Category: Services

Membership Renewal

Membership Renewal

Membership renewal in normally due starting July 1st.  Since the Senior Center is still closed to the public until further notice, we are accepting renewals by mail only at this point.

We have already begun receiving renewals from some of our current Members.  If you are not currently using any of our services and would prefer to wait until we reopen to renew your Membership, that is fine and we understand.  If you are currently using one of our services (such as Transportation) we ask that you renew at this time.

For those of you who would like to pay your Membership dues now, please fill out the Membership Form on the adjacent page and mail it in with your payment.  You can also call and pay over the phone with a credit card.  Filling out the Membership Form is important for us to make sure we have all of your up-to-date information, including correct emergency contact information.  If you call to pay over the phone, please go over your information with us or still mail in the completed Membership Form.

As a reminder, Membership dues paid to the Senior Center go directly towards providing services, programs, classes, activities and events.  They help us pay instructors for different classes we offer and provide needed supplies for different senior center groups.  Money we receive from dues stays with the Senior Center and does not go into the City of Norwich’s general fund.  The Senior Center controls how and when we use the money in order to provide you with the best services.

We appreciate all the donations and Memberships that we receive in order for us

to bring you as much as we can.  Thank you!



2020 Eligibility and Information
If you are 60 or older, you may be eligible to receive vouchers in the amount of $18 for use at
our local farmers’ markets. The packet includes 6 “checks” for $3 each = $18pp.
The items available for purchase are:
Fruits Vegetables Fresh Cut Herbs Honey from certified CT Grown Farms
These items would have to be purchased at designated Farmer Markets or farms stands from August through
October 2020. There is no cash value to these coupons – farmers cannot provide change. One packet of
vouchers per person, per season only. You cannot receive vouchers from multiple service agencies.
If you are a married couple, each person gets a packet.
The maximum household income is $23,060 per year for a household of 1
or $31,894 per year for a household of 2.
To apply, contact the Senior Center at 860-739-5859. When you call, you should
have your monthly income figure available. Additionally, we will want to know if you
plan on doing the shopping or if you are going to send someone.

Active Living with Diabetes Toolkit

Active Living with Diabetes Toolkit is a program through Senior Resources that you do in the comfort of your own home without having to use any technology beyond a telephone.

The toolkit will be sent to you at no cost and includes a Living a Healthy Life Book, instruction booklet, exercise and relaxation CD’s and a My Diabetes Plate magnet.  Weekly phone calls from a trained Live Well leader enhances the experience and can help to alleviate social isolation during this time.

Participants will learn about:

Participants must be willing to share their name, address and phone number so a toolkit can be mailed to you and have a Live Well leader contact you by phone for a weekly call.  Calls are approximately 45 minutes in length and take place conference-call style to 4-6 participants at one time.

If you are interested, please contact Lori Rygielski, Senior Resources Regional Coordinator  OR  (860) 887-3561 ext. 127

Sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Public Health, the Department of Aging & Disability Services, and Senior Resources Agency on Aging.

An evidence-based self-management program originally developed at Stanford University.

This program supported by funds made available for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support under grant DP13-105.


Renter’s Rebate Program

Assistance is available over the phone to apply. 

No in-person appointments at this time.

Please contact the appropriate person (below) for more information.

A program for low income elderly (65+) or disabled individuals who have rented in CT in 2019 and have not applied for the homeowners Circuit Breaker Program.  Program open through October 1, 2020.

Income Limits:

Single: $37,000 yearly or less   

Couple: $45,100 yearly or less

For assistance, please call:

Norwich residents, 55 and older call the Rose City Senior Center at (860) 889-5960.

Ask for Carolyn’s voicemail and leave a message.  Carolyn will call you back.

If you are under 55 and a Norwich resident, call Norwich Human Services at (860) 823-3778.

If you reside in Senior Housing, please call your

 Resident Services Coordinator at your housing complex for information.



Farmer’s Market Coupon Distribution Plan

Farmer’s Market coupons are available to low income seniors who meet certain eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements in order to receive a coupon booklet:

¨ You must be 60 years or older.

¨ Yearly income not to exceed $23,606 for single or $31,894 for couple.

¨ Must be participating in another need based program that verifies income eligibility such as Renter’s Rebate, Congregate Meal Program, Medicaid, SNAP, etc.

¨ You must be a resident of the town you receive the coupon booklet from.

¨ If you are under 60 and disabled you must meet all other eligibility requirements and live in subsidized housing to be eligible.

Limited books available, contact the appropriate person for availability.  See below.

Limit of one coupon booklet per eligible senior.  You CANNOT get booklets from multiple sites.


If you live in any Norwich Senior Housing:

If you live in Senior or Congregate Housing you MUST obtain your coupons at that housing.

You must contact either the Resident Service Coordinator or his/her designee to request a booklet.

If you live in Norwich/Taftville (non-senior housing):

If you do not live in senior housing, you must call the Senior Center at (860) 889-5960 to register yourself for a booklet.  Once you have registered, you will be given a date and a time frame for which you can come to the Senior Center and pick up your coupon booklet.


ELECTION DAY IS COMING on Tuesday, November 3rd

The Registrars of Voters want you to know that if you are not a registered voter but want to become one, you still have time before the national election. The Registrars’ office is located within the East Lyme Community Center and their office hours are: Mon and Tue 8am to 12pm – Wed 8am to 4pm and Thu and Fri 12pm to 4pm. When you arrive, you will need to provide some sort of identification and proof of address. Your CT driver’s license will suffice but if you do not have one, you can provide the last 4 digits of your social security number and a copy of a current and valid photo ID OR the last 4 digits of your social security number and a current utility bill, or a current bank statement, or a current government check, or a current paycheck or any other government document that shows name and address.
The Town Clerk’s office would like you to know that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Connecticut Secretary of State’s Office will be mailing out absentee ballot applications to every registered voter in mid-September. If you choose to vote by absentee you can fill out the application and mail it to the East Lyme Town Clerk in the self-addressed stamped envelope that is provided with each application. You can also put the application in the drop box in front of the Town Hall (street side at the top of the stairs and the handicapped ramp) or you can bring it into the Town Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions when you receive that application please contact Karen Miller Galbo, East Lyme Town Clerk at 860-739-6931 ext. 1135.
There are 3 polling locations this year. Please be sure you know which poll you go to vote.
Lastly, the Senior Center will be providing rides to the polls. But, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our vehicles are limited to one person onboard at a time. If you are doing to request transportation from us, please make your request as soon as you can.

Farmer’s Market Coupon Distribution Plan

Farmer’s Market coupons are available to low income seniors who meet certain eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements in order to receive a coupon booklet:

¨ You must be 60 years or older.

¨ Yearly income not to exceed $23,606 for single or $31,894 for couple.

¨ Must be participating in another need based program that verifies income eligibility such as Renter’s Rebate, Congregate Meal Program, Medicaid, SNAP, etc.

¨ You must be a resident of the town you receive the coupon booklet from.

¨ If you are under 60 and disabled you must meet all other eligibility requirements and live in subsidized housing to be eligible.

Limited books available, contact the appropriate person for availability.  See below.


If you live in any Norwich Area Senior Housing:

If you live in Senior or Congregate Housing you MUST obtain your coupons at that housing.

ALL Norwich Senior Housings will receive booklets to distribute to their residents.  You must contact either the Resident Service Coordinator or his/her designee.

When you contact your Resident Service Coordinator, you will be required to verbally state that you meet the income limits and eligibility criteria for receiving a booklet.  You will be asked to give a small amount of information such as your Name and Address.  You do not need to sign for the coupon booklet.  If you will be accepting the coupons and someone else will be shopping for you, you will be required to fill out a Proxy form, which your Resident Service Coordinator will have.

Limit of one coupon booklet per eligible senior.  You CANNOT get booklets from multiple sites.

If you live in the Norwich/Taftville Community (non-senior housing):

If you do not live in senior housing and you meet the eligibility requirements for a booklet, you must call the Senior Center at (860) 889-5960 to register yourself for a booklet.  Once you have registered, you will be given a date and a time frame for which you can come to the Senior Center and pick up your coupon booklet.

When you call to register, you will be required to verbally state that you meet the income limits and eligibility criteria for receiving a booklet. You will be asked to give a small amount of information such as your Name and Address.  You do not need to sign for the coupon booklet.  If you will be accepting the coupons and someone else will be shopping for you, please indicate that so we can include the Proxy form with your booklet when you come to pick it up.

Limit of one coupon booklet per eligible senior.  You CANNOT get booklets from multiple sites.

You may ONLY receive a booklet if you live in the City of Norwich or Taftville.

The Rose City Senior Center is currently closed to the public.

Please DO NOT show up unless you have called to register for a booklet

and have been given a date and time to pick it up.