


First Tuesday of each month at 2:30 to 4:00 pm

If you are caring for a loved one and have concerns, or you simply need to talk, PLEASE come to our next meeting. The information that you share is helpful and important to YOU- the caretaker!! Facilitated by Senior Resources, our local agency on aging. We have a supply of resource books & other materials on hand which you may borrow at any time!

The caregivers support group will be the second Tuesday of the month

    Monthly Newsletter by email

    If you would like to receive our Monthly Newsletter in your email, give Lisa a call @ 860-376-2604

    Thursday, April 19th- Medicare Boot Camp

    Senior Resources Agency on Aging will be hosting
    a MEDICARE BOOTCAMP.  New to Medicare?
    Turning 65? Collecting Social Security Disability?
    Learn about Parts A,B, C & D. When to enroll, alternative Medicare options & Medicare Premium Assistance Programs. Call to Register!!
    Public Welcome!!

    Falls Risk Screening Clinic by DAY KIMBALL HEALTHCARE AT HOME

    Time: 12:15pm

    Learn the top 7 Risk Factors for Falling and other factors. Balance Screening, Blood Pressure Screening for Postural Hypotension, Raffle Prize & Refreshments.
    To Register or for more information.  Call 860-376-2604

    ​This is Free and open to the community.