
    What to know about Primary Care Provider- CONTENT BY JUDY

    Once upon a time the doctor we went to for everything was our family doctor but now they are called our PCP or Primary Care Providers. They can be MDs, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.   We go to them for a yearly exam, a cold, and other common medical problems. If you don’t have a PCP it can become very hard to get any other health care.

    We need a Primary Care Provider who fits into our insurance plan, will be available for the majority of our health issues and who we have trust in. Someone we feel comfortable talking to.

    The problem often is when our trusted doctor retires or moves. Our insurance no longer covers our doctor. And now we need to find someone new.

    Generally, we will ask our family and friends who they use. What they like and dislike about that provider and their practice. Then is the provider covered by our insurance. Are they part of that network? Are they taking new patients?

    You also can ask other doctors for recommendations. You can ask your dentist or pharmacist as well.

    Then the next step is… Are the Primary Care Providers you’re considering easy to get to? Do their office hours work for you? Again, double check that they are part of the network of health care you are in.

    Once you have narrowed it done to one, two or three Primary Care Providers, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Go for a visit and see if you like them. Did they take enough time with you? Did they seem interested in you as a person? Did they answer your questions? Was the office staff helpful and friendly?

    If the answer is yes to the questions that are important to you then you’re all set. Otherwise keep looking!

    Don’t settle. This is an important decision. Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make.

    Remember not everyone likes the same people or the same professionals. That’s why there are so many to choose from.

    Find the Doctor and the practice that fits you so that you are comfortable when you are the sickest knowing you are getting the best health care available.


    Resource Fair for Seniors

    Wednesday, October 23rd from 10am-2:00pm we will be having a “Resource Fair for Seniors” Call for Details.

    The next success could be yours! – CONTENT BY JUDY

    After many years working as a Senior Center Director I choose to start my business as a way to help the community learn about Senior Centers and the services and resources available to seniors and their families. And boy, I’ve learned a lot since I started

    This idea for developed from area Senior Center Directors exploring how they would change and evolve to accommodate the soon to arrive baby boomers. We talked with Maria Miranda of Miranda Creative and the foundation for a collaborative 9 town senior center website was born.

    From that point to now the learning curve has been huge. I’m proud to say that and I continue to grow every day. Maria continues to be my mentor along with Debra Jane, my finance wizard and many others have become my sounding boards.

    And then I was fortunate enough for Arlene to become my mentor through SCORE. A retired marketing and strategic planning expert Arlene readily pitches in and is guiding me with the marketing and branding of

    We always need to remember we don’t travel our journey alone and in order to meet Arlene I needed to discover SCORE.

    SCORE is a wonderful free resource that has the nation’s largest network of volunteer business mentors. There are over 10,000 expert volunteers in 300 chapters.

    In 2018, SCORE mentors helped start 32,387 businesses and create 135,687 jobs.

    SCORE is a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration and is there to help you achieve your dream as a small business owner. They are there every step of the way to teach and guide you as you grow.

    When you go to the SCORE website you can choose “find a mentor”, “take a workshop” or “browse the library”. You can find the SCORE location nearest to you. You can become a volunteer. You can see the impact SCORE makes.

    Explore this website. View a webinar. Read an article. Learn how to use your stats and data to drive growth. Take a Workshop.

    There are even podcasts you can listen to as you drive to your next appointment.

    And yes, everything SCORE does truly is free.

    Score will always be there for you to access. Let them help you grow personally and professionally as your business evolves and thrives.

    As SCORE says, “The next success could be yours!”

    CONTENT BY JUDY – Independence equals Freedom

    When we think about our own independence, we often equate that independence with our day to day living. Can we get to the store, to work, to school? Is the weather a problem? Will there be a traffic issue? Am I running late?

    And with our day to day living we sometimes forget that Independence equals freedom, and, in this country, we have an abundance of freedoms. We can speak out. We vote.  We are free to worship as we choose. We can assemble when and where we want. We can move about as we choose.

    We are very fortunate to live in the United States and have these privileges.

    But back to our personal independence.

    I found the definition of independence to be – the ability to live your life without being helped or influenced by other people (Cambridge Dictionary)

    Now how silly is that – of course we are influenced by others – the news is just one example. And we are helped by other people on a regular basis. And who might they be – the doctor, your lawyer, your neighbor, a friend. Someone holds the door for you. They are helping you.

    But there are the times when that independence is compromised.

    Our personal independence can become very limited if say the car breaks down. We have a sick child at home. Our eyesight fails. We don’t react as quickly as we once did. A car, the insurance, gas, etc. becomes unaffordable.

    Our mobility. Our ability to get around can really define our life style. Our world can get very small if we no longer have the freedom to get about as we choose.

    What do we do then? How do we get places? What are the resources available to us?

    Who can I ask for a ride? Do I have too much self-pride to ask? What about shopping and all those appointments I have?

    Enable yourself to ask and to find out what resources are out there. Visit or call your Senior Center. Call 211. Use Ask at your Church. If you are a veteran or member of an organization, see if they give rides. And don’t overlook asking your family and friends. They probably would love to send more time with you.

    But remember you need to be flexible and fit what you want and need into someone else’s schedule. You don’t have to go shopping on Tuesday and running errands on Wednesday. Look at this all as a change in your life style – not that you lost your freedom. Embarrass your new methods of mobility as an adventure!

    CONTENT BY JUDY – The scoop on Expos, Home Shows and Trade Shows for you and for businesses too

    Live demonstrations

    Health screenings


    Door prizes

    Free presentations

    These are just a few of the things available at Expos, Home Shows and Trade Shows. Most are free or very low cost to attend. They are great ways to learn about services and providers you might need. You can also compare agencies.

    Discover what’s available in your area. Search out the booths with recreation, travel, insurance, fitness, Senior Centers and more. You can make a list at home and then go to an expo and talk with providers about what you need and how they can help you and your family. You can get the answers. And if the person you are talking with doesn’t have the information or service you are looking for, they can probably point out a booth that can help you.

    Start watching for and listening for the upcoming Expos, Home Shows and Trade Shows. Generally, they are start in the spring and end in the fall. Check Area Agencies on Aging, Senior Centers and area housing units. Some might be hosted by major companies for their retirees. Plan on attending yearly for a few years. You can never learn everything at just one. Plus, you’re adapt to meet up with folks you know and have a few friendly chats as well.

    AND if you are a business then you want to be a vendor! Your company needs to always be growing and teaching. Expos, Home Shows and Trade Shows are great ways to meet lots of people. If you want to be a part of the health screening let the organizer know. The same with presentations and demonstrations. Your company could be a great addition! It is an excellent way to grow those new costumers. Plus, it puts a face to your business.

    Get out there and be seen. Stand up at your booth. It makes you more approachable. Give meaningful items. Engage with the folks passing by. You never know where any connection or contact might lead. Let other vendors know what you do and who your company is. Grow connections. Build relationships. And whatever you do stay off your phone!

    And hey make sure you stop by the table and say Hi! Be sure to tell us you read about us here!