Category: Trips

Wednesday, April 26th- Trip to Mashantucket Pequot Museum

Leave Time: 9:15 am
Cost: $13.00 *
Color: Flowers
Return Time: ?

Must register by April 25, 2017, 2:30 pm. Payment due at time of registration, but you must bring money for your lunch.  Call Senior Center at 860-447-5232.

*= There is a $5.00 trip surcharge for non-members of New London Senior Center and non-residents of New London.

Wednesday, April 12th- Trip to Newport Playhouse and Cabaret Restaurant

Leave Time: 9:30 am
: $47.00*
: Red
Return Time: ?

Must register by April 11, 2017, 2:30pm. Payment is due at the time of registration.  Lunch is included in the Cost. Senior Center Members fee for this trip will be supplemented. Ask at the front desk for details. Call Senior Center at 860-447-5232.

*= There is a $5.00 trip surcharge for non-members of New London Senior Center and non-residents of New London.


SENIOR BUS SCHEDULE – Subject to Change
MONDAY ………………….. Senior Center, N.L. / Waterford area Shopping
TUESDAY …………………. Senior Center, Shopping, Banking
WEDNESDAY ……………. Senior Center, Norwich area Shopping
THURSDAY ………………. Senior Center, Shopping, Banking
FRIDAY …………………….. Senior Center or Special Trips
News Alert = Bus Reservations are made through the Senior Center.
Please call 848-0422 or stop by the front office.

Day trip Monday, May 15th to see GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA

Day trip Monday, May 15th
Coffee & Donuts; Complimentary Glass of Beer or Wine then Family Style Lunch: Garden Salad, Pasta, Chicken ala Kathryn & Broiled Scrod w/ Cracker Crumb Topping, Vegetable, Potato, Rolls, Dessert, Beverage
COST: $87p resident.
GSC transportation—We depart at 10am.
Come by and register for this trip before it fills up!! Or register online at

March 29th- Trip to Shopping at Johnny Cakes

Shopping at Johnny Cakes / Lunch is on your own / The color is Orange / Leaves at 9am

Must register and pay by March 22, 2017, 2:30pm. No payment required for this trip, but you must bring money for your lunch

March 15th- Trip to Foxwoods Casino

Trip to Foxwoods Casino / The movie included “Quiet Man” / The cost per person is $29.95 / The color is Green/  Leave at 9am

Must register by March 7, 2017, 2:30pm. Payment is due at the time of registration. Lunch is included in the cost.