
    Lecture: Hollywood Goes to War

    Join us on Tuesday, December 11th at 1:00pm as Jared Day, PhD presents Hollywood Goes to War. This lecture examines the exodus of talent from Europe to Hollywood that happened in the wake of Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and the earliest years of World War II. Many of the most famous figures in Hollywood history were desperate refugees fleeing Nazi persecution. Among those receiving special attention here include the likes of Fritz Lang, Ernst Lubitsch, and Billy Wilder as well as later stars who escaped (or not) the ravages of World War II, people such as Hedy Lamarr, Audrey Hepburn, and Leslie Caron. Jared Day, taught American history at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh for sixteen years. His areas of specialization are U.S. political, urban, and cultural history as well as world history from the late eighteenth century to the present. He is the author of several books along with numerous other popular and peer-reviewed articles.

    The Link Between Nutrition and Your Health

    The Link Between Nutrition and Your Health & How Nutrition Response Testing Can Help You! Nutrition response testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of non-optimal health. Energy flows exist between all parts and organs of the body. With nutrition response testing the practitioner does an analysis by contacting an extended arm with one hand while contacting a specific reflex with another hand. If the tested reflex is stressed, your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to the extended arm. Based on these results body systems can be targeted and supported with a designed clinical nutrition program. The nutrition program consists of whole food supplements and diet modification that enables the body to repair itself and become healthier. Cara Johnson will be here on Wednesday, December 5th to run this free workshop. Please call (860)434-1605 ext. 241 to register for this program.

    The New Horizon’s Band of the Community Music School Concert

    Join us on Tuesday, December 4th at 1:00pm as The New Horizon’s Band of the Community Music School performs various marches, show tunes, classics and seasonal music for us. This all Seniors band is a reminder to us, that you are never too old to pick up an instrument

    Free Stuff and /discounts – Content by Judy

    Don’t we all want something for nothing? Do you look for the bargains and ways to stretch every dollar? I’m drawn to the clearance signs like a bee to honey! So, I’ve come up with this list of discounts and free stuff for seniors, veterans and everyone else. And remember if you don’t ask you miss out.

    1. Look on Craigslist. They have a “free” listing under “for sale”.
    2. Facebook has any number of resale/yard sale pages.
    3. Free Hunting and fishing licenses if you are 65+.
    4. State parks + CT registration = free entrance. This is now included in our car registrations.
    5. Some Banks offer free checking and more.
    6. Free college tuition if you are 62+. Finish your degree. Take classes that interest you.
    7. Income tax returns – free with AARP trained preparers- check local senior centers for appt.
    8. Save 5-10% off your auto ins for taking a driving class – check senior center for AARP class.
    9. Retention dept for utilities – reduction for staying with that provider. This will take some time – maybe a half hour – but the discount will last 12-24 months.
    10. Prescription assistance for non-covered unaffordable meds – ask at your doctor’s office and ask your pharmacist.
    11. Legal assistance is available from several resources. Call 1-800-296-1467 or 1-800-453-3320 to get started.
    12. Your library – free and reduced passes to museums and attractions, e-books, e-audio.
    13. Discounts at restaurants and stores – one example is Kohl’s 15% every Wed for those 60+.
    14. Community Resources – Call or visit your Area Agency on Aging, Senior Centers or your Town’s Municipal Agent.
    15. Call your Town Hall. Town Clerks are a wealth of information.
    16. Don’t forget calling 211 –

    17 Browse the internet. Check any number of websites. BUT be sure to check the date for when the article was published to help judge if the information is current.

    Holiday Concert

    Join us on Sunday, December 2nd at 2:00pm as the Old Lyme Town Band will be at the Lymes’ Senior Center to perform their Holiday Concert. All our welcome to attend!! Come get into the holiday spirit with us. This is open for all so bring your spouse, kids, and grandkids with you as we all get festive!