



    Wednesday, May 9th- Little Log Preschool Get Together

    Time: 9:15am

    Little Log has been a big part of the senior center over the years.

    Little Log preschoolers and staff will return for one last get together. They have been a big part of the senior center over the years and we will miss them. We will doing a card stamping project and some spring plantings with the preschoolers. If you would like to join us please call to sign up.


    Saturday, April 21st- Community Clean up Day

    Lets get some spring cleaning done in our town! Get a group of your friends to Adopt-A-Road or help your neighbor clean up their yard.
    ​Transfer Station will be open from 7:00 to 1:00 pm
    No pass required!! Watch for upcoming flyers or call the senior center for more information.

    Thursday, April 19th- Medicare Bootcamp

    Time: 5:30pm

    Senior Resources Agency on Aging is hosting a MEDICARE BOOTCAMP.

    Are you collecting Social Security? Disability? New to Medicare? Turning 65?

    Learn about Parts A,B, C & D. When to enroll, alternative Medicare options & Medicare Premium Assistance Programs.

    Call to Register!! 860-376-2604

    Public Welcome!!