
    TVCCA Energy Assistance Program 2021-2022

    Winter is coming and home heating costs can be a struggle for many.  There is help.

    TVCCA is now taking applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program which provides assistance towards a homes primary source of heat – oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal, wood or wood pellets.  The program is designed to help offset the winter heating costs of Connecticut’s lower income households.  Eligibility is based on income, family size, assets, and expenses.  Payments are made directly to the utility or fuel company.

    Income and Asset Limits apply:

    Household Size:           1                          2                    3                                

    Annual Income           $39,027          $51,035            $63,044

    Applications can be done over the phone or in person.

    For an appointment or for additional information, please call TVCCA (860) 425-6681

    Farmer’s Market Coupons- Will be distributed on: Wednesday, July 22nd from 10:00am

    Farmer’s Market Coupons

    Sign up with Receptionist!  Will be distributed on: Wednesday, July 22nd from 10:00am

    Farmer’s Market coupons are available to low income seniors who meet certain eligibility requirements.

    You must meet the following Eligibility Requirements in order to receive a coupon booklet:

    ¨ You must be 60 years or older.

    ¨ Yearly income not to exceed $23,828 for single or $32,227 for couple.

    ¨ Must be participating in another need based program that verifies income eligibility such as Renter’s Rebate, Congregate Meal Program, Medicaid, SNAP (Foodstamps), etc.

    ¨ You must be a resident of the town you receive the coupon booklet from.

    ¨ If you are under 60 and disabled you must meet all other eligibility requirements and live in subsidized housing to be eligible.

    Limit of one coupon booklet per eligible senior annually.


    Thursday, June 15th at 11:30am- Walk through Take Out Luncheon

    Menu: Pulled Pork/Coleslaw/Dessert

    Cost: $5.00

    Orders must be placed no later than July 7th.  Call senior center for deadline.

    Call 860-376-2329 to sign up


    Falls Talk Personalized Fall Prevention

    A Health Promotion Program for Adults 60+

    What is Fall Talk?

    It is one-on-one program conducted in a no contact COVID-19 safe way to help you become aware of best practices and practical interventions to prevents falls.  This program meets the Administration of Community Living’s highest level criteria for evidence-based health promotion programs.

    A personalized approach that helps you discover your own “fall threats”.  This increased awareness translates into successful fall prevention in real life situations and MOST IMPORTANTLY has successfully prevented falls!

    This program is supported by the Senior Resources-Agency on Aging with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.

    Program is at NO COST

    Stay Independent and Active

    Contact us Today

    Connie Capacchione, Program Coordinator, Uncas Health District, 860-823-1189 Ext: 122,

    Visit us on the web: