)

Massages (with clothes on) to be offered. You can reserve a 25 minute appointment for $33 or a 50 minute appointment for $66. Wed, Oct 11th & 25th from 1pm to 4pm and Thu, Oct 19th, 9am – 12pm. Register with the Senior Center. 48 hours – cancelation. Payment is due at time of reservation. Wear comfortable clothing


As of September 30th, we will no longer be using our building to make room for our expansion and renovation. Rest assured that our programming will go on! Starting Monday, October 16th our programs will resume in multiple locations. We can still be reached by phone at (860)434-1605 ext. 240 and by email at We will have office hours starting October 16th, Monday- Friday from 2-3pm in the American Legion Room at the Old Lyme Town Hall.

Although some locations are still being decided, the programs that have confirmed locations are listed below. Please know that staff and volunteers will be on site to help you find your way. I would like to thank all the various locations for their graciousness in our time of need. Without their hospitality and cooperation, our programs & services would be severely diminished. I would also like to thank our members for their patience and flexibility.


September TVCCA Menu


September 11th: Beef Hot Dog w/Bun, Baked Beans, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Tropical Fruit Cup, and beverage.

September 18th: Pub Burger w/Bun, Baked Beans, Zucchini, Peas & Carrots,
Mandarin Oranges, Bread, Margarine and beverage.

September 25th: Crispy Cod, Macaroni & Cheese, Zucchini, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Fruit Cup, Bread, Margarine and beverage.

As a reminder, the meal count is called into the Commissary each Tuesday
for the upcoming Monday meal. You can register for your meal in person at the
senior center or contact the Senior Affairs Office by calling 860-887-5581 ext. 6.

There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per person for the meal. You do not need
to be a Preston resident to participate, all persons 60 years of age and older are
welcome. Persons younger than 60 years are charged a fee to participate.

On Monday, September 18th at 11:15, we will have a health talk presented
by Andrea Deedy. The topic will be Eating Healthy on a Budget.

Counseling Services

Counseling for positive mental health and well-being is available with Kerri Redner, LCSW.

Appointments are scheduled Monday – Wednesday.  There is no fee for this service.

Please call Kerri to schedule an appointment (860) 889-5960. 


New Pickleball Courts!

By the time you read this, Rose City Senior Center’s Pickleball courts will be in full swing (pardon the pun).  With the generous donation from the Edward and Mary Lord Foundation and matching funds through the American Recovery Plan for neighborhood revitalization, we were able to install two regulation sized courts right here on the grounds of Rose City Senior Center.

► Courts will be for the exclusive use of Senior Center members during our normal business hours (Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.)

► After 4 p.m. and on the weekends, courts will be open to the general public until 10 p.m.

► Please remember to scan-in prior to using the courts as we’d like to track usage.

► Senior Center members may borrow paddles and balls during hours we are open.

► Courts will be reserved at certain times for Senior Center classes (times will be posted),

otherwise courts are open on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please see Mike if you have any questions.


September Services


Thu, Oct 5th from 11am to 1pm
at the Senior Center. 20 minute appointments start at 11am. Free hearing test, a hearing aid check, wax inspection, and listening demos. Register with the Senior Center.



Thu, Sep 14th from 12:15pm to 3:45pm.
Routine foot care provided for a fee – $10pp.
Appointment required. No diabetics please.
Payment due at time of service.


The massage will be about 20 minutes which includes
a foot soak by a Massage Therapist. $20pp upon registration. Thu, Sep 7th. Appointments start at 9am.

MANICURE – Sponsored by Pretty Nails and Spa, Tue, Sep
12th & Sep 26th. Starts at 8:15am. 15 minute appointments
$5pp – Cut, file, shape, and polish. Register with the Senior Center.


Haircuts by appointment offered on Thu, Sep 28th. 9:30AM – 1PM,
Every 20 minutes. Cost is $15 per person (Tips are appreciated)


Massages (with clothes on) to be offered. You can reserve a 25 minute appointment for $30 or a 50 minute appointment for $60.
Wed, Sep 13th & 27th from 1pm to 4pm and Thu, Sep 21st, 9am – 12pm.
Register with the Senior Center. Payment is due at time of reservation.
Wear comfortable clothing

Fitness Room

Too hot to exercise outdoors?  Try out our Fitness Room! 

Our Fitness Room has 2 treadmills, 2 recumbent elliptical machines, 1 recumbent bike, 2 upright bikes, a television to keep you entertained and is air conditioned!

Please Note: A signed waiver and physician’s note is needed in order to use the equipment.

► Stop by Reception and pick up the Release and Waiver Form and Physician’s Questionnaire.  Both must be filled out and turned in before using the equipment.  Basic instruction on how to use the equipment will be given before use.  Please ask your doctor if you have specific health related questions