Nickel Nickel Card Game
Every Thursday from 1:00-3:00pm
You will need 13 Nickels to play otherwise there is no fee to join in. Call the center at 860 434 4127 to register or for more information
Early Morning Wordliners Poetry Group
Every Thursday from 10:00-11:30am
Poetry group led by Richard Singer. Please call the center at 860 434 4127 to register or for more information
Take A Hike Thursdays
From 9:30-12:30 on the 2nd Thursday of every month
Each month a group will get together at various hiking areas in Lyme and Old Lyme. Hikes will be lead by Wendy Hill, Open Space Coordinator of Lyme and the Vice President of Lyme Land Trust. The walks are moderate, unless otherwise noted. Bring a water bottle, dress for the weather and a hiking stick or pole if you would like. Reservations are required. Please email or call 860-434-4127 to reserve your spot. All hikes are 2.5 to 3 miles. Inclement weather cancels the hike.
Knit Wits Knitting Group
Meets from 10:00-12:00pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month
Get together with other knitters to share ideas and inspiration. Call 860 434 4127 to preregister.
Chair Yoga for Pain (virtual)
Every Wednesday from 9:00-10:15am
To register and for cost of classes, go to
Life hurts. This helps – Chair Yoga for Pain: Learn to access & activate your body’s self-healing potential, release the anxiety around pain, ease the anticipation of pain and the harmful habits we create. The class will always include breathing techniques, meditation and movement. Choose your challenge! Choice is always an option and many modifications will be offered.