
    Annual Thanksgiving Dinner

    Thursday, November 10th

    2:00 PM

    Lunch, Raffles & more

    $7.00 donation request 

    Come join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner w/all of the fixings! Home-cooked Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry jelly & more! A wonderful dinner with wonderful people; raffles, prizes, & more! Please call or come down to sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend! Don’t miss this annual event—your first Thanksgiving Dinner of the Season! Bus is available!


    Join us for our Annual Halloween Bash

    Please join us for our Annual Halloween Party on Friday, October 28th at 12:00 noon!

    FREE!!!  img_07171

    Lunch, games, prizes and more!  Wear a costume, win a prize!  (costumes not required).  Don’t miss out – why let the kids have all the fun?  Please call or stop in to sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!

    Senior Bus schedule

    Monday – Senior Center, NL/ Waterford area shopping

    Tuesday – Senior Center, shopping and banking

    Wednesday – Senior Center, Norwich area shopping

    Thursday – Senior Center, shopping and banking

    Friday – senior Center or special trips


    NEWS ALERT = bus reservations are made through the Senior Center.

    Please call 860-848-0422 or stop by the front office.

    Senior Club Yard Sale


    We have done well raising funds for the Senior Citizens Club through the Re-Use Room/Yard Sales. If you have items you would like to donate (please bring up the morning of) or you would like to donate your time (sales are from 9:00am – 1:00pm) We start at 8:00 to set up – please leave your name with the office!


    We have a NEW Bunco committee that will run our BUNCO game on a Tuesday, once a quarter, 4 times during the year!

    Join us for an afternoon with some great people and great fun! Experience not necessary, the committee will show you how to play!  Please watch the bulletin board for sign up so the committee can have an accurate account of how many will attend.