
    A note from Liaison Billy Caron-

    Dear Seniors,
    I am looking forward to honoring all of you this month at the Older American’s Month Celebration. We have so much to be thankful to our elderly for. I know that I am personally thankful to my Grandmother and for all that she had done for me while growing up. I am blessed to know so many of our seniors in Town. I thank you for all that you have done for our great community,
    our country and I know that each of us has so much to be thankful for in our personal lives.
    – Liaison Billy Caron

    Senior Bus Schedule- Subject to Change

    Mondays……….Senior Center, New London/Waterford area Shopping

    Tuesdays……….Senior Center, Shopping, Banking

    Wednesdays……Senior Center, Norwich area Shopping

    Thursdays……….Senior Center, Shopping, Banking

    Fridays……………Senior Center or Special Trip

    News Alert– Bus Reservations are made through the Senior Center.

    Please call 860-848-0422 or stop by the front office.


    Come join us on Friday, April 29th from
    1:00 PM—3:00 PM
    For our Annual Health Fair. Screenings, Informational tables, Senior ID cards, snacks & beverages,
    goody bags and more! Come and learn about different health topics, bring your questions, and enjoy the afternoon with us at the Center.

    VETERANS’ COFFEEHOUSE at the Montville Senior Center

    2nd & 4th Tuesday of
    each month
    The Montville Senior Center is proud to partner
    with TVCCA & he RSVP Program along with
    other partners to offer a twice a month VETER-
    ANSCOFFEEHOUSE for our local Veterans
    and their spouses to meet, socialize and receive
    information about veteran benefits and services
    while having coffee & goodies! No need to
    sign up! Space will be limited and safety
    measure in place.


    Want to participate in some of our Center
    programs from home? If you are homebound, temporarily or permanently, you do
    not need to miss out on some of the activities
    and programs at the Center. We currently offer a few exercise programs but have added
    in more—through ZOOM! You can join in
    on some exercise classes, dance classes, soon
    to be crafts as well as educational and travel
    programs! Join us for some “real time” fun,
    from the safety and comfort of your home.
    Call for details and to sign up!