Your Vote Is Needed: Friends of the Lymes’ Senior Center
A special plea to our membership from The Friends of the Lymes’ Senior Center
This February, the Essex Savings Bank will once again gift monies to some of the local non-profits. YOUR VOTES ARE CRITICAL!
Please stop down to the bank or come into the Senior Center for one of the voting ballots.
Vote for: The Friends of the Lymes’ Senior Center
Thank you, Diane C. Blackwell, Chairperson for the Friends
MOVIE: As Good as It Gets with Jack Nicholson
Join us on February 22nd at 1:00pm for the movie As Good as It Gets.
Melvin Udall, an OCD patient and an eccentric novelist; Carol Connelley a waitress at a neighborhood diner and a single mother with an ailing son to look after; and Simon Bishop, Udall’s homosexual and artist neighbor strike an unlikely chord. Their relationships develop in strange ways as they try to come into terms with their personal problems and past tragedies. Jack Nicholson gives a superb performance as the slightly oddball novelist, matched by Helen Hunt and Greg Kinnear in the other two major roles. It is a very refreshing and rejuvenating movie – you know how a life in tangles, is still meaningful.
Medical Decisions When They Count the Most (Advanced Healthcare Directives
Deborah Ringen MSN, RN-BC and Attorney Jeannine Lewis will present an interactive seminar to explore the process of completing an Advance Healthcare Directive on February 21st at 1:00pm. . Come learn how to express your wishes for care legally, so loved ones will know they are helping in the best way possible if you can no longer speak for yourself.
An Advance Healthcare Directive states your wishes for healthcare and designates a decision maker to speak for you should you become incapacitated. Although we don’t want to think about the possibility, we never know when a serious accident or illness may occur, requiring a loved one to make medical decisions for us. In the current age of technology and advances in medical care, Advance Healthcare Directives give guidance to your surrogate decision maker. Anyone over the age of 18 should attend this session.
Knowing the wishes of a loved one when you are the decision maker is a gift. Yet, many of us avoid talking about this difficult subject. It’s been estimated that making healthcare decisions for your loved one is as stressful as surviving a fire to your home. If you could reduce the stress and logistics your loved ones will face with your illness, you would, wouldn’t you?
Today, if you haven’t already, resolve to give your loved ones the gift of clarity. It’s not as pretty as a bouquet of flowers or as tasty as a box of chocolate, but it’s a gift that will enlighten and lighten the lives of those you care about the most.
6 Week Beginners Country Line Dancing
FREE- 6 Week Beginners Country Line Dancing starting on Friday, February 17th at 2:30pm. This class will teach you how to do such dances as the Watermelon Crawl, Tush Push, and others. No experience needed. Non-stick shoes are helpful. Call to sign up. A minimum of 6 people will be needed to run this class
AARP Foundation TAX-AIDE
AARP Foundation TAX-AIDE is offered in conjunction with the IRS. Its Tax Counseling for the Elderly program (TCE), provides free tax help to low- to moderate-income tax-payers, with special attention to those 60 and older. Counselors will be available on the following dates to complete your Federal and State Income Tax Returns: February 16th March 2, 16th, 30th and April 13th. To schedule an appointment at the Lymes’ Senior Center in Old Lyme, call the Estuary Senior Center in Old Saybrook at 860-388-1611 and tell them you wish to sign up for the Old Lyme