TVCCA Meals on Wheels
860-889-1365 OR 860-934-1006
We are in need of a part-time van driver!
Looking for a part-time van driver with a passenger endorsement
Energy Assistance
If your household has been financially impacted by COVID-19, TVCCA may be able to help with unpaid rent or mortgage payments. For rental and utility assistance, including help with UNITE CT applications, please call 860-425-6523. For assistance with mortgage payments, please call 860-425-6569
Renter’s Rebate Program
Renters Rebate is a State qualified program run by the OPM (Office of Policy and Management for residents who are elderly/disabled and make a certain amount of Income.
CONTACT: Karen Goetchius at 860-464-8464
Program Note
Drop-ins are no longer permitted.
Please call 860-464-0478 for up-to-date information.
Register at or at the office.