Category: Services

UniteCT- Do You Need Help Paying Rent due to COVID-19?

UniteCT is an emergency rental assistance for Connecticut’s
economy. Have you been financially impacted by COVID-19? Are you
struggling to pay your rent and utilities? Apply for UniteCT, a rental
assistance program supporting CT residents who earn up to 80% of the HUD
Area Median Income and their landlords. You may qualify for the
opportunity to receive…..Missed electric outstanding payments, Missed
rent or future rent payments. To learn more and see if you qualify, visit: or for additional information, call 1-844-864-8328.

Thursday, June 15th at 11:30am- Walk through Take Out Luncheon

Menu: Pulled Pork/Coleslaw/Dessert

Cost: $5.00

Orders must be placed no later than July 7th.  Call senior center for deadline.

Call 860-376-2329 to sign up


Renter’s Rebate of Elderly and Totally Disabled Program 2021

July 2021- Reminder

As a reminder for individuals applying for the Renter’s Rebate and Totally Disabled Program, the income limits for unmarried individuals are $37,600.00 and $45,800.00 for a married couple. You need to provide proof of income for 2020 including but not limited to Social Security benefits, interest, wages, etc. Information regarding additional documentation essential for the completion of your application may be directed to the Senior Affairs Office. To schedule an appointment, please telephone the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6. Application deadline is October 1st.


The Renter’s Rebate Program includes the following requirements for participation:
1. The claimant must have resided in Connecticut for a one-year period of time prior to filling an application.
2. Claimant, or spouse, if domiciled together, must have been 65 years of age by the end of the calendar year preceding the filing period; or be 50 years of age or older and the surviving spouse of a  renter, who at the time of his/her death, had qualified and was entitled to tax relief. Persons under 65 years of age who are receiving Social Security or disability benefits deemed comparable by the Secretary of OPM are also eligible (applications filed under the disability provision must be accompanied by current proof of disability.
3. Qualifying income is considered wages, bonuses, commissions, gratuities and fees; self-employment net income; gross Social Security benefits, Federal Supplemental Security income, dividends, interest, annuities; IRA distributions, Black Lung payments; Green Thumb payments; interest resulting from gifts received; Lottery winnings; net rental income, pensions, Railroad Retirement; severance pay, Unemployment Compensation, Workers Compensation, Alimony, etc.
4. The qualifying income guidelines for the calendar year 2020 must not exceed $45,800.00 for a married couple and $37, 600.00 for unmarried individuals.
5. The applicant must provide proof of rent and utilities payments during the 2020 calendar year.
Individuals interested in making application for the Renters Rebate of Elderly and Totally Disabled Programs are requested to contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6. The  application filing period is April 1st through October 1st.

The COVID-19 restrictions continue to remain in place. Possibly in the near future, face-to-face appointments will again be offered. Until there is an official lifting of those restrictions, I ask that  those individuals interested in applying for the Renters Rebate program contact the office, make arrangement to drop off your documents in the Blue Drop Box in the front of the Preston Town Hall, 389 Route 2 (include your name and telephone number on the items) and I will contact you by phone to finalize your application.


Did you know you can get paid for taking care of a family member or friend?

You are eligible if:

¨        You are living in the same home as the person you care for

¨        The person you care for has or is eligible for CT Medicaid

¨        The person you care for requires help with some of the following activities on a daily basis:

Dressing                              Feeding

Bathing                               Toileting

Transferring                       Walking

Medication                          Supervision for a cognitive impairment

The Adult Family Living program is open to Connecticut residents statewide who are eligible for the Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE) or the Personal Care Assistance (PCA) program. Care recipients must have both a functional and financial need for care.



Groton Senior Center is excited to present a brand new program called “The Call Hub”.  This program is generously sponsored by the Groton Parks Foundation.
The Call Hub is a social calling program designed to provide enriching, fun and stimulating conversations. This program is for individuals who are homebound or lack human connection through socialization and activities outside of the home. Our goal is to have individuals feel validated and connected to other people with similar interests and values through the utilization of weekly phone calls.
Volunteers for this program are super important and can help to make a difference in others lives by giving 1 hour a week to 2 recipients by calling them. Social calling can improve psychological wellbeing , give folks opportunities to talk with like-minded people, perceived self-efficacy, more years at home and referrals to addition-al community resources. Social isolation affects nearly 1 in 5 older adults and that while it’s harmful at any age it’s especially dangerous for people over 50. Social isolation and loneliness are associated with higher blood pressure, increased susceptibility to the flu, greater risk of heart disease and earlier onset of dementia.
If you have questions or would like to participate in this program as a volunteer please reach out to our volunteer coordinator, Tomi at 860-441-6782 or

ECTC Transportation program

This year, the ECTC (Eastern Connecticut Transportation Consortium) medical transportation program has undergone some important changes. We will no longer be assessing a membership fee for the year and the one-way trips have increased to 24 per year, per person. Individuals who are not already registered for the program must register. Please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6 for additional information. For those individuals utilizing only the Caregiver Mileage Reimbursement mileage portion of the program, it remains unchanged.

The Caregiver Mileage Reimbursement and Medical Transportation program is for adults 60+ and persons with disabilities who are unable to drive and need transportation to a medical  appointment that is occurring outside of the hours or area that the town funded transportation services operate. This service is funded through a state grant. Rides and reimbursements are contingent upon the availability of grant funds. When funds run out, the provision of rides will be stopped until such time as funds become available again.

COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020 due to a COVID-19 related death of a family member.  Up to $9000 per funeral, max $35,000 per application if multiple deaths in a family occurred. Up to $9000 per funeral, max $35,000 per application if multiple deaths in a family occurred.

To apply, call the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Line at 1-844-684-6333 

A FEMA representative will help you complete a COVID-19 Funeral Assistance application over the phone and let you know what information you will need to provided.  Multilingual services is available.  The phone line is open Monday – Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET.

For more information visit:


MedRIDE and MedRIDE II Program for Transportation


The Town of Montville Department of Senior & Social Services has continued to offer MedRIDE, a FREE transportation for any/all medical appointments for our senior residents.  Safety measures are in place, masks must be worn.  Doctor appointments, hospital tests & screenings, therapy, pharmacies, dentists, etc.  Any medical related appointment.  Call Kathie or Ruthie @ 860-848-0422 for details and to schedule appointments.  This program is free for our Montville Seniors; a donation box is located on the van for contributions.  This program is supported by the Town of Montville and grant funds from the Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.


MedRIDE II is the same type of medical transportation program though it is a joint effort between the Town of Montville and the City of Norwich. Grant Funds are provided by the State of Connecticut.  Driver is located out of the Montville Senior Center.  Do you need to go to Yale, New Haven, Hartford Hospital or Farmington to a specialist? Let us take you! Appointments need to be made by calling the Norwich Senior Center at 889-5960

Now Scheduling Nutrition Appointments Started May 6th


Meet with Registered Dietitian Deb Downes  One-on-One Thursday mornings at Groton Senior Center

Starting May 6th,  Deb will be back on Thursday mornings.  First visit:  $20 for one hour. Subsequent visits:  $10/half hour.

Nutrition can help with              

  • Weight Loss
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Healthy Eating
  • Cancer (Prevention, Treatment, Recovery
  • Intestinal Issue

To schedule an appointment with Deb : 860-441-6785 


Applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program are being taken at the New London office of TVCCA. This year, due to the COVID pandemic, phone applications will be processed by TVCCA. In order to set up a phone appointment with TVCCA, you will need to call 860-425-6681. They will provide you with further details.

The Senior Center will assist the Senior and Disabled population of East Lyme with their applications. Please call the Senior Center at 860-739-5859 for instructions on how your application will be processed. For residents who reside in Twin Haven and the AHEPA housing complexes, letters will be sent to you with your instructions.

To be eligible:

  1. In a one-person household, income can be NO greater than $36,645. In a two-person household, income can be NO greater than $49,228.
  2. If you are a renter, the first $12,000.00 in liquid assets is disregarded. Any amount over that limit, when added to the annual gross income must be below the income guidelines.
  3. If you are a homeowner, the first $15,000.00 in liquid assets is disregarded. Any amount over that limit, when added to the annual gross income must be below the income guidelines.


The following information is required:

  1. Proof of income sources: copy of most recent monthly (quarterly, annual) check or copy of an award letter or copy of most recent bank statement showing the direct deposit. If you are employed you must provide a copy of your four most recent consecutive pay stubs.
  2. Dividends, annuities or interest income (has to be more than $10/month). Copy of a statement for the most recently completed period.
  3. Proof of what you pay for rent. In addition, the name, address and telephone number of your landlord is required. If you are a homeowner and pay a mortgage, you must provide proof of your mortgage payment.
  4. If you have a checking and/or savings account, you must bring in the most recent ENTIRE statement.
  5. If natural gas or electricity heats the household, bring in the most recent ENTIRE statement.


Please remember all members of the household who receive income must report their income.