- Fri. July 5th—CLOSED
- Fri. July 12th—Flowers & Berry Picking
- Fri. July 19th—Senior Center BBQ
- Fri. July 26th—Mohegan Sun
Fridays On The Bus
Shred-It Event
Saturday, May 4th from 9:00am-12:00pm
in the Montville Senior Center Parking Lot
Bring your personal papers, files, documents, etc. and watch as they are safely disposed of on the Shred-It Truck avoiding potential ID Theft.
Don’t be a victim of identity theft or fraud. Here are some basic guidelines from the CT Dept. of Consumer Protection:
• Save all tax-related documents for seven years
• Keep pay stubs and canceled personal checks for one year
• Shred all credit card, debit card and ATM receipts after you’ve checked your statements (unless needed for tax purposes)
• Shred all statements no longer needed that bear your signature, credit card number, phone number, social security number, or medical or legal information.
Fridays on the Bus
May 3rd— Mohegan Sun
May 10th — Olde Mystick Village
May 17th— Clinton Outlets
May 24th— Mashantucket Pequot Museum
May 31st— FREE Picnic @ Harkness Park (you must sign up as we need to prepare food)
Better Health Program
Available 4 days a week—call and come down to meet Michelle. Our new clinician for our mental health one-on-one services and group therapy! The Montville Senior & Social services is offering a FREE Mental Health Services at both the Montville Senior Center and Montville Social Servicers. Many people find the holidays difficult, or suffer from depression, have anxiety, addictions or just need someone to talk to. Mental Health is a very important part of health care. Don’t neglect your mind while taking care of your body! This program at the Center is made possible with a grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. Call for details and/or an appointment! A suggested donation of $1.00 per visit is appreciated!
Foot Care Program
Come and get the Foot Care you need. Our On-A-Good-Foot Program can help. Foot care not covered by Medicare will be paid by a grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. A suggested donation of $10.00 is appreciated and helpful, not required. Dr. Thomas Walter, Podiatrist comes to our Center once a month to perform routine foot care. Call for an appointment and/or details 860-848-0422.