Category: Services

Reminder: July Food Distribution

The Food Distribution for July 5th has been cancelled due to the
holiday. We’ll be back in business and eagerly awaiting your arrival for the
August 2nd distribution. Look forward to seeing you then. We are most
appreciative to United Community & Family Services to continue this
important program at the Preston Senior Center. We welcome residents
and non-residents alike. We are also fortunate to include the Uncas Health
Mobile van at each monthly program. Nurses are available to answer
health questions, provide their monthly newsletter, take blood pressure, etc.

July TVCCA Cafe Menu

Our luncheon schedule for the month of July consists of the following meal selections:

  • Monday, July 1st: Meatballs Marinara, Pasta Shells w/Herbs, Green Beans, Sweet Treat, Apple Juice, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.


  • Monday, July 8th: American Chop Suey, Waxed Beans, Broccoli, Fresh
    Fruit, Bread, Margaine and Beverage


  • Monday, July 15th: Stuffed Chicken Kiev, Tater Tots, Cauliflower, Carrots & Snap Peas, Fresh Orange, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.


  • Monday, July 22nd: Salisbury Steak w/gravy, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Peas & Pearl Onions, Applesauce Cup, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.


  • Monday, July 29th: Country Style Chicken, Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes,
    Mixed Vegetables Medley, Sweet Treat, Grape Juice, Bread, Margarine and


The Café Program is designed for persons 60 years of age and older. There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per meal. Persons under the age of sixty are invited to attend but a fee will be charged for their participation.

Registration can be made in person at the Preston Senior Center on Mondays (9-1:00 p.m.), Tuesday and Thursday (1-4:00 p.m.) or by telephoning the center during normal business hours at 860-889-0770. Messages may also be left at the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.

Senior Center Closed July 4th

Senior Center closed for the 4th of July


** and there will be NO LUNCH on July 5th

Outdoor Pickleball Courts

The outdoor Pickleball Courts are reserved for classes on the following:

Mondays 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Wednesdays 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Thursdays 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Courts are open to Senior Center Members only during our normal business hours and are available on a first-come, first-served bases on days/times not listed above.  Use the courts at your own risk

Beltone Hearing Aid Clinic

Thursday, July 18th from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

A Hearing Care Practitioner from Beltone will be at Rose City Senior Center for cleaning and checking all makes and models of hearing aids.  They will also be available to answer any questions you may have about hearing aids and hearing health.  This is a free service.  An appointment is needed.

Please call Beltone to schedule an appointment (860) 949-8350.


July Services


Thu, Jul 11th from 11am to 1pm
at the Senior Center. 20 minute appointments
start at 11am. Free hearing test, a hearing aid check,
wax inspection, and listening demos.
Register with the Senior Center.



Thu, July 11th from 12:15pm to 3:45pm.
Routine foot care provided for a fee – $10pp.
Appointment required. No diabetics please.
Payment due at time of service.


Haircuts by appointment
offered on Thu, July 25th
9:30AM – 1PM, Every 20 minutes.
Cost is $15 per person


Blood Pressure check every Fri
at 12:30pm. Walk in – no need to register

United Way Food Distribution

Thursday, June 20th from 4:00-5:30pm


Griswold Public Works Garage

1148 Voluntown Rd  (Route 138)

Every 3rd Thursday of the Month  unless rescheduled.