
    Hot Home-cooked Thanksgiving Dinner

    Delivered on Wednesday, November 23rd


    If you are a senior or disabled resident in the Town of Montville and will be spending the Holiday alone, please call and sign up for our
    Thanksgiving Hot Home-Cooked Dinner. Enjoy a wonderful Baked Turkey Dinner with all the fixings! Please let us help you enjoy the Holiday and sign up for a Hot Home-Cooked Meal!

    Last day to sign up for Dinner is Monday, Nov. 21st #860-848-0422


    If you or someone you know is in need of a Holiday Food
    Basket with Turkey and all the fixings, plus many other
    food staples, please call the Montville Senior Center @
    #860-848-0422. Please call to sign up for our FOOD
    Baskets for this Thanksgiving Holiday. Don’t miss out,
    let us help you enjoy the holidays. Last day to sign up is
    Wednesday, November 16th. Our Baskets will be distributed on Saturday, November 17th from 9:00 – 12:00 a.m.
    Must sign up to receive a basket.


    If you are a senior or disabled resident in the Town
    of Montville and will be spending the Holiday
    alone, please call and sign up for our Christmas
    Hot Home-Cooked Dinner. Enjoy a wonderful
    Baked Ham Dinner with all the fixings! Dinners
    will be delivered on Friday, December 23rd
    Please let us help you enjoy the Holiday and sign
    up for a Hot Home-Cooked Meal! Last day to sign
    up for Dinner is Wednesday, December 21st

    Dinner & A Movie

    Friday, October 14th at 3:00pm


    $5.00 Donation

    DINNER: Homemade Meatloaf w/Mashed Potatoes
    MOVIE: ELVIS (2022 movie—from his child
    hood to stardom)

    We are back with our monthly Dinner & A Movie! Come watch the critically acclaimed ELVIS movie and join everyone for a great Friday afternoon: delicious
    dinner, great friends, and an enjoyable movie! Wonderful way to spend the afternoon and support the senior center!


    Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!

    Real Time Tours: Ecuador

    Tuesday, October 25th from 2:00-3:00pm


    Come join us for an exciting “real time” tour to Ecuador and enjoy an authentic Ecuador light dinner. Please sign up on the board if you plan to attend! Don’t miss these exciting real time tours and enjoy visiting other parts of the world!