
    Tuesday, May 8th- 55 ALIVE DRIVING COURSE Sponsored by AARP

    Time: 12:00pm-4:00pm

    $15.00 AARP members
    $20.00 non-members

    Come and take this refresher course, receive a certificate and get a discount on your auto insurance! Sponsored by AARP, this refresher course is designed to keep drivers safe! Must sign up!

    Friday, May 4th- Senior Club Meeting with Speaker: BC/BS Senior Plans

    The Senior Club holds their monthly meeting on the first Friday of the month at 10:00am.  (Unless Holiday or special event, in which it will be held the following Friday)  Speakers, Coffee & goodies will be available before and after meeting.

    Speaker: BC/BS Senior Plans

    Wednesday, March 14th- Quarterly Financial Workshop *New Program*

    Informational Workshops Day & Evening Program sponsored by Doherty Financial Services
    (No sales pitch)
    March 6th from 5:00—6:00 PM
    March 14th from 1:00—2:00 PM
    Our first Financial Workshop will include a “Generic Economic Overview”
    and a discussion on “Where to put your money”, also Q&A time
    Please call #860-848-0422 or sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.