Beginner Fitness Class with Donna
Mondays at 1:00pm
Maximum of 10 people
Call for more information about signing up!
Diamond Art Classes
Mondays in April at 11:00am
Includes all supplies
Limit of 12 people. Call 860-376-2329 to reserve your spot.
St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef Luncheon
Wednesday, March 15th at 11:30am
$10 per person
Menu: Corned Beef & Cabbage
Followed by entertainment with Rennie Chapman
Beginner Fitness Classes Starting
Beginning Monday, April 3rd at 1:00pm
Maximum 10 people
Call 860-376-2329 to sign up
Painting Class with Jacqui
Friday, March 17th at noon
Create a beautiful acrylic
$20 — limit 12 people