
    Friday, April 12th- Annual Health Fair

    Time: 1:00-3:00pm

    Cost: Free

    Come join us for an afternoon of screenings, information, goody bags & more! Lots of great information, many different topics and bring your questions! Snacks & beverages served, raffles too! Who knew “health” could be so fun!

    ​Bus is available!

    Help- Content by Judy

    We have all heard the Beatles song “When I was younger, so much younger than today…” “Help me if you can….” And this song brings to mind that the definition of help has many meanings. To give help and to receive help are two very different things. We all have a tendency to offer our help but are reluctant to ask for help. Now why is that!! We can’t help each other if no one ever asks for assistance.

    What’s so hard about asking? We don’t want to bother anyone. We don’t want to be a burden. We can do everything! All of the time! All by ourselves!

    Now how ridiculous is that statement!! We need doctors, electricians, plumbers, accountants, mailmen, and on and on. We need services, assistance and relief in many different ways from the time we are born until the time we die.

    We accept, hire, allow support and services every day. We just don’t term it as “help”. Reconsider all of those things. Perhaps it will assist you in redefining the word “help”.

    And then we want to step forward, chip in and offer a lending hand to others. It might be cutting our neighbors grass, picking something up for a friend, giving a ride so your sister can drop her car of at the dealership. Doing these things makes us feel good. We want to volunteer. Maybe at the school, the senior center, the library, for scouts, as a fireman or EMT. We want to help others.

    We by nature are very giving. It’s easy to offer but remember others can’t give if you don’t ask. And your ask doesn’t have to be big. It can be as simple as “Can you bring me back a coffee when you get yours?” So, the next time someone asks if they can do anything for you… say YES! Both of you will feel good about it.


    Come learn the techniques of CPR and First Aid at the Senior Center. Great knowledge to have—you could help or save a life! Call for details of day and time and/or to sign up if interested!

    Friday, March 8th- Dinner & Movie

    Time: 3:00pm

    $5.00 Donation
    DINNER: Meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes
    MOVIE: A Star Is Born (new release)
    Come join everyone for a great FRIDAY afternoon: delicious dinner , great friends, and an enjoyable movie! Wonderful way to spend the afternoon and support the senior center! Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!

    Thursday, March 14th- Saint Patrick’s Day Luncheon & Celebration

    Time: 2:00pm

    Cost: $7.00 donation
    ​Come join us for our annual Saint Patrick’s Day Luncheon & Celebration day!
    Always a lot of fun, great meal with great people!
    Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!
    Don’t miss the fun! Bus is available.