Yoga Class
Wednesday– 10:00am NEW Yoga movement class (Once a month in summer to test interest and
weekly starting in September.) Class $5.00 Remaining Summer class August 10th. Call (860)434-4127 to register.
Tuesday- 9:00am NEW Zumba. This dance fitness class burns over 500 calories an hour, but more importantly is FUN! This class will be held once a month in summer to test interest and begin weekly starting in September. Class $5.00 a class. Remaining summer class August 23rd. Call (860)434-4127 to register
Cafe Lunch Special: Birthday Lunch
Wednesday, August 31st at 12:00pm
Special menu of BBQ chicken, mac & cheese, spinach, fruit juice, and birthday cake
$3 per person. Call 860 388 1611 by 11:00am on 8/30 to reserve your spot.
Concert: Take Two + Call Me in the Morning Band
Thursday, August 4th at 7:00pm
Outdoor concert.
The Lions Club will be selling hot dogs and hamburgers and the proceeds will
benefit their scholarship program members.
Bring your chairs, blankets, & dancing shoes!
“Take A Hike Thursday”: Watch Rock Preserve
Thursday, August 11th from 9:30-11:30am
at Watch Rock Preserve on Joel Road in Old Lyme
Meet at the parking lot. Walk along rocky outcroppings on the water with beautiful views of the salt marshes. Bring your binoculars. We will take our time. 1 mile