Please call the Senior Center if you are in need of a 1st or 2nd booster shot.
Please call the Senior Center if you are in need of a 1st or 2nd booster shot.
Ages 5-11 yrs and 12+ & Adults
Booster shots will be available.
Walk-in welcomed, no appointment needed
Direct all questions to 860-822-3269
The Senior Van is available to Lisbon residents ages 60 and over for the following:
Rides to Appointments (Doctor, Densist, Banking, Haircut, etc.)
Schedule your Appointments from 10:15 to 11:00am to 12:15 to 2:15pm.
Call us as soon as you have you have your appointment.
Shopping at 10:15 on Fridays to WALMART
(Other days/times for other stores can be accommodated upon request.
To and From the Senior Center
Call us at 860-376-2329 for the details on our hours for rides.
Unfortunately, our COASTAL CAFE (kitchen) will NOT be open Monday, May 2nd for LUNCH. We apologize for any inconvenience. Our COFFEE IN THE COVE will still be offered 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Friday, May 20th 8:40 am, let us gather again for breakfast! Enjoy a hot breakfast while socializing with other great people.
Mmm mmm—Corned Beef Hash, Scrambled Eggs, Toast,Pastry, Fruit Cup, Orange Juice, Coffee/Tea.
Cost is $10.00 per person Registration needed by May 17th
REGISTRATION AND REFUNDS Payments for all programs, events and trips are due at the time of registration. Registrations will not be taken without payment. No refunds for classes will be made after the second meeting of a program. A $2.00 fee is charged to process a refund. No fee is charged if refund is placed on account or the class is cancelled. For Meal Events, no refund will be given after the last date for registration (due to food having been purchased for the event). A refund will be given if staff find a person to replace you. For Day Trips, a refund will only be given if a person can replace you.
Anyone can collect pop tabs, and that’s what makes this program so great! It’s an easy way to help the families who call RMHCA home, and we hope you’ll think of them whenever you recycle a pop tab.
Grab a container to store your pop tabs in! We suggest Ziploc bags, paper bags, or boxes/bins. Please avoid soda bottles, jars, milk jugs, and plastic grocery bags.
Collect your pop tabs! And bring them into the Ledyard Senior Center.
Are you in need of rides to doctor’s appointments and medical tests? If so you may be eligible for the services of Easter
n Connecticut Transportation Consortium, Inc., a private non-profit 501(c)3 agency whose purpose is to promote the coordination and consolidation of para-transit services for persons of low income, elderly, physically and mentally disabled individuals in Southeastern Connecticut. ECTC can be an additional means of transportation besides the Ledyard Senior Center if your appointments fall on days and times during the week that the Ledyard Senior Center does not do. Please call 860-464-0478 or ECTC 860-848-5910 or fax 860-848-5917 for further information. Their website is
Caregiver Mileage Reimbursement and Dial-A-Ride Medical Transportation begins July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. The annual registration fee has been waived for this year. Please call 860-464-0478 to sign up or if you have questions.
MONDAY: Senior Center, Doctor Appointments
TUESDAY: Senior Center, Doctor Appointments
WEDNESDAY: Senior Center
2nd Wednesday: Job Lot & Dollar Tree Stores
THURSDAY: Senior Center, Doctor Appointments
FRIDAY: Senior Center, Stop & Shop or Walmart
1st Friday – Bank Run