
    Tuesday, November 6th- Flu Shot Clinic

    Flu Shots are FREE with Medicare Card

    Walgreens will be providing our Flu Shot Clinic this year at the Senior Center.  Just bring your Medicare card and be safe & prepared to fight-off the FLU this upcoming season! No lines, come and enjoy coffee & pastry or stay for lunch while waiting! Bus is available!

    Friday, November 9th- Thanksgiving Dinner

    Time: 2:oopm

    Menu: Roasted Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Kathie’s Savory Stuffing, Cranberry Jelly, Veggies, Dessert & More!
    Raffles, Door Prizes too!

    Come join us for your first Thanksgiving meal of the season and help us give “thanks” to all of those we love and everything we have to be thankful for!  Your attendance at the dinner will not only guarantee you will have a wonderful time with friends and neighbors, but you will also help support our wonderful Senior Center and all of the great programs and activities we have!
    Come join us and help us to give thanks! Bus is available!

    Donation: $8.00

    Content by Judy – Caring for others and yourself

    There will always be times in our lives when we offer care to others. Friends, parents, children and spouses have life events happen to them. We by instinct reach out and offer to help.

    When those life events happen a plan comes about, care and healing happen and the world rights itself at some point. During that time life becomes quite crazy and hectic.

    We could do a lot of our caregiving better and easier if we plan ahead. When a baby is about to be born plans are made for a doctor, aftercare for mom, cribs and more are bought. Questions are asked and answered. Babysitters, daycare decided on.

    But for lots of other caregiving situations no planning is done at all. We age, our parents age. We don’t talk about what will happen as we lose some of our independence. Who will care for who? What agency do we want and what don’t we want?

    Now is the time to look at the home, the budget and other options. Is it safe to stay at home? Is a move needed? What resources are there to pay for help? What will insurance pay for? What insurance is available? Is there a care plan manager? Are there resources from an employer available?

    Start looking for the answers to some of these questions now.

    Plus, start planning how the caregivers will get some respite. It is not unheard of for the caregiver to die before the one they are taking care of. Caregiving is stressful, a lot of work, demanding and exhausting.

    We all need time for ourselves and so do the caregivers. They need time away from the situation. Whether it’s going out to lunch, shopping, taking a nap, gardening or reading a book they need a break.

    Take care of the caregiver so they can continue to care for their loved one.

    Sunday, October 28th- Tag Sale

    Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm

    Please come help the ladies sell, sell, sell …. And make some funds for the senior organization! Donated items can be brought THE DAY of the sale!

    Friday, October 19th- Dinner and a Movie- 211 with Nicholas Cage

    $5.00 Donation

    DINNER: Homemade Lasagna w/bread & butter

    MOVIE: 211 w/ Nicholas Cage (new release)

    Come join everyone for a great FRIDAY afternoon: delicious dinner , great
    friends, and an enjoyable movie! Wonderful way to spend the afternoon and support the senior center! Please sign up if you plan to attend!