MASSAGE THERAPY- Tuesdays By Appointments Only
Massage Therapy offers many health benefits (relief from arthritis, circulation, aids in digestion, stress, depression, etc.) Appointments are free to Montville seniors. Sign up is first come, first serve – one appt per month per senior as the schedule fills up and we have a waiting list each month. Call Senior Center to make your appointment at 860-848-0422. We do put a donation boxes out to help offset the costs.
We are Open! Here are the Updates!
The Montville Senior Center is once again open to all of our
Montville Seniors (60+) for programs, activities, and services. While not all of the
programs have started back up as yet, we do have many going and most importantly, our seniors are welcome to come in, visit, and socialize once again! We have
safety measures in place and ask everyone to abide by them. We have a registration
sign in at the front office for everyone entering the building. We ask that people are
respectful of others and maintain a proper social distance. If you are not vaccinated, we request that you wear a mask. We also ask that if you are not feeling well,
please stay home until feeling better.
I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to my TEAM—I am very proud of my
staff and special volunteers! We have been extremely busy during the entire pandemic. We have provided services over the phone, out in the parking lot through
heat waves, freezing rain and snow, and at senior’s and client’s homes. We never
missed a day and provided many of our regular services along with new ones!
We are offering many of the activities and programs we have offered in the past,
along with some new ones coming up soon. We do have a few instructors who will
not be coming back to us, unfortunately, though we will look for instructors for
those programs.
We will hopefully be able to offer all of the programs and services we provide at the
Center via ZOOM as well! In an effort to ensure that our seniors who are homebound, whether temporary or permanently, have access to and receive the benefits
of participating in our classes—we are working on a program to provide them all at
home. Please stay tuned for more information on this…………
Lastly, welcome back everyone! I am so very happy to see everyone back in person, it has been way too long and we have missed you all so very much!
~ Kathie
MedRIDE and MedRIDE II Program for Transportation
The Town of Montville Department of Senior & Social Services has continued to offer MedRIDE, a FREE transportation for any/all medical appointments for our senior residents. Safety measures are in place, masks must be worn. Doctor appointments, hospital tests & screenings, therapy, pharmacies, dentists, etc. Any medical related appointment. Call Kathie or Ruthie @ 860-848-0422 for details and to schedule appointments. This program is free for our Montville Seniors; a donation box is located on the van for contributions. This program is supported by the Town of Montville and grant funds from the Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.
MedRIDE II is the same type of medical transportation program though it is a joint effort between the Town of Montville and the City of Norwich. Grant Funds are provided by the State of Connecticut. Driver is located out of the Montville Senior Center. Do you need to go to Yale, New Haven, Hartford Hospital or Farmington to a specialist? Let us take you! Appointments need to be made by calling the Norwich Senior Center at 889-5960
This program is still on hold, we will inform everyone when it resumes. Health Clinic at the Senior Center is on Tuesdays from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. We have a visiting nurse come to the Center to perform blood pressure, blood sugar, and anemia screenings every week. All services at the Clinic are FREE – donation box is available for contributions. Call Kathie @ 848-0422 for details.