Category: Trips
Wednesday, January 22nd- Bus Trip to The Monkey Farm
Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.
When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.
Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations. Number of seats very limited.
Departure time: 11:15am
Return time: 3:30pm
Wed, Jan 22nd – Join us for a lunch trip to The Monkey Farm in Old Saybrook. Local shopping afterwards. Departure time is 11:15am and estimated return home is 3:30om. Trip fee is $5pp.
Wednesday, January 8th- Bus Trip to Filomena’s
Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.
When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.
Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations. Number of seats very limited.
Departure time: 11:15am
Return time: 3:30pm
Wed, Jan 8th – We’re heading to Filomena’s in Waterford for an after holidays lunch trip. Local shopping afterwards. Departure time is 11:15am and estimated return home is 3:30pm. Trip fee is $5pp.
NY Botanical Garden Holiday Train Show exhibit and Little Itlay
This is the 28th year of this amazing exhibit- thank you New York Botanical Garden for keeping up this grand holiday tradition! We are excited to be visiting N.Y.B.G. on Monday, Dec 30th!
We are off on this wonderful day trip Monday, December 30th departing form Groton Senior Center Parking lot on a deluxe motor coach. We visit the New York Botanical Garden- the Holiday Train Show exhibit then we have time on our own on Arthur Street of “Little Italy” – What a great day! Call 860-441-6785 or email We only have so many spots left!
One More Daytrip in 2019
Monday, January 13th Trip to Longhorn Steakhouse
Tuesday, January 21st Trip to Foxwoods
Friday, January 31st 11:00 Trip to Applebee’s
Monday, December 30
Move over Manhattan! New York’s other big seasonal event goes on parade with the popular Holiday Train Show at the New York Botanical Garden. The New York Botanical Garden is an iconic living museum, a major educational institution, and a renowned plant research and conservation organization. Wrapped in the glow of twinkling lights, model trains and trolleys zip along over winding tracks past scaled replicas of New York Landmarks. Orange slices, cinnamon sticks, poppy pods, pine cones and a host of plant materials are used to create the more than 140 architectural reproductions. The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, The Brooklyn Bridge and Yankee Stadium are just a few examples. See the gingerbread houses and ongoing demonstrations. Stop at the café and gift shop. Spend time on Arthur Avenue, the “Little Italy” of the Bronx for lunch (on own) and a chance to purchase wonderful Italian goodies.
Cost is $106/116 nonresident. Fee Includes: Deluxe motor coach transportation, Friendship Tours Tour Director, driver gratuity and admissions to NYBG and the Holiday Train Show.
Weather Cancellations
Snow cancellations and early closings are on the following stations:
Television – Channel 2, WFSB Channel 3, Radio Stations WNLC, WICH, WCTY and K-HITS. Closing includes the Fitness Center and Coastal Café.
If you are not sure, please call the center. The center will not reopen until the parking lot and sidewalks are plowed for your safety.
CALL BEFORE YOU GO Info Line is 860-445-2989.